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Misunderstood (Neighbor from Hell (YA) 1)

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And just like that he was done, Sebastian decided as he stood up, glaring down at the little brat. “Read,” he bit out before he turned around and headed to one of the empty tables on the other side of the patio.

“Oh, come on. I was kidding!” Mikey called after him.

“Just read the damn book,” was all he said as he dropped his book on an empty table and headed over to the food, determined to ignore the little brat.

“Aw, don’t be like that, Sebastian. You know you’re my favorite,” Mikey said, somewhat appeasing him.


When he didn’t say anything, mostly because she didn’t deserve his forgiveness, Mikey finally mumbled, “Fine.” He glanced over his shoulder in time to watch her release a long-suffering sigh as she opened the book and settled in to read. When he saw her lips pull down into an adorable pout, Sebastian found himself grabbing a plate for her and–

“Don’t tell me that you actually believe that crap,” came the question that had Sebastian looking to his left to find the kid that he was assuming was Aunt Haley’s nephew reaching past him to grab a soda. Before Sebastian could respond, he was walking back to his table and dropping down into his chair with a bored sigh. Not that he actually had a response, Sebastian thought as he found himself watching Mikey.

Once upon a time, he honestly hadn’t thought much about the Bradford curse but now…

Now, he was wondering what he’d done to piss Mrs. Blaine off, Sebastian thought as he caught Mrs. Blaine watching him. Biting back a sigh, he finished making up a plate for Mikey and grabbed one for himself. When he was done, he placed Mikey’s plate on the chair next to her before heading back to his table. Once he was there, he took a bite of his burger, opened the book he’d borrowed, and–

“Why did you do it?” came the abruptly asked question that had Sebastian glancing up to find Mrs. Blaine sitting across from him, her hands folded over the cane resting across the armrests of her wheelchair, watching him through narrowed eyes.

“Because it needed to be done,” Sebastian said as he glanced over his shoulder to make sure that Mikey was still reading only to find himself smiling when she mumbled, “Stupid book,” as she popped a chip in her mouth.

“How much do you want?” Mrs. Blaine demanded, dragging his attention back to find her watching him with a calculating expression.

“Nothing,” Sebastian said as he went back to reading his book.

For several minutes, Mrs. Blaine sat there, watching him, looking as though she was trying to figure something out. Whatever she saw, had her sighing heavily as she said, “I’d like a Coke.”

“Not happening,” Sebastian absently murmured as he popped a chip into his mouth.

“And why’s that?” Mrs. Blaine asked, still watching him.

“Because you’re not supposed to have caffeine,” he reminded her as he turned the page.

“A hundred dollars,” she said, making him sigh.


“Two hundred dollars.”


“Three hundred,” Mrs. Blaine said firmly, drawing his attention to find her watching him expectantly.

“Five hundred,” he countered, watching as a flash of something that looked like disappointment crossed her features before she managed to pull it back.

With a firm nod, she said, “Five hundred.”

Without a word, Sebastian walked back over to the coolers and grabbed some ice, threw it in a cup and poured some lemonade. Once he was done, he walked back over to the table and set the cup down in front of Mrs. Blaine. Biting back a sigh, he sat down, determined to get back to his book and–

“This isn’t what I asked for,” she said, sounding amused.

“No, it’s not,” Sebastian said, searching for the spot where he’d left off only to feel everything in him go still when he heard, “Thank you, Braxton,” and found himself looking over in time to see Aunt Haley’s nephew place a can of Coke in front of Mrs. Blaine.

“She’s not supposed to have soda,” Sebastian said as he reached over and plucked the can of Coke off the table before Mrs. Blaine could get her hands on it.

“She can have whatever she wants,” Braxton said as his gaze flickered past Sebastian.

Frowning, Sebastian followed Braxton’s gaze to find him looking toward the rest of Haley’s family to find a man with the same dark hair and light blue eyes as Braxton nodding approvingly and just like that, Sebastian knew why Aunt Haley’s family suddenly couldn’t live without her.

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