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Be with Me (Return to Haven 2)

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“Nothing major, I just need another set of hands.”

Relief settled over him. “Damn it, man, I thought something was happening.”

“Relax, copper. Piper flushed something down the toilet and I need help getting it out and cleaning up this mess.”


“Exactly.” Jax laughed.

Tanner turned off his street and headed toward Jax’s house. “I’m suddenly busy.”

Jax’s laughter grew louder. “See you in a few.”

He disconnected the call, leaving Tanner muttering another curse and setting his phone into his cup holder. Did five-year-olds flush things down toilets? Obviously, but Tanner would’ve thought Piper was beyond that stage. Not that Tanner knew much about stages of childhood.

Damn, how the hell was he going to parent? The entire process was scary as hell, and that was once the baby actually arrived. Tanner’s anxiety had soared since finding out Melanie was expecting his child.

His heart beat faster in his chest as he gripped the wheel tighter with one hand and cranked the radio up with the other. He needed to relax and think in this moment. Not the past, not the unknowns of the future.

Tanner pulled into Jax’s drive moments later and had calmed himself. As soon as he stepped from his truck, Livie stepped outside. Regal and poised as always, she had her blond hair pulled back and a nervous smile on her face.

“Anything else and I would’ve helped,” she stated as Tanner made his way up the sidewalk. “But toilets are a hard no for me. I’ll buy you any amount of beer, bourbon, steak, whatever. Just unclog the toilet in the master bath and leave me out of it.”

Tanner placed a hand on her shoulder. “Relax, Livie. It’s a toilet, not a bomb. What did Piper put down there, anyway?”

“I bought her a little bath set and she didn’t want the shower gel so she said she tried to get rid of it, but didn’t want me to see it in the trash.”

“So she flushed a plastic bottle?” Tanner asked on a sigh and stepped around Livie. “Don’t be too hard on her. At least she was trying to spare your feelings.”

“I guess so, but Jax is pretty pissed and now Piper is crying in her room.”

Ah, family life. He couldn’t wait. Drama and tears, clogged toilets. Days of unknowns awaited him.

Of course he wasn’t marrying Melanie and they weren’t living together, so this wasn’t exactly the same situation he’d have. But even with all the craziness in the Morgan household tonight, Tanner felt a pang of jealousy. Maybe he did want all of this—the crazy and the unexpected.

Tanner headed inside and up the stairs to the second floor. The second he stepped into the bathroom, he lost it and doubled over with laughter.

“Shut up,” Jax said through gritted teeth. “Keep laughing and I’ll give you a swirly as soon as this toilet is back up and running.”

“Threaten me and I leave.” Tanner squatted down beside the commode. “I assume you tried the plunger.”

Jax’s dry look answered the stupid question.

“Fine, so what’s the plan?”

“We’re taking the toilet off,” Jax stated. “I’m going to go turn off the water valve and then we’ll lift the toilet off and hopefully find the bottle of whatever the hell she put in here.”

“Sounds like a fun night.”

Jax rolled his eyes. “Were you spending it with Melanie?”

“No.” Not that he wouldn’t have in a heartbeat. “She’s coming to Thanksgiving at Mom’s, though.”

Jax stilled for a split second before a shitty grin spread across his face. “Meeting the family. Sounds perfect for you two.”

Tanner sank onto his butt and raked a hand over his face. “Can we just do this so I can get home?”

“Don’t want to talk about family life?” Jax questioned. “It sneaks up on you, man. Nothing you can do but hang on for the ride.”

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