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Autumn Night Whiskey (Tequila Rose 2)

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“What a morning it is,” I comment half-heartedly and let out an awkward huff of a laugh before clapping my hands in front of me. Awkwardness is apparently my middle name now. To add insult to injury, I don’t think it helped to break the tense mood in the room and now they’re both staring at me. All I’ve got for either of them is a nervous smile.

“I can come back—” Brody starts to say, gesturing to the door although the look in his puppy dog eyes is at complete odds with his offer.

Robert’s voice is casual enough as he interrupts Brody. “That’d be great—”

“You don’t have to,” I say, cutting off Robert without meaning to and then share a look with him before returning my focus to Brody. Speaking over each other only adds to the awkward atmosphere.

“I’m working,” I say to remind them both and clear my throat, “but I’m happy to see you two.” My nerves rear their ugly heads again and my voice wavers when I tell them, “I wanted to say thank you for going through with …” My hand waves as if there’s a gesture for a paternity test. “Thank you both for the … samples.” If only I could summon a hole in the ground to swallow me up in this moment.

“No problem,” Brody answers easily and Robert speaks up just as quickly, but seemingly more rushed, “Yeah, no problem.” The two men stare at each other a second too long, and yet again all the while I can barely stand to look at either.

“I just … I’m sorry I didn’t do it sooner so you’d know.” Sincerity threatens to bring on more emotion than I’d like, so I move back to the counter and gather up the invoices and confirmations of everything I’d laid out this morning, pretending I don’t feel like every inch of me is on fire with embarrassment. Is that it? I don’t even know what I’m feeling because it’s all too overwhelming.

Suck it up, buttercup, I nearly mutter out loud as my focus stays on the papers while simultaneously not reading a single one of them. I stack them as if I’m putting them in order, but I haven’t a clue what’s what as I pile them together.

“Don’t apologize. You did everything you could, Mags.”

“Yeah …” Brody agrees with Robert’s comforting statement and I think he’s going to say more, but when I glance up at him, tapping the papers on the counter, he’s eyeing Robert.

“I just … whatever you guys decide when you know is fine by me,” I tell them both in earnest, a sense of dread overwhelming me. None of this feels like it’s in my hands or my control. I’m at the mercy of test tubes and heavy decisions most people don’t have to make.

“What do you mean?” Robert asks and I don’t even know where to begin. There has to be a book on how to handle this. I should freaking hide away and read a book rather than go out in public and risk running into these two.

I’m saved by another chime. It’s insane how much relief I feel at expecting Martin, who I could easily use as an excuse to end this little meet and greet … but again, a different someone is standing in the doorway.

Renee smiles like the cat that ate the canary. There’s far too much joy in her eyes at the sight of my predicament.

“Well … hey now,” she says and somehow smiles even wider, “I didn’t know there was a party going on.”

As the two men look at her, I mouth “help me” and give my bestie a pleading look.

“Hey Renee,” Robert greets her, slipping his hands into his pockets. A little bit of life seems drained from him as he takes a step back to form a loose circle among the four of us. His gaze meets mine and the hint of a smile doesn’t reach his eyes. Whatever he came in here for is long gone.

“Where’s Griffin?” Renee asks Brody.

Brody motions over his shoulder with his thumb and says, “He’s just down the street if you want to swing by.” He glances back at me with an asymmetric smile, obviously adding an invitation for me to join as well, “We’re doing a few taste tests today, and I wanted to invite you for lunch if you’re free?”

Robert’s silent and my heart drops when Renee carries on with Brody, both of them excluding Robert. A new kind of tension takes over. It’s just not a good feeling. It’s a heaviness in my heart for him.

“Are you guys looking for bartenders for Saturday and the after-party?” Renee asks Brody. I was wondering if she was going to apply at their bar or not. There’s something going on between her and Griffin so I’m not so sure it’s a good idea, but she hasn’t asked me for my opinion, so I’ve kept my mouth shut.

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