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Scandalous Engagement

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This was why every woman needed a best friend, someone to shore up her defenses when the cracks started to show. “You need to remember how far you’ve come, what amazing things you’ve done, Bee.”

Beah closed her eyes, happy to let her friend talk.

“You walked out of your marriage and soon afterward you moved back to London, joining Murphy’s UK office. You worked your tail off, clawing your way up the ladder to become one of the most powerful people in the organization. Murphy’s is lucky to have you, Bee, and that’s why they pay you the very big bucks, because they know your clients are loyal to you and will walk if you walk. Hell, you could open your own art consulting company right now and you’d have a list of wealthy clients as long as your arm.”

Yeah, about that...

“Um, actually, that reminds me of something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Beah said, and asked Keely to switch to FaceTime. When Keely’s face appeared on her screen, she smiled at her brown-eyed, blond-haired friend. “There you are...”

Keely waved her words away, eyes bright with curiosity. “What? Have you met someone?”

Beah rolled her eyes. “I don’t have time to date.”

“No, you don’t make time to date because you use your busy work schedule as a shield. You think that if you keep busy, you won’t have time to feel anything for anyone.”

Okay, a bit too close to the truth. And not something she wanted to think about right now... “Do you want to hear this or not?” Beah demanded.

Keely handed her that patented, I’m-so-smart smirk. “Sure, go for it. But we will revisit this topic at a later date.”

Not if Beah could help it.

“Michael Summers. Have you heard of him?” After Keely shook her head, Beah continued. “He’s a prominent art adviser, consultant and dealer. One of the most respected in the world. He has decades of experience and is an art guru...”

Beah twisted her vintage flower ring around her middle finger. “He wants to retire and he’s looking for someone to run his business, to start taking over his client list.”


“Me.” Beah nodded. “It’s a hell of an opportunity, Keels. He’s a legend and I’m honored he wants me to join him. But...”

“But it would mean leaving Murphy’s.” Keely tapped her finger against her cheek. “Could you still work with Murphy’s or would you be persona non grata?”

Beah tasted panic in the back of her throat. Murphy’s was the only place she’d ever worked, all she knew.

Beah pushed her fear away; she was just scared of the unknown. Change was never easy and she hadn’t signed an oath in blood or a lifetime contract to work for Murphy’s.

She was allowed to move on. “Not that they ever would, but they would be stupid to blackball me because a lot of Michael’s clients purchase art from Murphy International. They’d be cutting off their nose to spite their own face.”

“And I presume Murphy’s has had other employees leave, other salespeople, nicking their clients?”

“Sure, it happens all the time.”

“And Murphy’s has survived?” Keely persisted. “So in this context, you are not thinking of yourself as an employee but as a Murphy, as Finn’s wife.”

“Ex-wife.” Beah corrected, feeling the familiar pang in her chest. She’d loved adding Finn’s surname to hers. Beah Jenkinson-Murphy felt damn right.

Had felt right.

“If you were working for any other company, would you be hesitating?” Keely demanded, as forthright as always.

“Probably not. This is a hell of an opportunity. And an even bigger commitment. If I take this position, I might be able to schedule dinner with you in, maybe, five years or so. My life will go into hyperdrive.”

“Mmm, interesting.”

Beah knew that when Keely said “interesting” in that tone of voice, she had many, many thoughts on the subject. Beah glanced at her watch and grimaced. “Condense your thoughts into two sentences, Keels, or I’m going to be late.”

“Why haven’t you jumped at Michael’s offer if it’s so amazing, Beah? I suspect it’s because you are letting your personal feelings for your ex and his family cloud your judgment, which is strange because you profess to be very over Finn Murphy.”

Beah was over him. After nine years, she had to be.

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