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The Sheikh's Priceless Bride

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Jacqui blushed and tried to deflect his praise with a small joke.

“Thanks, Mr. CEO. I appreciate that.”

“Really, Jacqui, I’ve had everything given to me in life. I admire your resilience.”

Then, Jacqui said quietly, “Thank you, Khizar.”

The server brought their appetizers and Jacqui decided to change the subject.

“What about you? Where do you call home? What’s your family like?”

“So many questions!” But he smiled as he said it. “I am from Nudushan, a tiny nation in the Middle East. Right now, I live and work in the capital city, Al Nud.”

Jacqui shook her head. “I’m so sorry, I haven’t heard of it,” she said as she picked up her fork.

Khizar waved off her embarrassment.

“Not many people have; they usually think we’re part of a larger country. It’s a true jewel of the region, though, and rather progressive as well. Because of our small population and rich natural resources, the country is able to support a healthy lifestyle for all our citizens.”

“I’ve never had the chance to travel outside the United States, but it sounds lovely.”

“It is a beautiful country,” he said. “And one that appreciates masters of their craft such as yourself.” Khizar lifted his glass toward her in a salute.

Jacqui had never found herself blushing quite so much in such a short amount of time. “And your family owns a jewelry company there?”

Khizar nodded. “Among other things. I, well, I’m a member of the Nudushani royal family. My uncle is the ruling sheikh.”

Jacqui, who had just picked up her glass to take a drink, almost choked on her wine. “You’re a prince?”

“A sheikh, but, yes.” He studied her expression. “I know Americans can be funny about royalty, but I hope that’s not a problem.”

Jacqui’s eyebrows climbed up her forehead.

“No, no problem. That’s just not what I was expecting.”

He gave her a cocky grin. “Oh, good. I hate being what people expect.”

She couldn’t help but grin back. “Me, too.”

Khizar took a bite of his appetizer, a small portion of ravioli with a pesto sauce. He swallowed and pointed at his plate with his fork.

“This may not be traditional Milwaukee food, but it’s pretty good.”

Jacqui tried some of her soup and nodded in agreement. “It’s amazing.”

They ate for a minute in companionable silence, and Jacqui was struck by how easy it felt being with Khizar. She’d known him less than a day, and yet she wanted to share things with him. And she wanted to know more about him.

“So, what was it like growing up as a prince? Sorry, sheikh.”

Khizar gave her a forgiving smile.

“A lot of expectations, but also a lot of privilege. I went to the best schools and traveled around the world before I was sixteen. I also started working in the family business in one way or another as a teenager. I would make public appearances as a member of the royal family, and I began working for my father when I was eighteen.”

“Is your family close?”

Khizar nodded. “Very much so.”

“And what do your parents do?” Jacqui asked.

“These days, mostly work with my uncle.”

Jacqui smiled wistfully. “I always wanted to be part of a big family. My adoptive parents couldn’t have kids of their own, which is part of the reason why they adopted me.”

“Then you have been a true blessing to them,” Khizar said firmly. “Do they live here in Milwaukee?”

“They do, and I see them as often as I can. The bakery has kept me busy, but we have dinner every Sunday evening.”

“I have dinner with parents on Tuesday evenings. I don’t know why Tuesdays—my mother picked it years ago as the night to focus on family, and my father indulges her in everything. So, every Tuesday, I go to my parents’ house. Many times, my cousins or my mother’s sisters join us.”

“It sounds wonderful,” Jacqui said.

“It’s a cacophony of noise and food, and yes, it rather is wonderful.”

Jacqui smiled at him, and when he smiled back, she got a little lost in the depth of his gaze. She didn’t look away until the waiter cleared his throat and, startled, she nodded at his question about taking the plates away.

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