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California Secrets

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“Try me,” Ethan said in a low, menacing voice. “I promise, you’ll regret ever crossing me or my family.”

Robert must’ve seen something in Ethan’s eyes, because the older man nodded and took a step back.

“I’ll pull up the documents now.”

Without another word, he slammed the door, causing Ethan to jerk back. The echoing of the door sounded through the hallway, and Dane glanced each way, thankful nobody was around. Likely, they were all on the beach or still in bed.

“Do you believe him?” Dane asked as they turned toward the elevator.

Ethan nodded. “I do. He’s too arrogant to let himself go to jail. If there’s a loophole to save his ass, he’ll take it.”

Dane hoped that was true, for all of their sakes.

“I need to find Harper.” Ethan punched the button on the elevator to close the doors. “I don’t know what I’m going to say, but I can’t stay away.”

“She’s with Stella right now.”

Ethan jerked around. “What?”

Dane held up his hands. “Calm down. It was my idea. I thought Harper could use another woman to talk to, and Stella texted and said they were going to walk around the resort. Harper is showing her around and discussing new designs.”

“And me,” Ethan muttered, turning back to watch the numbers light up as they passed each floor.

“That goes without saying, but Stella is in your corner.”

“She doesn’t even know me.”

“But she knows me,” Dane countered. “Trust me on this. Stella might just tip the scales.”

The elevator doors slid open, and Ethan stepped out first. The lobby had only a few people milling about, going in and out of the buffet area for a quick breakfast.

“I think I should change my clothes,” Dane stated, glancing down to his attire. “Oh, Harper had our luggage taken to your penthouse.”

“Did she now?” Ethan smirked, though it quickly faded. “I do have plenty of room. More if she’s leaving.”

“Then maybe you should give her a reason to stay.”


“You’re a difficult woman to track down.”

Harper glanced over her shoulder, and Ethan’s heart clenched at the sight. She stood on the edge of the shore, the water lapping up over her bare feet. She held a dainty pair of sandals at her side, her other hand gathered up the skirt of her red dress and her curls tossed around in the wind. She was like something from a dream, something he could see, but not touch. Something that could vanish in a flash.

Her dark eyes locked with his a split second before she turned back to stare at the sunset.

“I haven’t exactly been hiding,” she said as he came to her side.

“I hear you spent some time with Stella.”

“She’s amazing.”

Ethan had talked with Dane and Stella over dinner in the penthouse earlier. He’d hoped Harper would show back up—he’d even ordered enough dinner for four.

“She seems to think I should forgive you,” Harper stated after a moment.

Ethan slid his hands into his pockets to keep from reaching for her. He wanted this too much to screw up by being selfish and thinking of his wants first. Harper was everything to him. Not just because of the baby, but because she made him feel so many things he’d never thought possible.

“And what do you think?” he asked.

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