Lair of Dreams (The Diviners 2)
“Uh-oh,” Sam said. “Not again.”
“Go!” Jericho hissed, practically pushing Sam ahead of him on the spiral staircase.
“I thought the lecture was an hour,” a tweedy gentleman protested. “We paid for an hour!”
“Careful there, pal,” Sam said. “You don’t wanna make your third eye all weepy. Listen, how would you folks like an exclusive look at the diary of Liberty Anne Rathbone, the fabled Diviner sister of the great Cornelius Rathbone, huh? If you would kindly follow me to the collections room. This way, please.”
While Sam tended to the tour, Jericho let himself into Will’s office. Will stood facing one of the tall windows, staring out at the wintry street.
Jericho cleared his throat. “Will, they paid in advance.”
“I know.” Will pinched the bridge of his nose. “Give them a free tour or something.”
“Sam’s doing just that.”
“I am indebted to you both,” Will said, turning toward Jericho. “Do you have those articles I asked for?”
Jericho tapped the folder on Will’s desk. “Everything from the past week regarding supernatural sightings, along with today’s newspapers.” He took a deep breath. “And this came for you as well.”
He handed an official-looking envelope to Will, who glanced at the return address—New York State Office of Taxation—with its large red letters stamping out FINAL NOTICE, and put it aside.
“Ah. Thank you, Jericho. Well. Let’s see what we have today.…” Will took a seat at his desk, wiped his spectacles clean, hooked them over his ears again, and dove into the clippings. From the pile he selected four that caught his attention. Next he gave a cursory glance to the day’s headlines, flipping through the pages till he came to a picture of Evie smiling out from under a fashionable hat.
Nothing could be “DIVINER”
than a night with Evie O’Neill
“It’s a nice picture,” Jericho said, standing beside Will.
Will peered up at him. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to read over someone’s shoulder?”
Jericho’s face remained impassive. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to be rude?”
“Sorry,” Will said, chastened. “I’m sorry, Jericho.”
“It’s all right.” Jericho tapped the clippings Will had put aside. “Why these?”
“They’re all upstate, within a hundred-mile radius of one another.”
“Brethren isn’t too far from that path,” Jericho noted.
“That night, when you—when I was shot and you had to administer so much serum at once, was my behavior… what I mean is…” God, what was the matter with him? He could barely get the words out. “Did I frighten Evie?”
“Evie. Was she frightened, seeing me like that, with all those tubes and gears inside, knowing what I am?”
“It wasn’t the only unusual circumstance she’s faced in the past few months. She appeared none the worse for it.”
Jericho nodded, letting his breath out slowly. Maybe there was hope after all.
“None the worse for what?” Sam said, pushing through Will’s office door.