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Scandalous Engagement

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Josie lifted her knees against his sides, wrapped her arms around his neck and covered his mouth. He might physically be in the dominant position, but she held all the power. He was utterly useless when it came to her, and she could do anything she wanted.

There was frantic need coming off her in waves, a feeling he couldn’t quite identify, but now was not the time to analyze her every thought or motive. All he wanted was more of this reckless, unrestrained Josie.

Reese reached around and flicked open her bra. Never removing his lips from hers, he fumbled enough to get the bra off and away so he could claim handfuls of her breasts. He wanted all of her, as much as she would give, and he was so damn glad he didn’t have to hide his desire anymore.

“Reese,” she murmured a

gainst his lips.

Her body quickened and he slid a hand between them to touch her at her most sensitive spot, knowing it would drive her over the edge.

Her gasp against his mouth and the way her entire body tightened had him pumping even faster, working toward his own release. Josie cried out and dropped her head to that crook in his neck. Reese used his free hand to press against the small of her back, making them even more flush for the best possible experience.

That’s when euphoria took over and his body started trembling. Josie’s warm breath hit the side of his neck, only adding to the shivers consuming him.

Her fingers slid through his hair as she placed a kiss on his heated skin.

Reese blew out a slow breath when his body calmed. It took another minute for him to regain the strength to pull away, but he only eased back slightly to look down at her.

“Still need help with that suit?” he asked.

“I think I need some water,” she laughed. “And maybe food if that’s any indication of how my birthday surprise is going to go.”

Reese smiled. “That’s not exactly what I had planned for your birthday, so we’re both surprised.”

Reese took a step back and helped her from the table. He still wore his shirt and nothing else, while she still had on her panties, which were now very askew.

Fast, frantic sex had never crossed his mind when it came to Josie. He’d always thought he’d take his time and explore every inch of her. He hadn’t rushed last night, but he still hadn’t taken the time he wanted. And just now? Yeah, that was the fastest sex on his record.

But he wasn’t sorry.

Josie had set the pace; she had wanted him here and now. Who was he to deny her...and on her birthday no less?

Reese unbuttoned his shirt and went to pick up his other clothes strewn over the floor.

Josie slid out of her panties and gathered her things, throwing him a smile over her shoulder as she headed toward the suite.

Reese barely got to enjoy the bare view when his cell chimed in the pocket of his pants. He shuffled the pieces in his hand until he could find the phone. Clutching everything under his arm, he glanced to the screen and contemplated letting it go to voice mail. He really didn’t want any interruptions, but his parents couldn’t just be ignored.

And he was going to have to tell them what he’d found. They were going to be at his new opening, but he needed to talk to them before that. His big night in Manhattan certainly wasn’t the time to tell them he was aware of the adoption and knew who his biological father was.

With a sigh, he slid his finger over the screen.

“Hey,” he answered. “Still enjoying the mountains?”

“Hi, sweetheart,” his mother answered in that smiling tone she had. “We are actually heading back home. We’re on our way to the airport now.”

“Home?” he questioned. “I thought you were only coming to New York next weekend. Are you guys okay?”

“We’re fine,” she assured him. “You know how your dad is. He just feels useless if he’s not doing something productive.”

“He retired,” Reese reminded her. “He’s supposed to be useless right now, relaxing in some amazing location that will give you guys all the drinks and massages you want.”

His mother laughed. “Sounds good to me, but I think he misses you. I mean, I do, too, but he worries you’re taking on too much and he just wants to support you and be there if you need advice.”

Reese pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. “I’ve been doing this my whole life. I’ve got it covered.”

“I tried to tell him that, but you have to remember he doesn’t know what to do with his days right now. Just, maybe give him a little piddly job or, I don’t know, ask his opinion on something?”

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