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The Sheikh's Priceless Bride

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But if you’re reading this letter, then you’ve kept your stuffed bear safe and found its secret. Even though I couldn’t be your family, I left you something so that you never have to worry about anything ever again. Be careful who you trust with this secret; there are people who would do anything to get it.

You’ve got one more stop to make, and I hope you’ll be willing to learn more about your family history. You know, you share a name with my mother—your great-grandmother. Her name was Rose, too. And she was a fighter, too. Her parents died when she was very young, and she survived the Great Depression by moving to California and cooking in a boarding house. Her cakes were the stuff of legend—she’d make a special one for my birthday every year, a dark gingerbread cake. I sent money back for her after I left for the diamond mines, but I never saw her again after I left home.

If you visit the house I grew up in, you’ll find some more of your family’s history, as well as the final clue to the bear’s secret.

Be well, Jacqueline Rose Bauer. Be happy. Use my gift to you wisely, and live a long and good life.

Your Great-Uncle Bill”

Jacqui was crying as she finished reading the letter. Khizar gently took the paper from her and flipped it over; on the back, he found an address written in Bill Bauer’s handwriting.

Showing it to Jacqui, he carefully rolled the letter back up, slid it into the cylinder, and tucked it into her jacket pocket. Then, he folded her in his arms and let her cry for the great-uncle she’d never really known.

When her tears had dried, Khizar told her his plan.

“We’ll fly back to Alabama tomorrow. I’ll find out everything I can about the address tonight, and then we’ll see what’s there.”

Jacqui nodded. “Do you think we have everything we need?”

“I think Bill mentioned your middle name for a reason. Maybe he was sharing history, but he put such emphasis on it, I think it’s another clue.”

Jacqui nodded. “I do, too.”

“We’ll find out for sure when we get there tomorrow.”

They walked back to the SUV hand in hand. Spotting them, John climbed in to start the vehicle.

Khizar could tell Jacqui was deep in thought on their drive back, so he simply watched her think. Once they got back where he could make a phone call, he sent James a text with the information he needed. His phone dinged with an acknowledgement.

Jacqui looked up. “Is that your investigator?”

“It is. He’s checking out that address now and should have something for us in a few hours.”

Jacqui tilted her head. “Can I meet him?”

Khizar matched her expression. “Of course.”

“Good. He knows everything about me, so it’s only fair I get to know him.”

Her grin made Khizar want to wrap her in his arms and kiss her senseless, so he did just that.

Chapter 21


When Khizar answered the front door to his penthouse apartment that night, he found James waiting with another of his ubiquitous folders in hand. Khizar waved him inside, noticing that James looked around as he walked in.

“Something wrong?” Khizar asked.

James shook his head and pointed at the feminine jacket draped on the back of the couch, and the two mugs sitting close to each other on the kitchen counter.

“No. It just already feels different in here.”

Khizar laughed. “And a good thing, too.”


James gave the folder to Khizar, who took it but didn’t open it up yet.

Just then, Jacqui walked into the room. Khizar smiled at her and waved a hand at James.

“Jacqui, this is James.”

Jacqui held her hand out and lifted an eyebrow.

“I suppose I don’t need an introduction.”

James laughed, sounding a little startled. Khizar supposed the people his investigator talked to didn’t always have a chance to talk back, at least, not knowing who he was.

“You don’t. But I’m happy to meet you in person.”

She smiled. “Likewise. Thanks for looking for more information.”

The three of them sat down in the living room, and Khizar handed the folder to Jacqui. As she looked through it, James told them what else he’d found.

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