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Mate With Me

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“Thanks, guys. I’m not ready to give up on her. Who’s on patrol tonight?”

“We are, unless you want to join us and relieve some tension by kicking some ass. There’s never a shortage of doped up chemi-heads or gang members that need an attitude adjustment.” The only thing Luc liked as much as sex was a good fight and teaching some punk bent on causing someone else pain a much needed lesson.

“Thanks, but I think I’ll stay here tonight.”

As good as a brawling fight sounded right about now, Jacob didn’t want to leave with a rift between him and Grace. He had made headway with her, and he wanted to look in on her and assure her he wasn’t pissed, just disappointed. The truth never hurt, he told himself as he watched Jon and Luc dematerialize, their looks anxious to see what the night had in store for them.

Afraid she would ignore him if he knocked politely on his bedroom door, Jacob simply appeared on the other side, never imagining he would be greeted with the sight of her naked, lush body splayed in the middle of his bed, her hips pumping furiously against her invading fingers. Small white teeth bit into her lower lip in an effort to stifle her cries and her full breasts, shining with perspiration, jiggled from her undulations as the fingers from her other hand plucked at a nipple.

Jacob couldn’t have moved if the room suddenly filled with blood draining rogues. Her response was everything he had dreamed she was capable of, everything he wanted to be responsible for giving her. That she’d rather escape his company to get herself off both hurt and made him angry, yet he quickly shoved aside both emotions in favor of enjoying the sight of her nudity displayed so erotically. Her thighs were softly rounded, as was her waist, and her breasts were incredible. High and firm, they lay softly on her chest as she reclined back against two propped pillows, her eyes scrunched tightly shut as if she couldn’t face the pleasure she was experiencing.

With no thought in mind but relief, Jacob released his cock into his hand just as she opened those bright blue eyes and looked right at him, her pink, flushed face turning crimson as, with a startled cry, she reached for the cover.

“No, don’t,” he rasped, his tone harder than he had intended.

The soft growl of his command sent a shiver through Grace, and it wasn’t one of fear. Even though she had just experienced a mind blowing climax as intense and startling as the one she had driven herself unexpectedly to on the back of Jacob’s motorcycle, her body reacted to Jacob’s unexpected presence as if it was starved for sexual relief. Not even the sight of his large, extremely hard cock scared her. On the contrary, her eyes were riveted on the erotic sight of him slowly caressing his rigid length as he moved toward her until he was standing next to the bed, close enough she could detect every vein in his shaft and see the small drop of moisture seeping from his slit.

With belated concern, she moved away from him, intending to slip off the other side of the bed, away from him and the temptation to ignore the misgivings pushing their way through her numbed state.

“Wait.” Jacob grabbed her hand, the one she had buried between her legs only moments ago, and brought her still damp fingers to his mouth. His eyes holding hers captive, he inhaled her heady scent before slowly licking the two digits clean.

Grace melted back against the pillows, all urges to flee disappearing with each sensuous stroke of his tongue. Her nipples went from post orgasm softness to instant, aroused stiffness with heart palpitating speed and the urge to spread her now tightly clamped legs was nearly overwhelming.

“Jacob,” she whispered shakily, having absolutely no idea what she wanted to say or do. Suddenly she felt lost on a sea of confusion, the fear of what he could do still strong enough to keep her from giving in to what her body was continually demanding, demands that were growing more insistent every day.

Jacob read her confusion clearly, saw the lingering fear she couldn’t hide even though she was now trying to do just that. The fact that she was trying gave him encouragement and hope for the future, but it didn’t help ease his frustration knowing he was going to have to wait a little longer before he could claim her. Releasing her fingers, he said softly, “Show me what you like, that’s all.” Taking her hand, he placed it on top of her bare mound then slowly pushed her knees apart before moving her palm down to cover her exposed pussy.

“You want me to….masturbate in front of you?” she asked incredulously even though the idea of doing just that had her juices dampening her palm with her growing excitement. She couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he sat at the end of the bed, putting a few feet between them yet remaining close enough that he had a clear, unobstructed view of her spread folds.

“Yes, I want to know what you like so I’ll know how to please you when you’re ready for me. I promise I won’t touch you, Grace.”

He was so different from Mason, yet so much about him reminded Grace of her kidnapper. Both men were tall, strong and beyond good looking, men who, if it wasn’t for this cursed mark on her neck, she knew would never have given her a second look. But how could she refuse the look of stark desire and need etched on Jacob’s face? How could she be so drawn to this Harley riding vampire with his piercings, tattoo and long hair who represented everything she not only feared, but had never been attracted to even before her abduction?

“You’re thinking too hard, sweetheart. Listen to your body, not your mind, just for a few minutes. I swear you’re safe with me.” It took every ounce of Jacob’s considerable control not to shove her hand aside and take what he so desperately craved. His brief glimpse of her denuded, damp folds and glistening pink slit before he moved her hand down had him salivating, aching to bury his face between her legs and lap up all that cream his presence was responsible for. “Does your clit hurt? Is it as red and hard as your pretty nipples?” he asked seductively.

“Do you talk that way to all your lovers?” she returned, feeling her face flame as the soft, warm erotic pulse from her mark increased. Without conscious thought, she moved her hand so she could slip two fingers inside her sheath and it wasn’t until her slick walls tightened around them that she realized she was obeying him.

“Do you really want to know what I’ve said and done with previous bedmates?” he questioned her with a lift of his brow, his eyes drifting from her flushed face down to where her fingers were embedded in her vagina. Swallowing dryly, he stroked his cock as slowly as she stroked her pussy, wished it was her juices coating his girth instead of his own pre-come spread by his own hand.

The reference to past tense wasn’t lost on Grace, and the pleasure she felt at that declaration had her more confused than ever. But right now, her confusion and insecurities were going to have to take a back seat to the excitement coursing through her. She was discovering having an audience added a heady rush to masturbating and the hot, intense look in Jacob’s emerald eyes seared her with pleasure. “No, no I don’t,” she whispered before sucking in a deep breath when she pulled back and grazed her clit again with both damp fingers.

“Touch your breast again. Take your nipple between two fingers and roll it. I loved the way your breast felt, loved the way your nipple stabbed against my palm, how hot and hard it was, how hot and hard it made me.”

No one had ever spoken to her the way he was doing, so open and carnally explicit. She found she liked it, liked him telling her what to do, what he liked and how her actions made him feel. How many times had she lay wondering what her boyfriend wanted, what he liked and didn’t, what she had done wrong when their encounters ended in disappointment? As she felt the small tremors that heralded another climax, she kept her eyes on him, gauging his reaction.

Rolling her nipple like he instructed, she foun

d the maneuver slightly uncomfortable, yet even more pleasurable than simply touching herself. Another deep thrust of her fingers followed by another slow, tantalizing caress over her clit had her hips arching up, her fingers tightening on her nipple and her soft, startled cry echoing in the room. Looking down, she stared unabashedly as Jacob gripped his cock tighter, his strokes coming faster as he pumped his fist up, over the mushroom cap then back down before cupping his balls.

“Does that feel good?” she couldn’t help but ask. She had never touched a man’s sac, never gave that part of their anatomy much thought, but from the look on Jacob’s face, she thought she had been very naïve.

“Oh, yeah.” Jacob grinned at her, pleased that she was asking questions even though he could tell she was embarrassed by her innocence, an innocence he would have found more endearing if he wasn’t so desperate to bury himself inside her. “It would feel even better if it was your hand touching me, or your mouth.”

Sheesh, Grace moaned as her pussy gushed at that suggestion, he was turning her world upside down, and she was beginning to think that it might not be such a bad thing. Then his jaw tightened as well as his hand, and with a few hard yanks, his cock was spewing his semen on the bed between them, his groan deep and long, the pleasure on his face the tipping point for her own climatic release.

The look on her face as she watched him climax followed so swiftly by her own, uncontrollable release was nearly Jacob’s undoing. Watching his mate come apart under her own hands instead of by his body had him suddenly seeing red, souring his mood. He had managed to keep his incisors hidden until now, managed to suppress the nearly overpowering need to stake his claim by sinking his fangs into the soft flesh of her breast and slake his ever increasing thirst and lust on her body. He would never know if it was the return of fear in her eyes and the way she cowered back that reined him in. Standing, he tucked his still hard cock back into his pants before stating coldly, “Be very careful, Grace, that your constant denial of the truth doesn’t create the very monster you fear.”

His solid form shimmered then evaporated, leaving Grace bereft in a storm of confusion and lust. She hadn’t meant to cower from him, hadn’t really been afraid of him, but the sudden transformation of lover to vampire had come so fast, she didn’t have time to prepare herself for the difference or to try to suppress her instant reaction of fear.

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