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Best Man Under the Mistletoe

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“You’re an hour late and you come in crying,” he persisted. “What’s going on?”

“Daniel and Erin are having twins.”

Her declaration was made on another burst of tears. Gabe wasn’t quite sure what to do, so he pulled her into his arms. “And you’re sure these are happy tears?” he asked again.

She nodded against his shoulder. “I’m so excited for them. My best friend is getting married. My brother is having babies. I mean, it’s all so life-changing and makes me think about my own life goals and—”

She jerked back, eyes wide. “I’m not saying that to scare you,” she quickly amended. “I don’t mean us. I’m just happy and excited, and I want that in my life. I want to have a family and a husband, and I never thought I did, but...”

Yeah, all this talk was making his gut tighten. Seeing Chelsea having an epiphany like this had him wondering about his own future. Hell, he’d just admitted to himself he may want more with her, but marriage and kids?

Let’s not get too out of control here.

He framed her face in his hands, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe her tears. “Have you eaten dinner? I can call and have something brought to us.”

“I ate at Daniel’s.” Her gaze held his; moisture glistened on her lashes. “Sorry I’m late. Erin and I got carried away with looking at baby things online. I may have already bought nursery furniture for them.”

Gabe could see her getting so involved and wanting to play the doting aunt. How would she be with her own children? Would she want a large family?

The idea of her starting a life with some nameless, faceless, man had jealousy curling low in his gut. But who was Gabe to put a stop to this new goal she’d created? He was merely passing through her life.

“Want to help put up my Christmas tree?”

Chelsea jerked back and her eyes widened. “Tonight?”

“Might as well.”

“It’s only a few days until Christmas,” she reminded him as if he didn’t know the date. “Why do anything at this point?”

Because, surprisingly, he wanted to spend time with her, and not just in the bed. As crazy and absurd as that sounded, he found it to be true. He wanted to do something with Chelsea that was normal, something that would create memories.

Damn it. He was getting in deep here. Deeper than he’d anticipated. And he knew full well that in a few days, after the wedding was over, he wasn’t going to want to let her go.

Hell, maybe he couldn’t let her go.


“I can’t believe those are the only ornaments you have.”

Gabe glanced over at her, his brows drawn. “What’s wrong with them?”

Chelsea didn’t even attempt to hide her laughter. “You used one of your hats as the tree topper and the rest of your ornaments are shot glasses from around the world and plastic horseshoes. Don’t you have any beads or ribbon or even a star for the top?”

Crossing his arms over his broad chest, Gabe glanced from the tree back to her. “I suppose your tree has all of that and is weighed down with glittery ornaments?”

Chelsea shrugged. So he’d described her tree perfectly. Well, the tree she’d always put up. This year she’d been so preoccupied with so many other things and she’d rarely been home.

“I may like a little glitter in my Christmas decorations,” she admitted. “It’s festive and happy. Besides, most of my stuff belonged to my father. They’re ornaments we hung when I was little.”

She remembered her dad letting her pick out most of the decorations. Even though she’d been young, she’d chosen all the sparkles and, still as an adult, she loved the shiny stuff.

“Do the holidays upset you?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder to meet her eyes. “I imagine it’s difficult without your parents at times like this.”

Chelsea wasn’t quite sure what to say. Yes, it was hard, but she couldn’t quite focus on her response. Was Gabe trying to get to know her more? Did he want to take this relationship somewhere they hadn’t discussed? Because placing her past front and center in the conversation was most definitely putting them on another level.

“Losing my father was the worst,” she admitted, staring at the tree because it was easier than looking into those caring gray eyes. “I know he died of a broken heart. He gave up his will when the only woman he loved walked out and was never heard from since.”

Chelsea bit her lower lip, willing the burn in her throat and the threat of more tears to cease. “I actually know where my mother is. I have for years.”

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