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Mate With Me

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“You can do it too,” Jon told her, liking the way they flustered her. When she was flustered, she wasn’t scowling at them. “Just think of one, or both of us, and send your thoughts. Try it.”

Go away, she silently thought, sending the message toward them both.

No, they answered simultaneously.

Holy crap, she thought then smiled when they both laughed, realizing they received that message without her even trying. Now, she was not only horny, she was intrigued, and she was beginning to think the only way she was going to get rid of these two, and her disturbing reaction to them, was to give in to the inevitable. And really, what was there to worry about? One night in the sack with two hot guys and she could go back to normal, put them out of her mind as easily as she had the others in her past who had eased her loneliness and her lust.

“Okay, you win. I’ll get Bobby to close up and then you can come with me upstairs to my place and explain how you, we can do that.” Their smug looks of satisfaction were as identical as their looks, but Caitlin didn’t let that bother her. One night, that was all she was giving them and when they realized that, it will be her turn to be smugly satisfied.

“Are you sure, Cat?” Bobby asked her a few minutes later after she had pulled him aside and asked if he’d mind closing up, his worried look going from Caitlin to the two hunks eyeing her like she was a tasty morsel they couldn’t wait to devour. “What do you know about them? Anything?”

“No, but you know that’s the way I prefer it, Bobby. I’m not interested in forming any kind of attachment or pursuing any kind of relationship, especially with two men. One would be a pain in the ass to keep happy, two, impossible.”

“You know how to handle yourself, but you’ve always picked men weaker than you for your trysts. You’ll be no match for either of them if they intend to harm you.”

“That weasely son of a bitch,” Jon muttered as he got up and strode angrily over to where Caitlin was talking quietly to Bobby, his acute hearing enabling him to hear every word. “We’d cut off our arm before we’d hurt her and the only reason you’re not picking your teeth up off the floor is because you have Caitlin’s best interests at heart. She’ll come to no harm from us,” was as far as he’d go in reassuring the other man. Turning to Caitlin, he took her hand, refusing to let go when she glared at him with defiance flashing in her grey eyes as she struggled to pull out of his grip. “You ready?”

“How on earth did you hear him?” she demanded while her mind, and her common sense, warred with her body on her answer. Luckily, she knew several ways to sexually torture a man, and she planned to get a little payback for their highhandedness by using every one. “Never mind. I’m ready.” His little half grin told her he had a secret but wasn’t ready to share, which was fine with her. The less she knew about them the better.

The back staircase that led to her apartment was located at the end of the short hallway that held the bathrooms and storage room. Conscious of his much larger hand still wrapped around hers as Jon followed her up, Luc right behind him; she fumbled with the lock before entering her apartment with a sense of relief as well as anticipation.

Fast and furious? Jon asked Luc, making sure his suggestion was heard by only his brother.

Giving her no time to think, or change her mind? Good idea.

Jon turned Caitlin and brought her slim body flush with his. “Better lead us to the bedroom quick unless you prefer the floor.” Grabbing her hips, he pushed them forward until she could feel his cock against her waist, letting her know without words how fast this was going.

The apartment was dark, but she didn’t need light to lead them down the short hall to her bedroom. Luc walked unerringly to her bed stand and flicked on the small lamp as Jon wasted no time tugging her shirt from her jeans and pulling it over her head. Caitlin was more than happy to make this quick. Shoving his hands aside when they went to her jeans zipper, she said, “I can undress myself. Why don’t you two catch up?”

She had barely stripped her jeans off, taking her panties with them, when strong arms encircled her waist from behind and a hard cock nestled intimately between her buttocks. “Oh, God,” she whispered hoarsely as the sensations ripping through her body were driving her towards a precipice she had never experienced before.

“Scared?” Luc taunted, his lips barely brushing her ear. He didn’t want her nervous, and he knew she would take his taunt as a challenge.

“Not hardly,” Caitlin managed right before his hands rose to cup her breasts. She laid her head back against his chest on a moan, closing her eyes and automatically spreading her legs when she felt Jon caressing her folds.

“I like this sexy little strip, Caitlin.” Jon ran a finger over the dark red line of hair that ended right above her pubis as his other hand delved between her slick folds and found heaven. “Warm and slick, ready for us already, Luc.”

Caitlin struggled to regain control of her senses, belatedly remembering her determination to torture these two for their overbearing attitude. But with the feel of all that hard, male flesh against her back coupled with the deep strokes of long, hard fingers invading her pussy, she couldn’t think of anything except the pleasure they were wreaking on her body. Luc’s fingers plucked at her nipples, drawing on the taut buds until the ache turned to a nip of pain followed by the most exquisite pleasure. “Yes,” she whispered on a plea as their harsh breathing swirled around her and the beginning tremors of an orgasm started.

Jon slipped his free hand behind her neck, lifting her head off Luc’s shoulder and gazing down into her eyes when they flew open. “No, not yet.” Removing his fingers from the grasp of her pussy, he took her lips in a deep kiss, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth to stroke demandingly over hers.

The swift removal of his fingers before her climax could take hold had her cursing both of them, her frustration more with herself than them because that was exactly what she had planned to torment them with. “Let me,” she managed to say as she started to go to her knees before Jon and give him a taste of his own medicine.

“Later, sweetie,” Jon said, guessing what she had in mind by the frustration on her face and the cunning gleam in her expressive eyes. He hoped the woman never played poker. She wouldn’t stand a chance.

Before she knew their intent, Luc picked her up and tossed her lightly on the bed, both men following her down before she could bounce back up. Two big, hard male bodies covered her and she once again lost all coherent thought. Lost in a sea of sensation, she let herself roll on the waves of pleasure from their undivided attention, relished the feel of both breasts getting suckled at the same time, lips and tongues and even teeth working her tender buds until she damn near came from nipple play alone.

Her hips moved restlessly against them as she struggled with the onslaught of pleasure, fought to come into contact with a hard thigh or hip long enough to get off, but they effectively blocked each maneuver as if they knew what she was trying to do. Fisting her hands in their thick hair, she yanked viciously in frustration. “More, damn it. I need to come.” She was astonished at how badly she needed the release, how her body had taken over and demanded its due.

Luc chuckled, delighted with her despite his reservations about finding her sooner than he had anticipated. Releasing her nipple, he savored the feel of her soft curves and sleek, well-toned muscles under him as he kissed her quickly before repeating Jon’s words, “Not yet, Cat.”

“Only my close friends call me Cat,” she snapped at him in frustration.

“Good, because I plan on being much more than a close friend.” Luc moved down her body, leaving her breasts to Jon as he settled her legs over his shoulders and inhaled the scent of her. Right before he buried his mouth in her pussy, his enhanced eyesight found the crescent shaped mark that denoted her capability to be a mate to them on her inner thigh. Unable to resist, he ran his tongue over the mark as his own aching pulse on his palm further engorged his cock, something he didn’t think was possible considering how hard and full he already was.

Caitlin whimpered when she felt Luc’s tongue on the inside of her thigh, the pleasure so intense, the earlier tremors heralding her climax returned without warning, aided by Jon’s mouth moving from breast to breast, never letting up on the undivided attention he was heaping upon them. Fisting her hands above her, grabbing hold of the pillow, she struggled to hold back a scream as Luc moved away from her thigh, spread her folds with his fingers and tongue fucked her pussy with knowledgeable concentration. He wasted no time zeroing in on her clit. Wrapping his lips around her tortured bud, he began suckling.

They devoured her like men obsessed, searing her with the scorching heat of their mouths and hands as she writhed against their faces. The sensations were overwhelming, scaring her briefly so she didn’t have time to be afraid because her body exploded in fireworks, ecstasy enveloping her from head to toe as she came apart.

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