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Sonata (Butcher and Violinist 2)

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This had been the first woman I’d ever seen him travel with.

He’d taken the ballerina out on a date once, which was the last lover I’d knew of. He’d bought her a place to stay, but they hadn’t gone out to eat or rode anywhere in his limo. From time to time, he’d come to St. Petersburg, fuck her for a few days, get some business done in the office he had in her place, and then leave.

The next location, he would have another woman in his bed—a whore, a model fresh off the runaway, or some women he bought a drink for in a restaurant.

Nothing ever made me think that he was the type of man to get emotionally attached to anything, besides power and money.

Would he have gotten the rocket launcher for the ballerina?

Or, maybe, he’s this possessive of all his women. I couldn’t guess with this situation. So far, he appeared to be quite upset that we’d taken her. But, was it due to the disrespect of it all? The Lion did have a god complex.

“Kings still walk in Paris? Interesting.” Kazimir prowled over to me. “Impressive, but I’m more a fan of gods.”

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Because I know how gods feel.”

Or was it that she meant as much to him, as Eden meant to me?

I wondered if Kazimir still felt like a god now. I’d surely had my ego crushed and exploded to oblivion upon Eden’s kidnapping. With all the power, money, and men at my disposal, I couldn’t keep her safe and close to me.

The elevator shook again.

I looked at his lover. “What’s your name?”

She didn’t look excited to say it. “Emily.”

“Where are you from?”

“New York.”

“When did you meet Kazimir?”

“Not too long ago.”

It was a good answer. One I would’ve given. She was forthcoming, but not informative. Responding, but not truly clarifying.

I sighed and went back to Emily. “I’m not in the business of stealing women. This will go short, as long as Kazimir helps me find her.”

The elevator shook again.


The clock was ticking.

We’ll find her. She’ll be okay.

If Eden was dead, I would destroy the world.

Kazimir’s lover, Emily scanned the elevator and glanced up as the light flickered again. “If you don’t mind me asking. . .who do you think took her?”

“The Bratva had something to do with it.”

The next time the elevator shook, we all stumbled.

I almost fell into her.

She grabbed the wall, probably to keep balance. Sweat beaded around her forehead. “Do you have a name of the person who may have her?”

“The Devil. Misha should know more.”

“Why are you telling her this again?” Rafael growled. “We already kidnapped her.”

“She could help.”

At this point, I would do anything. I’d thought Rafael got that message from me fucking with Kazimir.

The elevator stopped at the lobby. Screams and shrieks came from the other side. We all got our guns ready. Emily jumped behind me.

The doors opened.

Holy shit! Poor Butterfly. I didn’t think you would make it this evening.

Men ran from different directions. Flames snaked up the right side of the building close to that stairs’ entrance.

“Let’s go.”

As I dragged her, Emily frantically scanned the space. “I…I could help.”

I pulled her along. “Talk.”

“My brother is with, Misha. I could call him and get the message to Misha.”

That was the best option I’d heard all night.

Rafael eyed her. “Why is your brother with Misha?”

“He decided to stay in St. Petersburg for a while.”

We hurried outside.

The sun had come up. The streets were filled with onlookers, cops, soldiers, and guest screaming. Flames and smoke swirled around The Satin Butterfly. High above a helicopter sounded.

I raised my eye view but couldn’t see it.

I thought about what Emily had said. Her offer could’ve been a tactic or an actual offer for help. Either way, I couldn’t give her the phone or carry on the conversation, due to Kazimir spreading terror through the entire hotel. All the guests ran for their lives. The lights flickered off and on as we pushed and shoved through screaming men and women. Many half-naked. Some holding their kids and rushing away.

Emily shook my arm. “Call them off.”

Military guards had been marching toward the hotel.

“I’ll help,” she begged. “I’ll do anything to get her back for you, just make sure they don’t hurt Kazimir. Let him go.”

Let him go? You’re the one that’s taken.

Fear filled her eyes as she watched the chaos all around us.

They’re both in love.

More guilt hit me. But I comforted myself, with the fact that this move would get Eden back to me.

And I hadn’t started this, but I would finish it.

We got to the limo.

Louis’s voice came back in my ear. “Jean-Pierre? Jean-Pierre?”

“Yes. I’m fine.”

“You’re out?” Louis asked.

“Yeah. We’re a block away in the limo, heading to Shalimar’s.”

Rafael chimed in, “Tell him the restaurant, not the woman.”

I scrunched my face in confusion. “What? We’re going to the woman not the restaurant.”

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