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Sonata (Butcher and Violinist 2)

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This night just gets better and better.

“I don’t want to leave you,” the Lion whispered to his lover.

I pressed the point of my gun to the back of his head. “Now’s a good time to leave, Kazimir.”

He didn’t move.

And neither did I.

A long electric silence filled the room.

The light came on.

No one moved for several silent seconds. I was sure Kazimir had many plans going on in his head. He definitely could twist around and grab the gun from me. It wouldn’t matter who was fast enough with their reflexes. If it had just been him and me in this room, I might not have gotten so close.

But he had to come to the realization that all of his men in the suite were dead. There would have been no other way we could walk in on him like this.

The other thing he probably understood, was that his enemies were at his back and he was weaponless, naked, and deep inside a woman.

It was definitely the worst fighting stance to be in at the moment.

“Leave her,” I said. “We need to talk.”

Kazimir slowly moved away, but kept himself between the woman and me, as if trying to guard her. And then he slipped the sheets to her to hide her nudity.

That’s interesting. The Lion is a gentleman. She’s definitely not just some whore.

Rafael walked over to the bed with his gun pointed at the woman’s head. “Sweetheart, could you do me a favor and stop reaching for the gun under your pillow.”

Oh. She’s fast.

She moved her hand and froze.

Rafael winked. “Thanks, sweetie. By the way, my name is Rafael, if you ever want—”

“You don’t talk to her.” Kazimir glared at him. “You only talk to me.”

“That’s all the thanks I get, Lion?” Rafael grabbed the gun from the pillow and tossed it to another man. “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have gotten to come.”

Kazimir kept his focus on Rafael, but I knew he was speaking to me. “What do you want?”

“Eden was kidnapped tonight by your men.”

“My men didn’t kidnap anyone tonight.” Kazimir snapped his attention back to me. “And who the fuck is Eden?!”

“Get Misha on the phone. His people tracked Eden. He’ll have her.”

“Misha wouldn’t have anyone tracking anybody without letting me know.”

“He’s using the Devil.”

“Haven’t heard of him either,” Kazimir growled. “Are you noticing a theme? I’m above all of them. Like I’m above you. Do you think this is wise, Jean-Pierre? Have you really thought this through?”

“I’m done with the games.” I had the gun pointed at his head. I could’ve shot him right there. How many people had wanted to say they could do this very thing? This moment would start a war. There would be no reason to try to be nice or smooth things over. He would see it as disrespect, and I didn’t give a fuck.

I told myself to stay cool, stay hard. Rage rose inside of me. Someone had taken Eden away, and no one was copping to it.

Kazimir turned to Rafael.

I’m the one with the gun to your head. Why are you worried about Rafael?

I could tell Rafael was uncomfortable as he edged back. I swore Kazimir looked close to charging at him. And then, I realized that it was probably because Rafael had continued to point the gun at the woman’s head.

She’s definitely not some whore.

I gestured for Rafael to come over. Kazimir’s attention followed Rafael and then the Lion moved further between us and his lover.

Of course. She’s important. Why hadn’t I realized it?

He had killed anyone who tried to identify her fingerprints through the FBI. He’d been secret about why he was in Paris. The last thing he probably wanted was for me to know that a valuable person was with him—one who he cared for deeply.

Maybe he really was on vacation.

Everyone turned to me. Including the woman. She had dark brown skin and short black hair.

I spoke to her, “What’s your name?”

She didn’t answer.

“You talk to me!” Kazimir’s voice held an insane edge. I almost checked my hand to see if he’d cut me. “You come into my bedroom in the middle of the night. I’d heard that the French could be rude to tourist, but this is ridiculous.”

“Get Misha on the phone.”

He frowned. “You could have asked that anytime this afternoon or maybe after breakfast, and perhaps I would have obliged, but currently Misha has been avoiding me, and I don’t fucking like you right now.”

“Celina stole something from Misha. Do you know what it is?”

“I barely know Celina. My Uncle Igor would talk about her in passing. She was just one of his mistresses he helped out from time to time. Little projects to keep him from mourning his wife.”

“Igor and I fought a war.”

“Not on any high level.” Kazimir rose from the bed. “I would cover myself, but let’s face it. We both know you hoped to see my dick.”

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