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Dirty Secret

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The car slows to a stop.

"No. Do you really believe the practicalities are all that matters?" She gets out. Holds the door open for me. Waits until I'm focused on the edgy lingerie store to spring. "Or has that changed since Friday night?"


"You and Cam disappeared together."


"It's none of my business. I told myself I wouldn't ask, but there's something about you today, something different. What happened with the two of you?"

Chapter Forty-Six


What happened with the two of you?

My heart thuds against my chest. My fingers glide over the slick plastic. Somehow, I manage to hold my drink. I even take a sip.

The cold brew fails to lower my temperature. Why am I in this coat? It's hot. It's way too hot.

"You don't have to tell me," Eve says. "Really."

"But you…" I don't know where to start. Will she tell Ty directly or go through Ian? Or maybe straight to my sister. "It's nothing."

"Okay." She motions to the shop after you.

Somehow, I move into the cozy space. It's the size of my apartment, with a tiny dressing stall in the back and a lot of fabric. Lace, mesh, chiffon, silk. This place has it all. In every color of the rainbow and a whole lot of black.

Does Indie want something in black? Or maybe dark blue, deep teal, ink purple?

Something as bold as she is.

Will she even care about the lingerie after my news ruins her wedding?

"Sienna." Eve puts her hand on my shoulder. "I won't say anything. I promise."


"Pretend I didn't ask."


"It's none of my business."

But… I look for a place to put my drink, but there's nowhere.

Eve takes it. She helps me out of my coat, hangs it on the rack, sets the drinks… somewhere.

I think the room might be spinning. It's not as steady as it should be. But why would it be steady, when—

She grabs my hands. "Sienna, look at me."

Her eyes are green. A grey-green. And they're not lined in black like I suspected. Her makeup is a dark grey with a metallic sheen.

"I'm not going to tell anyone."

"Your boyfriend?"


"Won't he ask?"

"Yes. You two were gone for half an hour. It was hard to miss."


"He won't say anything."

"Are you sure?"

"It's his job, guarding secrets. And… believe me, he acts like it."

"Oh." For a moment, my stomach settles, then I remember everything Cam told me about her and Ian. "But, uh, well… I know a lot about you."


"And Ian. Your… arrangement."

"Oh." Her cheeks flush. "Did Indie tell you?"

"You told her?"

"Some of it."

"No. Cam. Indie wouldn't… she's never said anything about you that would be a secret."

"Oh. I guess… I'll talk to Ian. I'll make sure he's quiet. Don't worry."

"Don't worry about him possibly telling his brother I slept with Cam?"

"You slept with him?"


"Sorry. Still none of my business." She picks her jaw off the floor. "But, uh… Ian doesn't think you slept with him."


"No. He doesn't think it went that far."


"But he wouldn't tell Ty either way. Cam is his friend too."

I motion a little.

"Okay, sure, his loyalty is with his brother, but he's good with secrets. Trust me."

Maybe. "Are you sure?"

"I am."

"Swear on something important to you."

"I swear on The Handmaid's Tale."

"How does that hurt you?"

"On my tattoo then." She taps her arm. "Ian won't say anything. I won't say anything. I swear on my tattoo. And my hatred of the patriarchy."

That does sound like a firm promise from her. "Okay."

"You want to sit down?"


She guides me to a chair. Places my coffee in my hands. "We can leave it at that."


"Or… If you want to talk about it, you can talk to me. I won't say anything."


"You and Indigo are really close. You tell each other everything."

Does she really think that? "Not about guys. You probably know more about her and Ty than I do."

"Maybe, but not from her. From Ty. He talks when he drinks, especially when Ian baits him. And Ian always baits him."

That's true.

"If you need someone to someone to talk to, I'm here."

"Oh. Thanks."

"Sure." She takes a spot on the floor next to me. Sips her coffee. "What did Cam tell you and me and Ian?"

"He bought your virginity for a lot of money."

Her smile is soft. Inviting. "More than half a million dollars. But it wasn't technically my virginity. I could say no at any point. He was going to pay me even if I never touched him."

"That's pretty BS. No offense, but we both know he bought your virginity."

Her lips curl into a knowing smile.


"I like you, Sienna."

"You do?"

She nods. "I like that you say you're fucking wrong, no offense. I know you don't mean offense. You're just… straightforward."


"I know you don't like me."

I swallow a sip of my coffee. "I…"

"It's okay. You don't have to like me."

"I don't not like you."

She raises a brow really.

"It's just… you and Indie are always talking about Garbage or Hole or whatever and you're so smart and worldly and you have all these ideas about things I don't begin to understand. But she does. And she wants to understand them. And talk to you about them. And listen to Billie Eilish or whatever."

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