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Autumn Night Whiskey (Tequila Rose 2)

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Based on testing results obtained from the DNA analysis, the probability of paternity is 99.9999997%.

“He took the test years ago, when Bridget was born.” Renee’s shaky voice cuts through my thoughts. Confusion comes along with her words. How could anyone have taken any test before? She’s my daughter. “No.” I utter the word softly, and Renee’s expression sobers as she tells me, “I heard it from someone at the center. You know how people talk.

“It was too scandalous to keep to herself,” she says then rolls her eyes and doesn’t keep the distaste from her tone. As she carries on, I can’t take my eyes off the phone and the words on the screen.

“He had the test done when she was born and he came that week, carrying all sorts of things for her. I was sure he was going to tell you, that he was going to step up and do the right thing.”

I remember those days when Robert came to help me, and at those memories, more heartache overwhelms me.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “If I could have helped you the way he had, I would have told you back then. But … I couldn’t and he was … and …”

“Renee, please,” I mutter, closing my eyes and wishing it would all stop.

Renee touches my wrist. “He already knew he was the father. So don’t feel bad about—”

“Brody’s the father.” The words leave me from numb lips. My throat’s sore and tight, the words barely audible. I repeat, “Brody’s the father. You’re wrong.”

“What?” Renee looks as confused as I feel. “No, Robert’s the father. That’s why he helped …”

“No. Brody is her father.” I turn my phone to her so she can read the same words I just did. Brody’s name is there in black and white. One question has been erased from my mind, but they’ve been replaced with more. “It’s not Robert, it’s Brody.”

“I don’t understand,” Renee murmurs before she takes the phone from my hand. She holds it close to her face. The words won’t change. I know, because I’ve read them ten times already. Brody’s name is on those results.

Renee repeats with disbelief, “He took the test. I thought he only stayed because …”

“You thought he only helped me because he was the father?” With a wary expression, Renee nods. My heart breaks again. For me. For Renee. For Brody, who’s going to learn he’s Bridget’s father, and for Robert, who has stepped up for my baby girl all these years.

Most of all, for my little girl. Robert’s been there all her life. I have no idea what happens to us now.

“He helped me because he loved me,” I tell her and wipe the tears from my eyes. “He’s been in Bridget’s life because he wanted to be.” Every word hurts more and more. Peeking up at Renee, it’s as if she doesn’t believe it.

How could Renee not know what Robert and I were to each other? I can’t comprehend how my best friend missed such a crucial detail.

“He loved me, Renee; I told you …”

The closeness I had with Robert isn’t comparable to anyone else. He was my first love. In every way. I promised him under our oak tree that I would love him forever. My shoulders tense, bracing for another hit. I said those words to him, and I meant them.

“I thought he didn’t want you to take the test because then he’d have to step up for real.” Renee hands my phone back to me with a heavy sigh and regret shining in her eyes. “That’s why I hated him so much.” I’m not sure if her confession is meant for me or for herself.

Guilt tears through me again, bringing fresh tears to sting the corners of my eyes. “I wish you’d told me back then.” My voice is soft as I tell her, careful not to make her feel any worse than she already does.

“I tried to tell you but the moment I was ready, you told me how much he was helping and giving you, and I couldn’t replace what he was willing to give. Driving a wedge between that ... I didn’t know what would happen. I didn’t want you to be worse off than you were and you ... you were happy.” Her eyes shine with tears as she tells me, “It had been so long since you’d been happy. I didn’t want to take it from you.”

I’m not angry with Renee. I know exactly how complicated things get when they involve other people. Especially people you love. I don’t blame her for not coming to me with this news earlier, I just wish she had done it sooner. I wish I’d known. I wish Robert had told me.

Renee reaches for my hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to upset you.”

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