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Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)

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They stayed there for quarter of an hour, which felt like an eternity and then mom did her brushing my hair back with her fingers and kissing my forehead bit, which made me gag in my throat, gross.

The time for maternal care was long gone, but I didn’t push her away, not yet. The time will soon come when I could tell them all what I really thought of them.

By the time they left I was exhausted from trying so hard to telekinetically get them out of the damn room. Now I could think, at least for the next five minutes before some other asshole came waltzing in.

I thought the hospital was where you went to rest, but in this place people are always coming and going at all hours, turning on lights when you’re trying to sleep. Twice I almost gave my little innocent girl trick away.

Now enough of that, time to plan. I let my mind go over what I had to do. It was only from the little snippets I’d been picking up here and there that I had any idea what was going on outside of this room. But with my new realization about nurse mousy, I think I might be able to have her do my bidding from my sick bed.

I rubbed my hands together as the ideas just rolled around in my head.


Jace doesn’t seem too worried about the cops showing up at school and questioning him, but I was still raw from the whole experience. A part of me was hoping that it was the same person who’d attacked me, but then that would mean there was a madman on the loose and my new friends might be at risk. Then there was that other part of me that didn’t trust Mandy at all, and was wondering if it wasn’t her own doings that had landed her in hot water.

There was still that nagging memory at the back of my mind that kept escaping me about the night I was attacked, and the cops were no closer to figuring it out than I was.

“What are you thinking about baby?” I looked over at him where he sat not far from me as we both did the mountain of homework we’d been saddled with. Sometimes it felt like I’d fallen down the rabbit hole, especially when I looked at the ring on my finger, or when I counted down the days and weeks since we’d met.

It was almost improbable that we’d only known each other such a short time. So much had happened in that time, that had it not been for my parents’ story as well as his own parents’, I would think we’d lost our minds. But it seems it was in the blood.

“Nothing.” I put my head back down in my book because sometimes he saw too much.

“I told you about lying to me? Come here.” He looked so relaxed lounging back in the swivel chair with a pen in his mouth, as he looked at me under cover of his lids.

My legs weren’t all that steady as I left the window seat where I’d been gazing off across the immaculate grounds in between studying, and it wasn’t because of any lingering difficulty from my attack. He just has this way of making me weak.

His arm came around my waist and he drew me in closer to his chair as he looked up at me. “What is it buttercup?” I couldn’t hold back the smile at his new name for me.

“Nothing, well not really, it’s just…I don’t like the cops sniffing around you the way they did today. It makes me feel like they’ve made up their minds and are only focused on you. Especially that one detective, the way he went after you.”

“Babe, you have nothing to worry about, if I wanted that idiot dead she wouldn’t be here.” He was so serious when he said it that I felt a chill run down my spine.


“Quit worrying babe.” He patted my butt and sent me back to finish up my homework. He’s so completely different from anything I would’ve ever expected. Like in these last few days, he’s taken such good care of me it was hard to remember that we were only a year apart.

I looked once again at the ring on my finger and had to shake my head at the incongruity that was my life. Right on the heels of that thought was the memory that someone had tried to kill me, and that someone else in our little haven had been attacked. That was a sobering thought, but it led to another.

Just what the hell was that twit up to anyway? Because I didn’t believe for one minute that she had amnesia. I’d like to sneak into that hospital room and yank out her IV, idiot.


She’s so skittish still, like a little kitten just getting its bearings. I watched her through my lashes, and my heart actually jumped at her nearness. It was only a little bit scary to realize the magnitude of what I felt for her; we were still so young. But maybe I should take a leaf out of Jace’s book. He didn’t seem to mind about the age thing and being too young.

But could I trust this, whatever this was? Maybe I should have a talk with the guys later, when all this bullshit had calmed down a little.

“How’re you feeling baby?” She jumped a little before picking her head up to look at me. “Who me?”

She made me grin. “I don’t see anyone else around beautiful.” That blush was so different to what I was accustomed to, but it was so endearing. I watched her fuss with her hair and then move on to her nails; two of her tells when she was nervous.

Leaving my seat I walked over to where she sat on my bed reading her chemistry book. The pretense of my needing help with homework was no longer necessary, and we’d pretty much just worked out a routine of being with each other as much as possible when our obligations were over.

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