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Shift Happens (Providence Family Ties 2)

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There wasn’t a chance in hell I was parting with it. Ever! I’d even written into my will that I was to be buried with the thing.

Still, a man didn’t go into a war without ammunition. “When you give me another son, I’ll take it down.”

The door opened, and in came our family to meet the latest addition just as she played me at my own game.

“I’ll give you another son, if you get me the new Mini.”

“Your mommy and daddy are weird, son,” Hurst told Luca as he held him on one arm. “But all the best ones are. That’s why we’re so awesome!”

My son, not fully understanding it all but loving his great-grandad all the same, fist punched him and made an exaggerated exploding noise as he opened his fist.

She could have the damn Mini.

She’d already given me the world.

* * *

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