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Scandalous Engagement

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He also hated that he’d heard Chris had still been leaving notes and flowers on Josie’s doorstep. His construction crew had kindly informed Reese of that fact, and Reese had sent Chris a not-so-subtle text telling the guy to move on or face harassment charges.

Hopefully that was the end of the issue.

The women seemed to shift and congregate discussing weddings and babies...neither topic appealed to Reese, so he moved toward Nick and Sam.

“Thanks for making the trip,” Nick said. “I’m sure this is still a shock to you.”

Reese tucked his thumbs through his belt loops and nodded. “I’m getting used to the idea. I spoke with my parents, so that was the toughest part.”

“I can’t imagine,” Nick added. “Sam and I have a meeting set up with Rusty tomorrow evening at seven. We’re actually meeting in his office.”

Reese listened to the details about how the charges of embezzlement were sticking, how Rusty was about to lose everything and how Sam had never revealed to Rusty that he was Sam’s father.

“So Rusty only knows of you?” Reese asked Nick.

Nick nodded.

“I didn’t want anything from him,” Sam chimed in. “I didn’t want money or to merge our businesses, nothing. I didn’t want to give him any inkling that I was his son, but after thinking it over, I don’t care if he knows. He’s tried to buy my distillery for years now and I’m more than happy to show him just how powerful I’ve become. He’s got nothing on me.”

Well, Rusty was in for one hell of a surprise when he discovered he had two more bouncing baby boys.

Laughter from the women filtered through the open space and Reese couldn’t help but smile. Josie fit into every single aspect of his life. He wondered what that kiss meant earlier, the one just outside when she’d claimed it was because he needed it.

Was she developing stronger feelings? Was he?

He glanced over his shoulder and she happened to glance his way. She sent him a wink that packed a punch, but not of lust. There was something building between them, something he wasn’t sure he was ready for.

Regardless of what happened once their two-week sham was over, Reese knew he would never be the same.

* * *

“That was so much fun,” Josie exclaimed as she and Reese made their way into the cabin they’d rented. “I cannot believe I got a tour, a tasting and an invite to come back to watch firsthand production.”

Reese unlocked the door and ushered her inside the spacious mountainside cottage. Well, this particular cabin was called “Cozy Cottage” but there was nothing tiny about the four-thousand-square-foot space. Josie didn’t realize how much she would love the mountains until she and Reese had driven up to this secluded rental. No wonder people always wanted to vacation here.

She might be a beach girl at heart, but she had a feeling the mountains would be calling her name again and again.

“And here I was worried you’d feel left out,” Reese joked as he tossed his keys onto the table by the front door. “Sam seemed pretty anxious to let you interview him for a piece.”

Josie smoothed her hair back and crossed her arms. “You’re not jealous, are you?”

Reese held her gaze and cocked his head. “Should I be? Sam was named one of Tennessee’s most eligible bachelors not that long ago.”

Josie took a step closer. “Well, I think he’s pretty in love with Maty and I’m—”

She stilled. No, she wasn’t in love.

That was absurd. She was just getting caught up in all of this engagement fiasco.

“You’re what?” Reese prompted.

Josie dropped her arms and squared her shoulders. “I’m not looking for a man,” she told him.

Reese reached for her, his hands already working the zipper hidden on the side of her dress. “Is that so? Well, I wasn’t looking for this, either, but here we are.”

What did that mean? She wanted to ask, but his hands were moving on her, ridding her of all her clothes as he walked her backward.

“Have you checked out the deck?” he asked, a naughty gleam in his eye and a cocky smile to match.

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