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Be with Me (Return to Haven 2)

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“I trust you with everything.”

Please open up, Mel. Tell me about Neville and the calls.

She fisted her hand on his chest and rested her chin. “I’ve never known anyone like you, Tanner. You’re constantly giving and caring. Our baby is so lucky to have you as her father.”

“Her?” he asked, though part of him cracked a little that she still wasn’t giving him 100 percent of herself.

“Until we find out, I’ll be referring to the baby as her.”

He slid his hand up her back. “Fine by me. Who knows, maybe the next one will be a boy.”

Melanie stilled. “The next one?”

Tanner smiled into the dark and wrapped his arms around her. “Get some rest, Mel. We’ve had a long day.”

* * *

“Well, this looks like shit.”

Tanner stepped over the boxes of still-wrapped flooring in the lobby as he attempted to get into the front entrance of the airport.

Dripping sweat and holding a crowbar, Jax looked up and flipped him the finger. “Shouldn’t you be working and actually earning the taxpayers’ hard-earned money instead of harassing me?”

“I already earned my paycheck.” Tanner watched as Jax took the crowbar and hammer and tapped at the old tile on the floor. “I have a bag of clothes in the car if you need help. But if you’re going to bitch about my job, I can just go home and have a beer.”

“Kiss my ass and change your clothes.”

Tanner laughed. “I knew you couldn’t do this without me.”

He headed back out to his truck and grabbed his bag. Within minutes he was changed and had his own crowbar and hammer, working on the other end of the lobby area.

“Where’s Cash?” Tanner asked.

“He has a date.”

“When doesn’t he?” Tanner tapped at another tile, cursing when only the corner piece chipped away. “He may have to reschedule that social life until we make some headway here.”

“He swears he’ll come by on Sunday and Monday.”

“He’s also buying the beer for the workdays.”

Jax laughed as he tapped away at more of the tile. Thankfully the lobby area wasn’t overly huge. They were opening some walls and changing out the flooring to provide a better flow and definitely something more updated for their future high-class clientele.

“What do you think about me asking Melanie to marry me?”

Jax’s tapping came to a halt. He stood straight up, wiped his forehead with the back of his arm, and stared at Tanner like that was the last topic he ever thought would come up.

“What?” Tanner asked, tapping the hammer lightly to the curve on the crowbar to chip at the tile. “It’s a legit question. How did you know when you wanted to ask Livie?”

“Hell, I don’t know.” Jax held both tools in one hand and swiped his hand over the back of his neck.

“The thought of her leaving and going back to Atlanta made me so angry. I couldn’t just let her leave without a fight.”

Melanie hadn’t mentioned leaving; she actually went on and on about how much she loved Haven.

“Are you only thinking of asking because of the baby?” Jax asked.

Tanner set his tools at his side and shook his head. “No. What Melanie and I have is completely different than what I went through before. Mel and I have both been through hell, but she’s so strong and resilient. I just—I want her to always be there, you know?”

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