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Mate With Me

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“You’ve only been privy to the human side of me, Abby, only seen that part of me I’ve allowed you to see. But it’s too late now.” Damien pinched her nipples, eliciting a startled gasp from her before coasting down her waist and palming the inside of her thighs. With a push, he gave her a silent command to spread them further which she obeyed quickly and more than willingly. God help him, she was everything he wanted and needed and he knew there wasn’t much that could keep him from finally taking her.

Abby turned her head and glared at him, her nipples still burning from his erotic pinch, her pussy seeping copiously, more than ready for his cock. “Quit trying to scare me and fuck me. I’m dying here, Damien.”

“In truth, I don’t think I could keep from fucking you now if all the hounds of hell broke in here. But first, you have to learn I’m in charge, what I say goes without rebellion from you. For your safety and my sanity, Abrielle.” Moving to her side, he swatted her right cheek hard then rubbed his hand over the red, offending mark.

Giggling, Abby pushed her hips out, saying teasingly, “Yeah, that’ll teach me. I promise to behave if you’ll do that again.” The sharp sting from his slap sent a bolt of pleasure to her pussy as did the next one and the next until her buttocks felt as warm as her pussy, as swollen as her inner vaginal walls as she creamed her sheath preparing for the hard invasion of his cock. Her eyes locked onto Luc’s and Jon’s in the glass, their heated looks adding to her pleasure as she wondered if her ass looked as red and puffy as it felt.

Just as she was preparing to lower her right hand to her pussy in an effort to relieve the unrelenting ache he had built inside her, Damien cupped her crotch with his left hand, his palm dampening with her dripping juices.

“Damien, please,” she begged without shame, the need pulsing through her raging out of control.

Slipping a finger between her folds as he landed another smack on the under curve of her right buttock, Damien leaned over her and whispered, “I know you see Luc and Jon. Do you know why they’re here?”

“Because you don’t think you’re enough for me?” Abby didn’t know why she kept taunting him. He swatted her ass much harder, making her cry out, but she wasn’t going to back down until he was inside her, where he should’ve been long before this.

“You’re playing with fire, little one,” Damien warned her, o

nly he was afraid he was going to be the one to go up in flames. Releasing his cock, he stepped behind her, grabbed her hips and thrust into her welcoming, scorching heat. “They’re here to ensure your safety, to protect you if I get out of control. And, Abby, from the way I’m feeling right now, with your pussy wrapped tightly around my cock, there’s a damn good chance they’ll have to rein me in.” He could feel a surge of power, of renewed strength already, could feel the need to bury his fangs in her neck as deep as his cock was buried in her pussy, but he swore by all he held dear, he wouldn’t succumb to that bloodlust, wouldn’t take the chance with the only woman who mattered.

Her soft as silk muscles milked the entire length of his hardness, scalding him with her heat as she surprised him by climaxing before he had moved. Cursing as she cried out in pleasure, her arms rigid as she remained braced against the window, he tried to control his own forceful need. Withdrawing slowly, he groaned as her pussy clenched around him in an effort to hold him inside her. “I’ll be back,” he reassured her as he managed to stop with just his cockhead enveloped in her softness before plunging back in with another hard, deep stroke. But his efforts to go slow, to give her more pleasure and prolong his were in vain.

Demanding, long denied need overtook him and with his fingers digging into her hips to keep her still, the long cascade of her mink hair flowing over her back and down her sides, he took her like a demon possessed. Pounding into her over and over, all he felt was the fiery scorch of her liquid heat as she clutched around his girth again and again, definite signs of her own out of control response his saving grace as his balls drew up and a red haze filled his vision. With a roar he let go, let himself embrace the ultimate pleasure as he struggled with super human effort to keep from taking her blood. Even as his body convulsed with pleasure so keen he could barely stand it, he managed to refrain from taking that ultimate step to consummating their mating.

Damien pulled out of her still spasming sheath, turned her and took her lips in another demanding kiss, his body still shuddering from the unbelievable height of pleasure he had just experienced and from the surge of power and strength struggling for release. Despite his innumerable sexual conquests the past two hundred years and the enhanced physical benefits he received from each encounter, he had never achieved the depths and heights he had just experienced with Abby. Her soft lips moving under his, meeting his urgent demand for more as their tongues dueled in a moist dance of intimacy had his blood rushing south again, filling his cock with what seemed to be insatiable need. He couldn’t imagine that sex could be any better, the pleasure any keener despite the fact he hadn’t taken her blood while fucking her, but from all accounts from his mated brethren, it was indeed likely.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t ready to risk taking that final step. Abby was too important to him to take the chance of losing all control and succumbing to the bloodlust that had taken over his body and mind that one time so long ago. Even though he wasn’t that newly transformed, confused and desperate man anymore, he simply couldn’t rid himself of the guilt or the fear his one lapse was responsible for. He might be rethinking his plan to meet the dawn once Jacob, Jon and Luc were settled with their mates, but this one, successful encounter with Abby wasn’t enough to make him risk his future with her by forgetting the consequences of his past.

“You’re mine, Abrielle,” he told her as he released her mouth, their breath mingling, their lips damp and still close enough to touch as he spoke.

“Which means you’re mine also.” Abby was more than willing to be his and intended to hold him to her as tightly as she could. She wasn’t about to give him the chance to back away again, especially not now, not after she had experienced the ultimate in sexual pleasure with him. Her body was still humming with pleasure, her series of explosive climaxes still rippling through her hypersensitive system, her nipples still achingly hard and throbbing, her pussy still clutching spasmodically even though he no long filled and stretched her.

“Mmm, yes I am yours, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Kim pleasure you again. God, Abby, that was hot.”

Chuckling, Abby said, “Tell me about it, but just how far are you wanting this sharing to go?”

Damien looked down into her censuring blue eyes and smiled at the jealous look she couldn’t hide. “Relax, cherie, a little girl on girl touching is a given for just about any guy, but that’s it. Vampires tend to be a possessive breed, at least those of us belonging to the brethren.”

“You done with us, Damien?” Luc called out with a snicker. “Cause if you are, there’s enough time before dawn for Jon and I to hit the streets again.”

“I bet he means enough time for them to get laid before turning in.” Abby grinned mischievously up at Damien, her body soft and pressed against his still clad one, his semi erect cock nestled against her abdomen.

Damien returned her smile, swatted her still warm ass and said, “Unless you want them to miss out by sticking around while I nail you again, quit rubbing yourself against me like that.” Turning to the brothers, he saw Jacob leaning against the entry doorway, his face sad and pensive as he looked across the room at them. “I think Jacob has a favor to ask of you that has to come first.”

Abby hadn’t noticed Jacob until Damien pointed out his presence. Now that her mind and body wasn’t consumed by lust, she suddenly felt self-conscious about her nudity in front of the three men she had known since she was a child. Damien, damn him, just chuckled when she attempted to shield herself behind him.

“Five minutes ago it didn’t bother you that they were in the room,” he reminded her as he pulled off his black silk tee shirt and slipped it over her head.

“Five minutes ago I didn’t care how many people were in here as long as you didn’t pull away from me again.”

Damien pulled her long hair out of the shirt and ran his fingers through its length as it fell down to her hips. “If you knew why I kept pulling back, you would never have pursued me. Maybe that’s where I went wrong, maybe I should’ve sucked it up and watched the light in your pretty eyes when you look at me go out by telling you the truth about the monster you’ve hooked up with.”

Abby wasn’t going to argue with him, would never believe he was capable of behaving like the monster he kept naming himself unless he had good reason and refused to ruin the night by arguing with him. “Too late. Now, what’s going on with Jacob?”

“He’s found his mate.”

Abrielle knocked on the door to Jacob’s room now knowing why Damien didn’t sound pleased about Jacob finding his mate. She had been lucky. Her introduction to vampires had come about by way of a rescue from a human and she had been grateful for their existence ever since. She couldn’t imagine going through what Grace had and then calmly accepting she was destined to become the one and only to a vampire.

“Grace, my name’s Abby. Can I come in?” she called out when there was no answer to her knock.

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