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You Are Mine (The Lycans 2)

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I’ve always felt out of place, have I not?

I moved around the room, keeping to the walls, because I felt slightly claustrophobic. I saw my father and mother. The love they had for each other was so very real.

My father, Banner McGregor, King of the Scottish Lycan Clan, had found his mate in my mother, an American vampire who’d been living in Eastern Europe since she turned eighteen, which had been over a century before. Their meeting had been nothing short of happenstance, luck of the draw, a strike of fate, or one of the many other sayings my father liked to use to describe them.

It was a story I loved hearing more than once while growing up as I curled up on the massive leather couch that was in front of the roaring fire in our hunting lodge mansion. I listened to my father tell the story as he stared at his mate, the love, longing, and gratitude that he had her in his life clear on his face.

To say ‘opposites attract’ was an understatement where my parents were concerned.

It was something every supernatural—and mortal human—strived for, wasn’t it? To have... love?

I glanced over at my brothers, seeing them toss back drinks like it was water and they’d been in the desert for far too long. They were so much like my father—taking after their Lycan sides with gusto. Those wolf sides dominated their vampire halves, so all that was left were feral beasts.

But me? Neither of my sides had claimed dominance. I was neither full vampire nor Lycan. A true mix of both, a little bit from one side, a dash from the other. I was barely stronger than a mere human, because apparently my body didn’t want to decide which genetic side to let dominate in utero.

I exhaled, once again frustrated with myself because I cared about any of that, when in the grand scheme of things, I should just be happy I had a loving family and centuries to look forward to.

But I do care. I care because every male in my family looks at me as if I’ll break. I’m coddled and protected. Hell, I’m surprised I was able to come to the mating ceremony at all, seeing as they think I’m some delicate freaking flower.

Once again, I scanned the room. Vampires, Lycans, demons, and even a few other creatures from the Otherworld had traveled far and wide to witness the mating ceremony. All of these creatures were either friends or allies with Ren and/or the Lycans. And it was surreal to see. Because the males in my family were so protective, the only creatures of my world I’d seen were the wolves and vampires.

So this was exciting as much as it was a little terrifying.

My mother gestured me over and gave me a smile, her tiny twin fangs coming into view for a second before she curled her arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close. Her long black hair was pulled into a stylish chignon, her deep sapphire-colored gown complementing her pale flesh and light-blue eyes.

“Ah, there’s my wee lass. Come here, darling daughter.” My father, a massive Lycan with broad shoulders and a mammoth frame, towered over many of the guests at the mating ceremony. But then again, not many creatures were as big and fearsome as a Lycan, or a king for that matter. And my father was both.

I smiled up at him, and he leaned down to kiss me on top of my head. Never mind that I was twenty-years-old—an adult in human standards—because in Lycan standards, my father still saw me as his little girl, so very young when you looked at the lifespan of a paranormal creature.

“Yer mother and I will be leaving this time tomorrow night.”

My father had bought a private jet for my mother for obvious reasons: sunlight was a no-go for vampires, as were commercial airlines, being far too dangerous. Then there was also the fact that he just liked to dote on her, giving her presents, buying her things because he liked to see the smile on her face, but he also loved—probably more so—the goodhearted annoyance of her telling him to quit buying her things.

“Mayhap we’ll stop up north on the way home, let ye see the Northern Lights?” He grinned broadly, knowing I loved seeing those beautiful lights, and even though I could tolerate some sunlight, I preferred to keep the same hours as my mother and father—who were pretty much nocturnal.

“They’ll bitch,” I grumbled as I tipped my chin in the direction of my three brothers. The triplets were as rowdy as you’d come to expect Lycan males to be, but then again, they fit right in with the clan. I was more the oddball out.

“Ach, those little shites are all too ready tae make their baby sister happy.”

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