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Be with Me (Return to Haven 2)

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counter next to the stove. “Ready to talk about that phone call?”

The phone call. Might as well have its own zip code for the amount of real estate it took up in her mind. Her blog announcement regarding her pregnancy had been a hit right off the bat. She’d been replying most of the day to her viewers’ congrats and excitement. Having her post go live made this all seem so much more real.

She’d known Neville would find out, but once she’d told Tanner about a portion of her past, Melanie decided she wasn’t hiding anymore. She was excited for this baby and she refused to let her ex steal any more of her joy. She’d moved on and he needed to learn to do the same . . . without her. Apparently two years wasn’t enough for him to get the idea she was never coming back.

“What do you want me to say?” Melanie asked. “Neville is furious, but he’s ready to spin this as his child and that we’re one big happy family.”

The thought churned like acid in her stomach. She couldn’t even imagine what Tanner would think if he knew Neville had concocted such a ridiculous plan. Anything to look like a shining star for the voters.

“He’s an arrogant asshole,” Jade spouted. “I hate that man.”

Melanie toyed with the scalloped edge of the fall-themed place mats on the bar. “Yes, well, I think we’re all in agreement there. I’m sure he’ll run to tell his parents and they’ll get on board, too. That won’t be his last call to me.”

Jade blew out a sigh, glanced at her pot of whatever smelly concoction she was making, then turned her focus back to Melanie. “He makes me nervous, Mel. You really need to consider a restraining order.”

“We’ve been divorced for two years. He’s not going to do anything to me. He knows full well I have too much on him for his threats to hold any merit.”

“Still, be careful.” Jade grabbed her spoon and started stirring once again. “Do you want some kale and turkey sausage soup? It’s about ready.”

Melanie swallowed in an attempt not to throw up at just the description. “Um, I think I’ll pass.”

“Does that mean you’re having dinner with Tanner and staying over again?”

“I only stayed a few times.”

Jade tossed a glance over her shoulder. “That’s how it all starts. Do you have a toothbrush there yet?”

The instant image of a yellow toothbrush next to Tanner’s green one flashed through her mind.

“I rest my case,” Jade stated with a nod and a smile. “Not judging. I think it’s great if you move in with him, actually. I’ve said it before, but you two are good for each other.”

Well, they were certainly compatible between the sheets. And Melanie had to admit she adored his mother and stepdad. She’d felt so welcome and . . . loved. As crazy as that sounded to say, considering she’d only spent a few hours with them, Melanie knew they were good people. From her experience, she liked to think she was an excellent judge of character.

“He told me about his fiancée and baby.”

“I was hoping you two would open up to each other.” Jade moved to the cabinet next to the fridge to pull out a bowl. “You’ve both endured quite a bit.”

“I can’t even imagine losing someone you love, and a baby,” Melanie murmured. “At first I thought he was trying to be controlling and possessive, but his actions and worry are completely justified.”

“He’s not a jerk,” Jade said as she dipped out her soup. “Cash, on the other hand, is arrogant and a total prick at times, but Tanner and Jax . . . total sweethearts.”

Melanie couldn’t help but smile and fold her hands over the place mat. “Trouble with Cash?”

“No trouble. He keeps trying to warn me about Brad, but it’s none of his concern and Brad is a nice guy.” Jade rolled her eyes. “Cash just has to get over the fact that he doesn’t impress me like he does the other ladies in this town. He dates younger girls who are easy to charm. I know better.”

Jade definitely knew better. Her sexual harassment suit had forced her to look at things in a whole new light. Now she was more cautious than ever before. Not that she’d ever been in a long-term relationship, but Jade at one time had hearts in her eyes and marriage on her mind. The whole workplace debacle had tarnished her spirit.

“Cash isn’t a bad guy,” Melanie said. “He is a bit . . . confident.”

“You mean arrogant, like I just said.”

Melanie shook her head. “I think a certain level of confidence is attractive in a guy. Maybe you should try going out with Cash. How weird would that be if we all ended up together?”

Jade let out a snort and settled onto a bar stool next to Melanie. “I wouldn’t go on a date with Cash, let alone end up with the guy. Yeah, he’s hot and sexy, if you find tattoos and muscles attractive.”

“Ironically, I do.”

Jade laughed. “Damn it, I do, too. But still, Cash is . . . well, he’s Cash. I went to school with him and even then he thought he was God’s gift to anything wearing a skirt. Or nothing at all, which is how he prefers.”

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