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The Malone Brothers

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“Aw, hell,” I say, running a hand over my jaw.

“Hey,” she says, her hand on my chin, pulling my face to hers. “I’m glad you were here. What would your bother have said if I’d had handed him that card?”

Just then a cough interrupts us. Mike.

“Uh, well, I’d have said hello.”

Millie’s eyes go wide, but I just pull her close to my chest. That way my brother can’t eye her goods and I can have those tits pressed right where they belong.

“Fuck, Mike, what are you doing here?”

He laughs. “It’s my shop too you know.”

“Louisa’s not with you, is she?”

“No, thank God. Hell, Mox. Use the office if you need to knock one off.”

I feel Millie tense against me.

“Hey, wait a sec,” I say. “Can you let us dress and we’ll see you round back?”

Mike grunts and pushes himself through the door.

“Oh, god,” Millie says, covering her face. “That was your brother?”

“Yeah, and to answer your question, if he’d had gotten your card he wouldn’t know what to do with it. That SOB wouldn’t even know where the trunk is.”

“Considering you didn’t take me up on my offer, I’m guessing you don’t either.”

I shake my head; this woman constantly surprises me. She is no prude. She can be sexy and silly and make my cock go hard and my heart turn to mush.

“Oh, cupcake, I’m just waiting for the right place to bend you over.”

Chapter 10


I’m somewhat mortified, but not entirely. There’s something about being wrapped around Moxon’s hard body, my breasts pressed against his chest as he shields me from his brother’s view, that makes me feel protected, desired. His.

With Mike out of the lobby, we dress quickly, and I stop in the bathroom to wash up. Looking in the mirror, I scowl as I try to smooth my now wild hair.

“You look great,” Moxon says when I reenter the lobby. “Now let me show you off.”

He grabs my hands and pulls me to the back of the shop. “Looks good, right?” Moxon asks Mike, who is staring at my Beetle.

“It is,” Mike says. “Just like mom’s old car.”

“Your mom drove a Beetle?” I ask.

Mike smiles. “Powder blue just like yours. She died a few years back from cervical cancer. She was the only woman that truly mattered to me, until Louisa of course.”

I look over at Mox. His lips are pulled into a sad smile, and my heart swells for something I can’t name. Memories I don’t have but in this auto shop, it’s almost like I share them.

“Is Louisa your wife?”

Mike shakes his head. “Naw, Louisa’s my little girl. She’s five.” He pulls out his phone and shows me a photo of an adorable girl with bright blue eyes just like her dad.

“What a sweetie,” I say.

“I know, right? But I couldn’t do it on my own. Louisa’s mom is out of the picture, and Mox really helps me out with her, covering for me here at the shop when I need to pick her up from school or take her to birthday parties.”

I listen, trying to wrap my head around Moxon the player and Moxon the family man. “My dad was a single parent too and I always felt like the luckiest girl to have a dad who sacrificed so much for me. I’m sure Louisa feels the same way.” Remembering that I haven’t even introduced myself, I stick out my hand. “I’m Millie, by the way.”

Mike looks over at Moxon, grinning. “Oh, I know all about you.”

I raise my eyebrows. Moxon had mentioned me?

“Don’t worry. He only had nice things to say,” Mike adds. “In fact, one night out with you seems to have whipped our boy into shape.”

I want to ask more, but Moxon mentions food.

“I can only stay for a little bit, I have plans tonight.”

Moxon says he’ll take what he can get and the next thing I know I’m back in my Beetle, and the guys are in Mox’s truck.

We return to the pub we went to a few days ago but it’s a different waitress this time, but she’s scowling at Moxon all the same.

“Her too?” Mike asks after she’s taken our order and is out of earshot.

Moxon shrugs. “It was a long time ago.” He looks over at me and cocks his head to the side. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” And I mean it. I have no claim on Moxon, even if my body might say otherwise.

“So, what do you do for fun, Millie?” Mike asks when the beer arrives.

“Nothing that exciting. I work a lot, watch old movies, and take long walks on the weekend, going to bookstores and getting coffee. Maybe stopping at the farmer’s market.”

Mike grins. “Sounds just like Mox.”

“Shut up,” Moxon scowls.

“Seriously though, when is the last time you read a book?”

I get defensive for Mox for some reason. “I don’t want a man who is the mirror image of me. I don’t want to date myself.”

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