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Mate With Me

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Despite his fury, Jon felt a spark of amusement when her proud chin lifted and she angled her head to stare at his grasping hand. They had just gotten her name from the other bartender when they realized she had been gone longer than necessary to do her business. They didn’t hesitate to interrogate the man as to her whereabouts. Even though he was reluctant to say too much, he was no match for their intimidating looks and thinly veiled threats. Seeing her standing there so calmly as she faced the two rogues with false bravado instead of running or calling out for help, had his simmering temper at her defiance in coming out here alone threatening to boil over. “We specifically told you not to come outside alone,” he ground out, confident that Luc was handling the two idiots dumb enough not to check to see if any of the brethren were there with her.

The sound of a fist meeting flesh drew her gaze and seeing Luc landing a solid right hook into the solar plexus of one of her would be assailants, his face calm despite the barely leashed fury of his attack, kept Caitlin from snapping back at Jon’s arrogant assumption that she would just blindly obey two stranger’s dictates. Caitlin cringed when Luc picked the guy up by his arm and easily flung him against the wall where he hit with a thud then slid down to the ground where he lay limp and unmoving.

She was about to call out a warning when Jon squeezed her hand, drawing her attention again. “Don’t distract him.”

“Why don’t you help him instead of lecturing me?” she snapped.

Jon snorted. “He can take those two blindfolded.”

A blur of movement too fast to follow had Luc meeting the other assailant’s attack with a swift, backward kick to his chest, sending the cretin back several feet. Without giving him time to recover, Luc grabbed him by the throat and lifted him effortlessly in a show of stunning male power and strength that had Caitlin’s body going into overdrive despite the gravity of the situation.

“Tell that insane, fucking bitch who sent you here to back off. Got it?” Luc growled softly into the face of the scared rogue who wasn’t so far gone yet as to not realize he was being given a reprieve. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed to keep from plunging his dagger through this imbecile’s heart, obliterating one more threat against their mates, but watching him kill a guy then seeing that guy disintegrate into a pile of ashes within seconds wouldn’t endear Caitlin to their pursuit. They were going to have a hard enough time getting her cooperation as it is without throwing too much at her at once. The damn woman was too independent for her own good.

“Okay, okay, just, let us go,” he babbled, spittle flying, making Luc drop him in disgust.

Regaining her senses as the two creeps took off; Caitlin wrenched her hand free and glared up at Jon. “Look, I’m not one of those women who gets all giddy over some guy, or guys, coming to her rescue. I’m perfectly capa….oomph!”

Jon’s mouth swooping down on hers abruptly ended her tirade, his hand on her nape holding her head still for his assault kept her from trying to escape. Not that she wanted to, she admitted as she clung to those hard lips that were softening under hers, as she found herself opening easily for his tongue, meeting him halfway and giving as good as she got as they tangled together in a damp, mouth to mouth exploration. It was as if another woman had taken over her body, one who wasn’t pissed at their high handedness, one who didn’t give a rat’s ass if they were overbearing, arrogant jerks intent on having their way. She didn’t need him to push her hips forward, she was already arching into him, already savoring the feel of the hard ridge of his cock pressing into her stomach, already rubbing her aching nipples against the hard planes of his chest, seeking relief from the onslaught of pleasure consuming her.

Caitlin struggled to regain control of her senses, fought to push the lust aside long enough to make room for common sense, and she was close to doing just that when Jon abruptly released her and handed her over to Luc. Before she realized his intent, Luc took over where his brother left off, wasting no time firing up her cylinders, sweeping in and taking over her mouth as she fought to keep from panicking over the way that these men could easily take control of her life if she let them.

She gave in to the need slamming through her, succumbed to the pulse pounding lust as he took control of her mouth and held her tightly against a body that was similar to, but different from his brother’s. Both men were big, tall and hard and she was assailed with visions of being sandwiched between the two of them, her sweat slick flesh sliding against theirs as the pleasure threatening to erupt just from their mouths became a reality. Teetering on the edge, she moaned into his mouth, ready to concede this battle as she rubbed her mound against his hard cock, seeking release in a mindless gyration of her hips.

Her world tilted on its axis when Jon pressed up behind her and she felt his cock against her ass, his hand cupping her pussy over her jeans and putting enough pressure to make her explode in pleasure, her cries muffled by Luc’s mouth, her body bucking between them in nearly uncontrollable, overwhelming ecstasy.

Shaken by her response, she just stood there mutely when they released her, didn’t say anything when Luc bit out, “We’ll be back tomorrow. Behave until then.” She watched both men walk out to the street at the end of the alley until they disappeared around the corner, the orange glow of the rising sun nearly blinding her a moment later as she stumbled back inside the bar. “If only I had a brain,” she mumbled as she struggled against the tiny tremors still pulsing from her climax.

“You only quote the Wizard of Oz when you’re upset or worried. Which is it?” Bobby asked when he saw Caitlin return looking a bit rumpled but okay. Lucky bitch.

“Both and I don’t want to talk about it. Why are you still here?”

“To get all the delicious details, of course. Those two looked pissed, but in a protective, he-man sort of way. Please tell me they’re not your type. Better yet, tell me you’re not their type.”

Caitlin laughed, grateful for the distraction of his Tom foolery. “Sorry, friend, no can do. But, I’ll tell you what. If I decide to take a walk on the wild side with them, I promise I’ll leave something left over for you.”

“I’ll hold you to that. Good night, Cat.”

“Night, Bobby,” Caitlin called out as she headed upstairs, confident he’d lock up on his way out. She was so tired she simply stripped on her way to her bedroom and fell down face first across her bed, her mind shutting down before her body.

“Cutting it close, aren’t you?” Damien remarked when Jon and Luc materialized in the short hallway outside the rooms they were using during the day.

“You won’t believe how close,” Luc answered, not at all pleased with the outcome of the evening. He wasn’t even sure he was ready for a mate, but had to admit Caitlin drew him like a moth to a flame. Her feisty attitude as well as the chip on her shoulder turned him on. He always did love a challenge. The feel of her slender body bucking against him had almost made him come in his jeans, something he hadn’t done since he was a teenager. Having to let those two rogues go didn’t help his disposition.

“Don’t mind him, Damien; he’s just pissed because he wanted another few decades to play the field before meeting our mate. Too bad fate had other ideas.”

Jon’s grin said how pleased he was with finding his mate, and Damien slapped him on the shoulder in congratulations. “One for both of you, huh? Well, Luc, you could always let Jon have this one and hold out for another.”

Luc’s snarly, “Bite me,” before he went in his room and shut the door in their faces spoke volumes.

“He’s not as upset about it as he lets on. He’s more pissed off about having to let go two rogues because Caitlin was standing right there without a clue what was going on.”

“You can tell us all about her tonight. Right now, I’m wiped.” Damien wasn’t at all surprised that Isabelle hadn’t let up on her attacks. The good news was now all of them had their mates and could, hopefully, be at their full power and strength shortly. Providing he blood bonded with Abby soon and Grace accepted Jacob soon and the twin’s mate accepted them without delay. What were the odds, he cynically questioned before tuning it all out in favor of much needed rest.

Grace awoke confused with a splitting headache. She had spent the night tossing and turning, trying to figure out what had gone wrong last night. One minute she was lost in the throes of a powerful climax, one brought about, no less, by the painful, stimulating slaps of Jacob’s hand on her ass, and the next she was brought rudely back to earth by the dark anger on Jacob’s face as he glared down at her. She had no idea why he was mad or why he had turned from her, and there was a part of her sparking to life this morning that was pissed off he didn’t give her an explanation.

Never in a million years would she have believed she could find pleas

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