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Just Friends

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“When you put it that way…”

“That’s not something we could ever come back from.”

“This is true. And you’ve made that vow to yourself. You should keep it.”

“Don’t make fun of me, please.”

“I’m not.” Rachel stood up and looked toward the lake house. “I’m gonna go inside and use the bathroom. The security system isn’t going to chew me out, is it?”

“No. I turned it off with my phone when we reached the gate.”

“Good.” Rachel took off as if she couldn’t wait to get away from him.

Zack followed, but by the time he reached the porch Rachel was probably already in the bathroom. He gave the framework a once-over, determined to put thoughts of wooing and romancing Rachel out of his mind again.

Even though they had this whole place to themselves.

Even though they clearly wanted one another.

Even though Rachel stood in the living room, her sweater off and her eyes glistening in the kind of determination that scared most men – including Zack.

Whelp. I’m done getting hard now. Thanks, Rachel.

He laughed to think it. But he wasn’t laughing when Rachel ran to him, flung her arms around him, and hopped up into his embrace – her lips on his.

There it was. The passion from the other night. A woman giving in and going back on her vow to herself.

Zack was too weak to take a stand and tell her no, for her sake. The only thing he knew how to take was Rachel. To the nearest bedroom.

There were two on the bottom floor, one with an on-suite and the other, smaller bedroom holding two twin beds instead of one king-sized bed. I used to sleep in there with one of my cousins when the family came here for the summer. He also had one of his first sexual experiences in that room when his parents threw a Fourth of July party and invited a bunch of upper management men and their families to a catered barbecue. First time a girl ever rode me like the pony she always wanted. He had been sixteen. His poor cousin, who walked in on them as Zack was about to finish, was a tender fourteen and barely starting puberty. It started that day, that’s for sure.

Zack bypassed that room even though it was closer and he wanted to seal this deal right now. Rachel deserved better than a twin bed and the memories of a randy teenager hooking up with a corporate vice president’s oldest daughter.

He kicked open the bedroom adjacent to the wildflower garden in the backyard. With sunflowers, irises, and blooming dandelions peeking at them through the sheer white curtains, Zack dropped Rachel onto the freshly made bed and held back from eating her alive.

“Kiss me,” she gasped, clawing at the soft cotton of his T-shirt.

“My pleasure, Ms. Taylor.”

He may have been several years removed from that clueless boy in the room next door, but every time he kissed Rachel it was like experiencing it for the first time again.

At first, he worried that she would gather her bearings in the middle of kissing him and push him away, intent on leaving – or at least demanding that he take her home. Then, as if the cosmos sensed how worried he was, Rachel wrapped her legs around his waist and enticed him to have at her.

There was a lot she didn’t understand about him yet. Like how being given that kind of permission was like opening up the Feldman floodgate.

Zack couldn’t just thrust between her legs without going at her with all the strength he had. And he sure as hell couldn’t just feel her up through her clothes without trying to yank half of them off. After all, what good was all this power thrusting if their clothes were on? I know I have a condom in my wallet. Right? Oh my fucking God, I swear if I don’t…

With a deep, guttural grunt, Rachel eased him off her and onto his back again. But the bed was a thousand times more comfortable than a wooden dock jutting out into the lake. If Rachel wanted to get on top of him, she was more than welcomed to. Under the pretense that he was most definitely, finally going to grab those breasts, of course.

Assuming she didn’t rip his shirt off first.

Zack would’ve helped if she only asked. Or if he had the idea first. But there was something delightfully erotic about Rachel fumbling with the hem of his T-shirt and cursing butterfingers when she couldn’t keep a grip on it. Zack had to pull his own shirt over his head and throw it onto the other side of the bed to get them going again.

“Oh my God.” Rachel slapped her hands against his bare chest. “Look at you! What the fuck!”

His eyes widened. “Problem?” Like the fact they weren’t kissing?

“You’re fucking hot!”

He grinned, choosing to take the compliment instead of interrupting their tryst to ask her why she felt the need to say that. “You ain’t so bad yourself. I mean…” He thrust upward, knocking her forward, both hands landing on either side of his head. Her surprised visage was only intensified when the erection in his jeans rubbed between her thighs. “You’ve already got one massive fan.”

Rachel scurried to rip off her shirt. Her marvelously simplistic black bra drew Zack’s eyes right back where they belonged.

“You want me?” Rachel lowered her nose to his. “You wanna fuck me?”

Is she a Top or something? Because I can dig it. “God, yes.”

Rachel nipped his bottom lip, making him think he was going to get another kiss to knock him unconscious. Instead, she diverted her mouth to his chest, kissing a heavy trail between his nipples and down the fine lines of his abs. The closer she got to his zipper, the more Zack appreciated the urgency of what they were about to do. The fact that Rachel was the one so gung-ho about it, let alone the one initiating it, took a great load off his mind.

“How badly do you wanna fuck me, Zack?”

His eyes had fluttered shut by now. Words? There were words falling from those hedonistic lips that insisted on teasing his skin and taking him to another sweet plane of pleasure and existence? Damn those kinds of words. He wanted to go for it! “Badly.”

She grabbed his erection through his jeans, face coming back up to his while he groaned from the intensity of her grip. Fucking hell! This was ridiculous! What kind of woman had he entangled himself with? I think she’s the one who is going to do all of the devouring. Something was in the air in this lakeside cabin.

“Shit, you’re big.”

“Thanks?” Zack regained enough control of his hands to free her hair from its loose ponytail. Brown hair fell over her shoulder and tickled his naked chest. It only served to give her a fiercer countenance as she came for his mouth again.

Only this time she shoved her hand down his jeans and gave him the squeeze of his life.


“You wanna fuck me, but…” Zack didn’t know where this side of her came from. Oh, he had always sensed the feisty side of her, the one begging him to acknowledge and ask for her presence in all areas of his life, but this was beyond. If he weren’t so attracted to it, he might be frightened. “I think you want me to suck your cock more.”

His eyes snapped open. “That so, huh?” He certainly wasn’t opposed.

Her eyes, in turn, burned in that same determination that brought them into this bedroom. “You gonna tell me otherwise?”

“Rachel, I’m not going to tell you anything right now.” He grinned. “Other than that I want to fuck you.”

She yanked his jeans open and pulled out his hardened cock. She’s no wilting virgin, is she? Whatever she usually felt in bed, she was confident, bold, and greedy with Zack. So happened those were three of his favorite traits in a woman expressing her sexuality. But he had to admit, it was unexpected of her.

Unexpected, but very, very welcomed.

Rachel continued to grip him, her hand slowly moving up and down until she was stroking his cock into further arousal. Great. I’m gonna come at this rate. A woman he had been wanting for weeks? A peek at her cleavage? Kisses that made him see Heaven? And the kind of attitude that would have made him hard if he weren’t already? He was already on the verge!

“Tell me to suck your cock.”

Whoa. Zack snapped out of his fantasy and looked gazes with her. “Thought you had already made up your mind about it.”

“Maybe I want to hear you say it.”

So she was actually like that in the end, huh? “Suck my cock, Rachel Taylor.”

She bestowed upon him a sinister smile before lowering her mouth to his skin again.

This time the slow descent down his chest and to his cock was beyond maddening.

But Zack wasn’t allowed to simply lay back and take it. Rachel telling him to tell her to give him oral sex was purely about absolving her of the consequences of her decisions. It took power out of her hands and placed it into his. If this went to hell, they could blame it on him.

Zack wasn’t in the right frame of mind to refute that.

And he was definitely not in the right frame of mind when her lips discovered the firm shaft of his cock.

“Oh, fuck.” She slipped her whole mouth over his length.

Rachel proved that she was no stranger to a man’s member the same way Zack proved he was completely new to it being this good. Oh, he had great blowjobs before. A man like him? With as many partners as he had over the years? And being the type of guy who could command the attention of the most beautiful, the most “talented” women in the world? He had great, awesome, fantastic fellatio. Women who could convince him to go back to church had put their mouths on his dick before.

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