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Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)

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“I’m thinking home why?” There was a loud noise as the door slammed into the wall. Shit how did he get here so fast? I thought he was on the Hill today. I saw Sian wringing her hands behind him with pure fear on her face and got up to go to her.

“We’re not through talking to you boy.” The door closed again and my gut hurt, if I didn’t want to know what they knew I would’ve walked.

“Jace you okay?”

“Yeah dad.” I know I’m not getting shit out of these two today if the look on my dad’s face was anything to go by.

“What did they ask you?” he was loud enough for the cops to hear.

“Sir you can’t interfere with an investigation.” They were talking to the wind.

“Where I was the night Mandy was attacked.” Dad turned to them with an almost snarl on his face.

“He was with me.” This was true, but they better not ask where.

“Sir, no disrespect, but I’m sure you’d say anything to protect your son.” Oh shit, this one must not like his job. Dad is one of those ‘don’t question me about shit’ types.

“Fucking right I would and I’m man enough to say it. Yes I would do anything to protect my son, as any man should. But I’m coming from a place of surety. I would protect him because I know what I raised. I know then that the only way my son would do something like this is if he had no other choice. Do you have any evidence linking him to this crime?”

“We don’t necessarily but…”

“Then you have no call being here. I will ask that you leave and don’t return until my lawyers are present. You can be sure that my son won’t be coming down to your station anytime soon.”

“Can you deny that you had a conversation with the deceased on the night she was almost killed, not long before the time of the attack?”

“Shit I forgot about that call. Yes she called me, she wanted to talk that was it.”

“Why the fuck are you still talking to him?” Dad placed himself between them and I, basically cutting their view off.

“Sir this is a police investigation. We know that your son had been involved with the victim and that there was some tension between them here of late.”

“Hold it, let’s go son.”

“Sir we…”

“You might not want to say anything to me right now detective, because you’ve already crossed so many fucking lines that I’m gonna own your ass by end of day. My son is a minor you have no right speaking to him without me, or his mother present. Secondly, what’s the charge?”

“There’s no charge we just had a couple questions, which, if your son doesn’t have anything to hide he wouldn’t mind answering.”

“You really think I’d fall for that grade school trick you prick? You used your authority to manhandle my son, and it’s because I taught him to respect the law that you got him this far, because I also taught him to take down assholes, of which you are a premier kind. “

“Sir we’re just doing our jobs.”

“Yeah and I’m doing mine. You have no probable cause you have nothing, stay the fuck away from him.”

“We know that his latest girlfriend was attacked not too long ago, and now his ex turns up near death.”

“And, what does that mean? Your wife has a habit of falling and hurting herself, should I suspect you of helping her along?”

“How did you…?”

“Know about your wife? You’re working my future daughter in law’s case, my son is very much invested, did you think I wouldn’t check you out?”

“You can’t use your money and influence around here, this isn’t one of those movies you make up on the hill.”

“You have a grievance with my wealth? Suck my dick don’t fuck with my kid. Come on Jace.”

I turned to leave feeling almost sorry for the detective, except for the fact that he’d been such a dick.

“And you.” Dad pointed at the principal. “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”

“Sir- Mr.-sir…”

“Can it, you’re done.”

“Dad it wasn’t that bad.” I figured I better say something before he had the place shut down.

“That’s not the point son. Never let anyone infringe on your rights, not ever. That prick has a hard on for us because we’ve got money and he don’t.

He can take potshots at me all day if he’d like, but you my boy are out of the game. He fuck with you, I’ll bury him; and yes I’d use my fucking money and influence to do it. Where’s our girl?”

“As if you didn’t know, she called you didn’t she?”

“She did the right thing; plus she’s majorly pissed.

“I wanted to talk to them she needn’t have called you.”

“For fuck sake why?”

“Because dad they’re not saying anything, nobody’s talking and I need to know what’s going on. I still think she had something to do with the attack on Sian, now she’s been attacked, what if it’s connected? Does that mean that Sian’s still in danger?”

“I see your point son but you’re forgetting, we have men on it now and I can assure you, they get the job done. You don’t need to play the suspect, to put yourself under that prick’s microscope to get answers.”

“Yeah, but it might’ve been quicker. Come ‘ere you.” She was standing on the wall looking like she was about to keel over.

“Didn’t I tell you I was okay?” She broke down in fucking tears and held onto me like she thought I was gonna disappear.

Chapter 8


This hospital thing is a fucking pain. I need answers like now, but no one is saying anything, because no one knew shit. I heard them talking when they thought I was asleep. Jace had refused to come see me, how dare he?

How could he despise me so much after everything we’d meant to each other? And how embarrassing! Luckily I know who’s behind it though, so my ire is directed at the right person.

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