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The Malone Brothers

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"I need to get a job," I explain. "I'm willing to go wherever necessary to make that happen. With college done, I've got to get some sort of paycheck. I'm impressed by someone like you, to be honest. Running your own business has got to be hard," I tell her.

After meeting her, I spent plenty of time browsing her Etsy store, coveting her creative and cute designs.

"Yeah," she says, sighing, "but some parts of being your own boss can be a little difficult. I procrastinate sometimes." Laughing, she adds, "And since the job doesn't require me to put on pants, I don't always have a reason to get dressed."

"That's true," I say, smiling. "I guess what really matters is just finding what you love and following that."

"Exactly, and I'm lucky that I get to make art for a living." She turns to Louisa. "Five minutes at the playground then we've gotta get home. Remember? I'm having people over for a barbecue."

"Oh, alright," I say, taking my cue. "Well, I'll let you get to it, then," I tell her. "It was nice seeing you."

"No, you should totally come. I know you have work in the morning, but––"

"Actually, I don't. I have tomorrow off because I'm going to Spokane for an interview."

"In that case, you have to come for dinner. Just a few people. It will be fun."

"Well..." I bite my lip, thinking about who exactly might be there.

Leaning in to whisper, out of Louisa's earshot, she adds, "Don't say no because Mike's gonna be there," Millie says as if reading my mind. "Just because you don't want to date doesn't mean you can't be my friend. Come on, otherwise, I'll just have to listen to those boys talk about their shop. And I've invited a few other ladies that I've met as well, with their husbands and families. One I met at knitting club and another I met at the art store in town."

I hesitate. "I don't know, I don't want to make it weird for Mike."

"Mike does not get to decide who comes to my BBQ. I won't take no for an answer."

"Yay," Louisa says, clapping her hands. "My teacher is coming to my auntie's house for dinner!"

Sighing, I realize I can't let these two ladies down. And truthfully, I don't want to say no anyway.

"All right," I concede. Raising my fruit bag, I ask, "Can I bring a peach cobbler?"

Chapter 7


After work, I run home really quick to shower and change before heading over to Mox and Millie's house. Louisa is there already. Her aunt took her to the farmers’ market today.

Knowing I'm alone in the house, I spend a few extra minutes in the shower. It's impossible to not keep thinking about Clementine. The way her body moved against mine, her skin so supple, so willing. Ready.

Memories of the two of us in the shop flood my mind as I step in the shower, a stream of hot water running over me. I love how dirty she was once I got her out of that skirt and blouse. My mind has been playing tricks on me for days. All I can picture when I close my eyes is her hot pink bra and that teeny tiny thong. Her ass in my hands.

I let the water run over me as I fantasize about Clementine bending over her school desk, my hands on her hips as I fuck her from behind.

I'd push up that tiny little skirt of hers and push aside her panties. Then I'd take my long, thick cock, the one in my hand right now, and I fill her creamy cunt with it. Pounding my teacher, the way she deserves. Nice and hard.

I stroke myself as I think of her, pumping my rigid shaft, thinking about the arch of her back, her bouncing tits. There are so many naughty things I want to do to her.

Dammit, I think as I come, and the steamy shower water washes away my release. How in the hell am I supposed to get through life without having Clementine a second time?

I've got to do something. I know she doesn't want to go out with me. But damn, I just need one more time.

She made it pretty damn clear what she wants and doesn't want. The last thing I want to do is bulldoze a woman into doing what I want. That's not how I operate; never have, never will.

But hell, I think, as I step out of the shower and dry myself off, my cock still standing at attention. I wonder if it's the right way to handle the situation.

Clementine might feel differently if she understands how much she's been tormenting my mind for days on end. She might change her mind if she realizes that she is my first thought when I wake up and my last thought when I fall asleep. That, aside from Louisa, she's the only woman I've ever considered in such an all-consuming way.

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