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Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)

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“You know you like it.” I nabbed her and nuzzled her neck from behind while rubbing my hard-on into her cute ass, making her squeal. “But Jace you have to take it easy this time, last time I couldn’t even sit down for three whole days.”

“You saying my dick’s too big?” She snorted and hooted with laughter. “Hey what’s so funny? Did he or did he not tear that ass up?”

I hustled her into the house, up the stairs to my-our rooms, and closed and locked the door. “What are you doing crazy person?” She was already slipping out of her shoes by the time I reached her at the bedside.

“I’m locking us in just in case there’s any screaming when I lay down the hammer. I don’t want mom to show up at an inopportune moment and come running to the rescue.” I twiddled my brows at her a la Groucho Marx and sent her into another peel of laughter. The sound helped to smooth some of the rough edges in my chest.

“I love your laugh, promise me you’ll never stop laughing.” I kissed her forehead and held her close for the barest of seconds, taking the time to savor having her here safe and whole.

I was putting up a good front for her sake but inside I was a steaming mass of hate. That little stunt could’ve cost me dearly, but it had also shown Mandy’s hand. Now there was no doubt that she was lying about her amnesia. Not that there ever really was.

Put it aside Jace, she has no place here. I took a deep breath and went back to work.

“Let me help you out of these clothes so I can have my way with you. I’ll use extra gel this time.” She was right, the last time I ass fucked her she was a mess but that’s only because she was new to it. I’m sure she remembers the orgasms though, and if she didn’t then I’d be sure to remind her.

I took her shirt off being as gentle as was possible, and checked her over. She was healing nicely but the sight of her wounds still made me angry. I kissed each one before I worked on her jeans and panties. I slipped my hands in between the silk and her warm flesh to get my first feel of the day.

“I missed you like fuck baby. I know your dad’s gonna freak but I’m not giving you back.” I’m not sure how I was gonna work that one yet. I’ve been racking my brain for the right words to convince him.

Short of hightailing it to the justice of the peace and doing the deed now, I wasn’t sure how I was going to get around him on this one. One thing was for sure, after last night I knew I wouldn’t be much use if we had to spend another night apart. Pathetic.

Her parents have been pretty understanding already and it sucked that I was a greedy fuck where she was concerned but hey. They should understand; they’ve been there. It was because of their understanding that I wasn’t just taking her.

If her dad was an asshole this shit would be so much easier, but he wasn’t and I didn’t want any bad blood between us. Who the fuck can deal with that shit for the next fifty years?

I took her face in my hands and studied her to make sure that she was really okay after our little run-in with that witch. There were no more shadows in her eyes and she no longer looked like she’d lost her damn mind.

“I love you like crazy babygirl.” I kissed the smile off her face and led her backwards towards the bed. Her arms came up around me as I took her down beneath me.

“You gonna let me have it?” I teased her lips with mine while she grabbed my ass. “I promise to go nice and slow.” I rolled off her and headed to the bathroom to get the lube and a condom.

Her mom had taken her to get a diaphragm or some shit and though I hated knowing there was anything between her and my seed, it was the only thing that made sense since we were nowhere near ready for kids. I wanted to have a lot more years with her before we settled into family life. So although I hated the idea of birth control I was wise enough to see the need.

Back in the room I dropped my clothes on the floor on my way to her. “You ready?” I didn’t fall on her like a starving beast although I wanted to. Call it teenage hormones, but if I go one day without her I feel like I lost a limb or some shit.

Then again it’s never been like this with anyone else so there might be something else going on here, like the fact that she owned my ass. Taking her into my arms always feels like the first time, and after a day like today, she needed more from me.

Our kisses weren’t as wild as they usually are; I was trying to pace myself. If she got me too hot I’d hurt her ass again and she’d gripe at me all damn day.

Instead I kissed her lips teasingly while running my hand up and down her side. I whispered the shit to her that she likes to hear from her man while slipping my hand between her thighs to feel her wet heat.

I fingered her nice and slow with two fingers while looking into her eyes. I knew the second she was close because her eyes changed. I made my way down her body and clamped my mouth shut over her pussy just as she started to cum.

“Jace…” She grabbed my hair and held on for dear life as she bent her knees while I licked into her. Damn, I need to sound proof my shit my baby is loud as fuck.

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