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The Gambler (Notorious 2)

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And she still chose me.

She grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling it up over my head and throwing it on the floor. “Look at you,” she breathed, her hands on my chest, the muscles of my stomach. “Tyler O’Neill, all grown up. You’re like a statue.”

I nearly laughed. Part of me sure felt like a statue.

I found the zipper under her arm and pulled it down, the dress rippling down to the floor. Suddenly, there she was. Juliette Tremblant in a whisper of black silk and shadows.

Her body was still so taut. Strong. Her breasts small but perfect, her hips a little bigger, rounder. Womanly. I ran a finger from her collarbone to the lace between her legs.

“I can’t believe you let me touch you,” I said, awed, curling my fingertip around the elastic and pulling it down just enough that dark curls appeared around my finger.

Juliette’s breath hitched, her eyelids fluttered.

I knew this was fast, that there were a thousand steps I was missing, but her head tilted back and she gripped my wrist, urging me, ever so slightly, on.

I worked a finger through those curls to the hot little slit waiting for me. I felt her desire like humidity and I slid that finger just inside. To that hot spot.

She gasped, her knees buckling and she reached forward and grabbed my belt. I grazed her clitoris with the callus on my fingertip, the smallest touches and she reacted like I was using dynamite.

She leaned forward, resting her head against my chest, and I slid my finger deeper, finding the open well of her body. She moaned deep in her throat.

Something dark was building between us. Something hotter than anything we might have shared in the past.

I twisted my hand and another finger entered her and her hands cupped my shoulder, nails biting into my skin. With her other hand she tore at my belt, pawing at the fly of my pants until they puddled at my feet.

I kicked off my shoes, stepped free of my pants, and we were both naked, a shaft of moonlight slicing across us. My hand against the dark nest of curls was illuminated, her eyes, dilated and glowing with hunger.

Her hand slid down my arm to my waist and then curled around my shaft, her thumb circling the head of my penis, her fingers squeezing. I gasped against the pleasure, speared my fingers deeper and harder into her, feeling her hips begin to thrust against me.

The need to come began its long downhill roll and I knew I couldn’t last long.

Then Juliette pulled me back toward the bed, my hand slipping away from her. We lay down, me on top of all her silky warm skin, and I wanted to die, right there, her naked and trembling body pressed against mine.

I heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper being opened and then her fingers were back on me, a delicious torment, a glorious tease.

The condom was on and she pushed me onto my back, sliding one of those long legs over me. She reared up, holding me still, upright, notching the head of my dick to that damp heat. I held my breath, and she paused. Her smile wicked, she shifted, my dick bumped her clitoris and slid along her. She did it again. The tease. The beautiful sexy tease. Blood pounded through my body, my dick straining against her hand.

“You want to play games?” I asked.

“I just want to play,” she said, her smile both young and seductive at the same time. We could play, I thought, all damn night. But right now, I could barely see straight.

“Jules,” I whispered, so close to the edge it was killing me.

She paused and I tried to smile, but this was Juliette and I’d wanted her my whole life. And I knew she could see it on my face, how much I was feeling, and I couldn’t be bothered to hide it.


She blinked, her smile fading, her breasts rising faster with her breath.

Gorgeous, I thought, transfixed by the fire of her eyes.

Juliette sat down hard, my dick spearing into the tight heat and I cried out, my hands curling into the quilt.

I arched, lifting my hips, and she gasped, tossing her hair back.

“It’s so good,” she breathed, finding a rhythm that made me see stars. “Always so good.”

I’d wanted her so long, missed her so much, that I knew there was no way I could take this pleasure and make it last. I sat up, crushing her body to mine, my lips against her breasts. I sucked her nipples, urging her harder, faster, wanting her to be as wild as me. Her fingers dug into my scalp, holding me to her.

“Yes,” she breathed, and rocked hard against me, pushing me higher. I slid a hand around her back and then up over her shoulder, bearing her down against me while I thrust up and forward until I was so deep inside of her there was no way I could ever leave.

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