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Misunderstood (Neighbor from Hell (YA) 1)

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“Go home, Mikey,” he said only to swallow hard when she kept coming for him.

“I told you that she was going to kill you one day, but you never listen,” Jonathan said with a heartfelt sigh as he closed their bedroom window, not really sounding all that concerned that Mikey was about to kill him.

“Why don’t you tell me to my face, huh?” Mikey said, reaching up to push him, which had him dropping down on his bed.

Before he could open his mouth to say anything, she was reaching for his pillow.

Oh, hell…

“You do not get to ditch me after three years of friendship because you feel like acting like an idiot!” Mikey said, well, shouted really, as the beating commenced.

Not that it actually hurt, because it didn’t. What it did was make it difficult for him to do anything more than cover his head with his arms while she slapped him with his pillow. It also alerted his parents to the fact that something was going on in his bedroom.

“What the hell is going on in here?” his father asked, making Sebastian sigh in relief.

That is, until Mikey decided to explain things.

“Your son is an idiot!” she snapped as she continued to slap him with his pillow.

“He has his moments,” his father murmured in agreement instead of putting a stop to this.

“Is someone going to get her off me?” Sebastian snapped.

“I just feel like you brought this on yourself,” Jonathan said from the safety of the other side of the room and Sebastian would have glared at the bastard if he wasn’t busy cowering at the moment.

“He really did,” his father said, sounding bored.

“This is the last time that you get to hurt me, Sebastian Bradford!” Mikey snapped, pissing him off.

“I wasn’t trying to hurt you, you little brat! I was trying to save you!” he yelled as he grabbed the pillow and tore it out of her hands.

“You know what? I’m done. Consider your message received,” Mikey said, shaking her head in disgust as she climbed off the bed and turned to walk away only to stop with a snort of disgust and reached back into her bag to grab something. With a coldly muttered, “Here,” she dropped a giftwrapped box on the bed and stormed out of his room, leaving him lying there, trying to catch his breath as he watched her go.

“What did she get you?” Jonathan asked as he quickly made his way across the room and jumped on the bed next to him.

“I don’t care,” Sebastian said, rubbing his hands roughly down his face as he tried to forget the look on Mikey’s face when she’d told him that she was done out of his head.

“Then I’ll open if for you,” Jonathan murmured thoughtfully as he grabbed the present off the bed with a satisfied sigh and took his time opening it.

“Are you sure that this is what you want?” their father asked, sending Sebastian a questioning look.

“She deserves better,” Sebastian said, forcing himself to grab the book that he had absolutely no interest in and–

“Dibs!” Jonathan said on an excited gasp, drawing his attention to find him holding an–


Damn it.

“She’s been saving up to buy you a new iPad since she found out that your old one ran out of memory,” his father said as Sebastian reached over and took the box out of his brother’s hand.

“She shouldn’t have done this,” Sebastian said softly as he ran his fingers over the cellophane wrapping, absently noting that she got the one with the highest memory capacity.

“No, she shouldn’t have. Braxton should have replaced the one that he broke, but his father is furious that you haven’t apologized yet,” his father said as he sat down on the end of Sebastian’s bed.

“I’m not apologizing,” Sebastian bit out because as far as he was concerned, Braxton had it coming.

“No, you’re not,” his father agreed, taking him by surprise. “I don’t know what’s going on with that kid, but he shouldn’t have touched your iPad.”

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