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Montana Seduction

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Fallon sat forward in her seat. Although she loved her cousin, she doubted Shana, who worked as a hair stylist at a trendy salon, knew much about finance. “Oh, yeah? And who might that be?”

“Gage Campbell ring a bell?”

Fallon’s heart plummeted at the sound of his name. “G-Gage?”

“Yeah, you remember him? The guy you had the hots for, for over a decade?”

How could Fallon forget? She’d thrown herself at him and inadvertently set in motion a course of events even she, at her tender age of sixteen, couldn’t have predicted. “Of course I remember. What about him?”

“Word in the salon is he’s back in town,” Shana responded. “A couple of clients have come in talking about dating him. He owns a successful mutual fund business and has become quite the catch. Not to mention, he’s still as sexy as when we first saw him when we were eight years old.”

Fallon would never forget that day. She’d been prancing around on her pony when Gage and his mother Grace toured the estate with Nora. Fallon had been showing off and the pony had become agitated and thrown her. If it hadn’t been for Gage’s quick reaction and his catching her before she landed, Fallon would surely have broken something. When he’d looked at her with his dazzling brandy-colored eyes, Fallon had fallen head-over-heels in love with the twelve-year-old boy.

Fallon blinked and realized her cousin was still talking. “According to his current lady loves, he knows his way around the bedroom, if you catch my drift.”

There was no mistaking Shana’s meaning and Fallon blushed.

“Oh, lord.” Shana rolled her eyes upward. “We really do need to get you out if a little girl talk makes you blush. Perhaps Gage could help with Stewart Technologies? I hear he’s quite the financial wizard.”

“That might be so, but Gage would never lift a hand to help me,” Fallon replied. Why would he? She’d ruined his life and she only had herself to blame.

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