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Scandalous Engagement

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The deep red stone stared back at her and she wondered what on earth made him choose one so bold instead of a traditional diamond. She also wondered what the hell she’d do with an engagement ring once the engagement ended.

Reese lifted her hand and kissed the spot just above the ring as his eyes remained locked onto hers.

“Ready?” he asked.

Was she ready? She didn’t know how to answer that because she had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the pictures.

The ring weighed heavy on her hand as they went back to the crew. This farce was almost over. She only had to hang on until after the Manhattan opening and then they could go back to the way things were before...if that was even possible.


Reese had never been more relieved than when that interview was over. There were some questions he and Josie definitely had to fudge, but they’d sounded believable and that’s all that mattered.

And when he’d asked her to take the rest of the day off, he’d never thought she’d actually do it. Yet here they were, leaving her house after she wanted to pick up a few things and check on the progress of the work.

Reese’s crew said it would be at least another week because they’d run into some other issues they were fixing while there. Fine by Reese. He was in no hurry to get her out of his bed.

“I assume you’re taking me somewhere for my birthday and it has something to do with the beach.”

They both loved being outside whenever possible. Their schedules were so demanding, and nothing relaxed them quite like the gentle waves and the calming winds off the ocean.

Reese pulled out of her drive and said nothing. He wanted this evening to be all about her and he wanted her to relax without worrying about the fake engagement, the article, the renovations on her house...nothing.

He also needed a break from his thoughts and issues. Josie was always the answer when he needed some space from reality.

“I’m not telling you what the surprise is,” he stated. “We already went over that.”

“That was yesterday. I’m going to find out soon anyway.”

“Then that’s when you’ll know and not a minute before.”

He didn’t even care that she pouted and turned her attention out the window. He’d planned a perfect birthday evening and she would love it.

“You’re coming to the opening with me next weekend, right?” he asked as he turned down his private road.

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

“I want you to cover it, if you don’t mind multitasking as my date and my journalist.”

Now she glanced toward him with a smile on her face. How did her smile turn him on? It was such a simple gesture, yet packed such a lustful punch. Maybe that’s why he always wanted to make her smile.

“I am quite capable of doing both,” she informed him. “So my surprise is at your house?”

Laughing, Reese pulled up and waited for his gate to open. “Something like that.”

She remained silent as he parked and gathered her things.

“Follow me,” he ordered as he followed the path around the back of the house, leading toward his dock.

“Oh, a ride on the yacht,” she exclaimed. “Fun. It’s a beautiful afternoon.”

A perfect day for relaxing...and maybe more. He’d planned this birthday surprise well before last night, so now he couldn’t help but wonder if they’d pick back up where they’d left off.

Reese assisted her down the dock and onto the yacht. His chef stood at the entrance to the cabin and nodded as they stepped on board. Frisco wasn’t just his chef, though that was his main position and what he’d been hired for, but the man did absolutely everything Reese asked and typically a little more. He was invaluable.

“Good afternoon, Reese. Miss Coleman.”

“Thanks for setting everything up, Frisco.” Reese slapped the man on the back. “That will be all. Take the rest of the day off.”

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