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Scandalous Engagement

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“Don’t clean up,” Reese told her, but she was already stacking plates and carrying them away.

“You’ve got a good woman there,” his father declared. “It’s going to take a strong woman by your side to do the work we do.”

Reese was well aware of that, but he hadn’t thought of Josie by his side in that sense for the long term. They were friends...friends enjoying the hell out of each other and helping the other out during a difficult time.

Would his parents be disappointed when he told them he and Josie weren’t actually going to get married? Maybe, but he would have to cross that bridge when they got to it.

And it wasn’t like Josie was going anywhere, right? She would still be by his side as his friend. Her support was all he needed—the intimacy was just the fulfillment of something he’d been fantasizing about.

He had so many career goals to achieve before thinking of anything long-term with a woman. Besides, Josie never acted like she was ready for a commitment, either. So why was he stressing? Why was he feeling a heaviness, knowing the end of this farce was near?

* * *

“I was also thinking we could do a live timeline piece.”

Josie had been taking diligent notes about the new spring options for her column. Even though they hadn’t reached fall yet, the industry was always looking ahead at least one or two seasons. They had to stay ahead of other competing journalists, bloggers and magazines. The entire industry was one big race to see who could reveal the next season’s hottest styles, fashions, dinner party themes and so much more.

“I’d like to document your journey to the aisle,” Melissa stated with much more glee than Josie was feeling.

Josie stared down at the ruby. She couldn’t stop staring at it. When she worked, there it was. When she drove, there it was. When she was sipping her morning coffee, there it was.

Always a reminder of this farce she’d started.

“I’ve got so much other material to cover,” Josie stated. “I’m super excited about the fall spread I’m doing on various ciders and pairings. I think it will be great to incorporate those with a coastal feel since not everyone can have a bonfire and hoodies.”

“Yes, yes,” her editor agreed. “I love that idea, too, but I’d like to hand that one off and have you solely focus on this engagement.”

Josie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. What could she say? Until the Manhattan opening, she and Reese were playing the part of lovers in love.

She had the lover part down, but she didn’t know about the “in love” part.

Did she?

No. That would be silly. They weren’t in love; they were just friends. Sure she loved him in that best-friend way, but what did she know about being in love with someone? She’d never experienced any such emotion.

She blew out her breath and attempted to relax. Once this was all over, she wouldn’t be so anxious and have to take so many calming breaths...she hoped.

“That’s fine,” Josie reluctantly agreed.

She’d still get that fall piece back once Melissa realized there wasn’t actually going to be a wedding, so there was nothing to worry about. Josie would just keep those notes saved on her computer and continue to work silently on that project.

“Would you be opposed to me sending a photographer with you when you look at dresses?” she asked. “Obviously, not taking shots when you find the one.”

Dresses? Um, she wasn’t going to go quite that far in this charade.

“I won’t be looking at dresses for a while.” Josie felt a little better about that true statement. “Reese is so busy with his opening in Manhattan, and we are taking a short trip to Tennessee before that. We can discuss the dress situation when I return.”

And that would buy the time she needed to come clean.

“I can work with that time frame, but we’ll need to post some things on the blog. Maybe you could share some of your favorite places where you’ll be registering or we could do a fun poll on where viewers think you should honeymoon.”

Registering and honeymoons were definitely not on her radar. Josie wanted out of this conversation and off the phone so she could start packing for her trip. She was both anxious and excited to go away with Reese. She wanted to meet Nick and Sam and she was more than ready to get away.

“Maybe a poll of favorite flowers?” Josie suggested. “Something simple, but not too much.”

“Great idea. I’ll get something put up tomorrow, but make sure you interact with the viewers.” Her editor laughed. “Why did I tell you that? Of course you will. This is the happiest time of your life.”

Josie glanced to the ring again. Maybe not the happiest, but definitely the most interesting.

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