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Just Friends

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“It’s super fun! And you know I won’t let go of you, right? You’re totally safe with me.”

Funny thing? She actually believed him when he said that.



Rachel hooked her arms around him again. “Okay!”

Zack spun her slowly at first, stepping his feet in a tight, little circle that lazily brought Rachel around in the water. Her body left a thousand ripples behind her. By the time she came back around again, the ripples collided and turned into a tiny wave lapping at the side of the pool. Rachel had feared that she would feel like she was floating, but that horrid sensation never came. Only the feeling of sweet, watery resistance against her legs and the slippery skin of the man she trusted way, way too much.

“Want me to go faster?”


“Hang on.”

Those first few twirls had brought Rachel’s feet off the bottom of the pool, but it hadn’t frightened her. Now, however, Zack spun her with such speed that her legs whipped behind her, creating a large, splashing wave that cascaded over the side of the pool.

It was fun. At first.

“Now the other way!” Zack came to an abrupt halt before surging in the other direction. Rachel yelped in both shock and glee, her mouth unable to repress a smile as she spun effortlessly in the water. She even loosened her grip on Zack, although it wasn’t on purpose – why would she ever want to let a guy like him go?

Then she started to float. The water parted to let her legs, her waist through. Her foot broke the surface on the next spin, and the water came dangerously close to her face.

Face down in the water. Water in your windpipe. You can’t turn over. Gonna drown.

“Stop!” she screamed, fun turning into terror without any warning. “Please!”

Zack snatched her legs from the surface and pushed her feet back toward the bottom of the pool so her torso would be upright and her head far above the water. “Sorry!” He gripped her wrists and brought her to the shallow edge of the pool. “I didn’t mean to scare you. See? Here you go. Solid ground. Only three feet deep here. You’re fine, Rachel.”

She caught her breath and tried to tell herself that she couldn’t drown over here. She wouldn’t drown at all. Zack was behind her, both hands clasping against the edge, his large, strong body stalwart behind her. Rachel was surrounded. There was no way she could go under.

Somehow, she figured her stupid body would find a way.

“You’re fine,” Zack whispered in her ear. From behind like that, Rachel almost wished he would thrust against her ass and push her over the edge of the pool. Or maybe that was her adrenaline talking now that she had command of it again. I’m such an idiot. How could I think about sex right now? “Although it got your hair wet.” He planted a soft kiss on the back of her exposed neck.

“Shit.” Rachel was trapped between freaking out over what had happened and freaking out over what was going to happen. “I might wanna get out of this pool now.”

“We could hop in the hot tub before going back to my apartment.”

He kissed the side of her neck again. As much as Rachel wanted to indulge in some foreplay in the pool, she had more pressing things on her mind. The first thing she needed to do was get Zack off her.

“I need air.” She shrugged him off her and sent him to the center of the pool. “Sorry.”

When she turned around and stood against the edge of the pool, arms crossed, Zack said, “Yeah, I shouldn’t have pushed you, huh?”

“You’re not pushing me.” Rachel looked away. “If you think I’ve done anything against my will tonight, you’re sorely mistaken.”

He bobbed in the water, feet clearly off the ground as he hovered like the half-fish he was. A part of Rachel was jealous that he felt that comfortable in the water. The other part of her called him crazy.

“I wanna have fun, Rachel. We’ve both had crazy days.”

She would argue that hers was worse than his, but she had no idea what had really happened at that family gathering. “I wanna have fun too.”

“Admit it. You had some fun.”

She smile, weakly. “I did, yeah.” Rachel pushed her wet hair out of her face. “You’re good at making me have more fun than I probably should.”

He paddled closer to her, the lights on the pool floor illuminating his tanned face. His hair glistened from the water sliding off his bangs and onto his shoulder, his chest, and his hands when he stood back on his feet. “There’s no such thing. Especially if it’s you and me having some much needed fun.”

“Don’t you have any work to do? How’s that art coming, Mr. Artist?”

“It’s coming fine.” Zack clasped his hands on either side of her again. “Don’t worry about me. I want you to have a good time.”

“Making me face my biggest phobia is one way to do that.”

“There are other things we could do. I don’t know of a better way to make you face your phobia than, uh…”

“If you want to kiss me, Zack, go ahead.”

“You sure?” He came closer anyway.

Was Rachel going to have to be the one to initiate the make-out session again?

She had to admit, kissing Zack in the pool was one way to overcome her fears. She might even be crazy enough to lift her feet off the ground and wrap her legs around his waist. It was fine, as long as her back remained pressed against the edge.

And as long as Zack was firmly between her legs, keeping her head far, far away from the water’s surface.

“I know this was your plan the whole time,” Rachel said, her bikini top magically coming off her body and landing five feet away on the marble flooring. Zack made a quip about flotation devices before sucking on her nipple. “But do you have to be so obvious about it?”

He tortured her with her nipple between his teeth. When he released it, a little splash erupted beneath her breast. “Sometimes we men get tired of playing coy games. It’s much more fun to be direct about what we want. At least it is for me.”

“What do you want?”

He left a long, lingering kiss on the white of her throat, her head extending back as her scalp touched marble. Damn. He’s hard. In a cold pool. I must be magic. Or at least she was pretty sure that was his cock rubbing against her bikini bottoms. “You. Just you.”

Zack gently thrust against her. A suffocating gasp erupted from Rachel’s mouth as he pushed between her legs, his hard cock rubbing her slit like they were back in her apartment fooling around. How viable is it really to have sex in a pool? Wouldn’t the water wash away all the good stuff that makes it feel awesome? She wasn’t in the market to find out tonight, but she supposed it was something to think about.

“Do you want it?” His fingers were on her slit, stimulating her sensitive clit through swimsuit fabric. “And by it, I mean an orgasm in the pool.”

She bit her lip, suppressing yet another smile that night. “That would be a nice big fuck you to my phobia.”

“In the shallow end, so it’s extra hot.”

“You ever seen the movie Showgirls? That’s what I want.”

“I… I don’t think that’s what you actually want, Rachel.” Zack pushed aside her bikini bottoms and tested her entrance. Rachel closed her eyes and awaited the magical moment that would make her gasp and see stars. “I don’t think you want to look like a blow-up doll flailing around in the pool like a crazy piece of latex. Plastic. Whatever.”

One finger entered her. It was enough to make her kiss him again, like she was the uncontrollable one. I’ll show him flailing. Hm. Maybe not. “That woman you so casually refer to is Elizabeth Berkley. Or did you completely miss Saved By the Bell in your childhood?”

“Whatever, Rachel. My finger is in your pussy, in case you haven’t noticed. That’s way more important than IMDB trivia.”

“You like it in there?”

“It’s the warmest thing in this pool.”

She laughed. “Do it, then. Make me come in a rooftop pool.”

“Sounds sexy when you put it that way.”

“Fuck me, damnit.”

That’s exactly what he gamed to do.

Who knew that the water could be so relaxing even though she was in it? Apparently, he knew it. Zack knew everything when it came to having fun in the water, didn’t he? I know I’m not the first woman he’s messed around with in a pool. I probably won’t be the last, either. Even so, those thoughts didn’t bother her as she gave herself over to whatever Zack wanted to do. She trusted him, didn’t she?

If he said he was going to give her an orgasm in the pool, then that was exactly what he would give her.

It wasn’t a mind blowing one, but it did the job. It made her hold him closer, kiss his feverish lips, and whisper how good he felt whenever they were together like this. Rachel reached behind her, fingers curling into the indentations of the floor behind her.

“You kill me,” Zack said with a choked down chortle. He pulled his finger out and paddled toward the ladder. “So much so that I say we take this sexy party back to my place, if it pleases you, Ms. Taylor.”

She slowly opened her eyes and grinned. “What did you have in mind?”

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