Alpha Divided (Alpha Girl 3)
“I’ll be back as soon as we come to an agreement with the coven,” Donovan said.
“Am I doing the right thing?” I asked without taking my eyes from Dastien.
Muraco nodded. “Yes, child. I think you’re being very reasonable and responsible. Very adult.”
o;No!” The roar startled me.
Dastien had paused long enough for Donovan to get the upper hand. He pinned Dastien to the ground on his stomach, but Dastien’s gaze was on me. “Why?”
The pain in his voice made my heart ache. “There isn’t another choice. Fighting Donovan won’t change that.”
He was too distracted to notice Dr. Gonzales moving behind them. She darted in, using her Were reflexes to stab the needle into Dastien’s arm and depress the stopper.
Dastien tried to thrash, but Donovan held him firm.
My heart pounded as I stood there and let them sedate my mate. I felt like the worst person ever. Not worthy of Dastien and his trust and love. Not when I’d just quit so easily. I watched as Dastien’s eyes slid closed within seconds and my knees weakened so much that I couldn’t stand anymore.
Oh God. What have I done?
“Everyone. Leave. Now,” Mr. Dawson said.
It didn’t take long for the pack to file out, but Mr. Dawson, Donovan, Meredith, Sebastian, Muraco, and Dr. Gonzales stayed behind. I sat frozen, watching Dastien breathe from across the fire.
“Way to freak out, Dastien. What am I going to do now?” I muttered as I settled on the ground next to him, putting his head in my lap. His features slowly sank back to human as I held him.
“After our talk with him this afternoon, we thought he might react this way.” Mr. Dawson squatted next to me. “It was always your decision to make, not his.”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re not dumb or naive enough to believe that, right? He’s my mate. We’re a team,” I said, echoing all the times Dastien had said as much to me.
I knew what I wanted and I knew what I should do, but those two things were totally divergent. Like everything else in life, I knew it was going to end in a compromise, so I had to figure out what I was willing to give up and what I wasn’t.
“Did Luciana agree with the decision? Did it satisfy her?”
“We haven’t asked yet, but if she wants more than one lunar cycle, the pack won’t stand for it. I can’t imagine her not agreeing.”
But there was still a chance. Hope for me to cling to. “I’m going to leave it up to you to negotiate, Donovan.” I’d helped him out with la Aquelarre, and I was calling in that debt.
“I’ll do whatever it is you ask. I owe you more than I could ever repay.”
I nodded. I’d usually deny that, but not now. I needed his help too badly. “I want to be back before the next full moon. I’ll give the witches until then, max. No extensions for any reason. I’ll burn the witches’ compound to the ground before I miss the next ceremony.”
“Are you sure that’s what you want?”
I scoffed and bit my lip, trying to stop the tremble. “No.” My voice was thick. “What I want is to be left the hell alone, but apparently I don’t always get what I want.” I ran my fingers through Dastien’s hair. “He’s going to be so pissed at me when he wakes up.”
Mr. Dawson put his hand on my shoulder. “I’ve taken care of him since his parents died. Don’t worry. I won’t let him lose control while you’re gone.”
“It’s not for forever. Just a few weeks.” I brushed away a tear that slipped free.
“Let’s get Dastien back to his cabin.” Mr. Dawson hauled Dastien over his shoulder and started back through the woods. The rest of us followed behind him in silence.
When we got to Dastien’s, Mr. Dawson laid him carefully on the bed.
“I’m trusting you, Dono,” I said as I sat on the bed next to Dastien.
“Aye. And you’ll not have misplaced that trust. I’ll see what I can do.” Donovan moved toward the door. “Let’s go.”