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Best Man Under the Mistletoe

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She pulled her horse to a stop, not at all surprised when he did the same. Now, she did glance his way. Yup. Just as sexy as two days ago when he’d been wrapped all around her, driving her out of her mind. His black hat shielded his eyes, but not enough that she didn’t see that sexy gleam.

“You think I can have a peaceful moment when you’re right next to me?”

“Well, darlin’, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Chelsea narrowed her eyes. “Why won’t you go away?”

He rested his forearm on the saddle horn and shrugged. “I haven’t seen you for two days. I went by Hope Springs and worked more on the arch, thinking you’d show up and lend a hand, but you never did. I’d say you’ve had plenty of space.”

“Not enough,” she muttered.

“You can’t hide from me forever, Chelsea. We’ve got work to do and this tension between us isn’t going anywhere.”

Why did he have to be so blunt and just lay their attraction right on the table like that? It wasn’t often she was speechless, but the man was bound and determined to throw her off her game, and damn it, it was working.

“You seem angry.” He offered her a killer smile. “I’d say this fresh air will do you some good. Come on. Ride with me and we’ll talk. Not about the dressing room or the fact you want me, and don’t deny it. We’ll do small talk. We can do that, right? The weather is always a good topic, but so predictable. Maybe we could discuss if you’ve put your Christmas tree up yet. I haven’t.”

Was he seriously turning into some chatterbox? She wasn’t going to ride along beside him and talk like he was some girlfriend she was comfortable with. Gabe Walsh made her anything but comfortable.

“I don’t want to engage in small talk with you.” Chelsea pulled the reins and turned her horse back toward the trail. “I can’t stop you from riding, but shut up.”

Again, his laughter swept over her as he came to an easy trot next to her. Chelsea concentrated on the rocking of the horse, the smell of the fresh air, and not the man a mere foot from her.

“There’s something I’ve been curious about.”

She never knew where his thoughts were headed, but it was obvious he was going to keep going no matter what she said, so she just remained quiet.

“Why computers?”

Chelsea turned toward him. “Excuse me?”

“Just wondering why you got into computers.”

She should’ve known he wouldn’t honor her wish for silence. But work she could discuss. That was one topic where he wouldn’t make her a stuttering, turned-on mess of emotions.

“I’ve always been interested in how things work,” she told him. “When I was little, I tried picking locks. I actually got quite good at it by the time I was seven, but then I grew bored. Dad was always talking business, so I knew we were being raised to take over. When I wasn’t learning fast enough, I tried getting into his computer when he was asleep one night. By the time I figured out his password, I’d gotten a little thrill and decided to see what else I could do.”

“How old were you then?”


Gabe swore under his breath. “And here I’ve pissed you off. Are my bank accounts safe?”

Chelsea couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her lips. “For now.”

“Did your father know you’d gotten into his system?”

“Of course. I was sloppy, as all beginner hackers are.” Chelsea brushed her hair back from her face, wishing she’d thought to put on a headband. “You know, I really don’t like that term. It makes me feel... I don’t know...illegal.”

Gabe tossed her a look with one arched brow. “It pretty much is illegal.”

With a shrug, Chelsea forced her attention to the smooth path in front of her. “Maybe, but I’ve never done anything terrible with my knowledge. I more do things to see how far I can get and to educate myself.”

“So you’ve never done anything risky or wrong?” he asked.

Chelsea pursed her lips. “I may have changed a couple grades when I was in high school.”

“And?” he prompted.

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