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The Malone Brothers

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I follow her into her apartment, and as I help her inside she winces, having put too much pressure on her foot. "Easy, there, Cutie," I say, taking her hand more firmly. "Can't have you falling down again."

She laces her fingers with mine, and even though things ended on a slightly tense note in the car, I know she feels this. This connection. She doesn't want to let it go.

Her apartment is just as I'd expect. Damn near perfect. Throw blankets arranged artfully on the couch, little, embroidered sayings on the front of the decorative pillows. Good Vibes Only and Dream Big.

"Where do you want to get set up?" I ask. "On the couch?"

"No, I was wondering if maybe you could help me into my bedroom?"

"You sure?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow at her. We both know that if I walk in her bedroom I'm not gonna be able to leave until I've had her.

"I'm sure." She nods a glimmer in her eye, letting me know she has the same idea.

"I like your apartment, Clementine," I tell her. "Makes my place look like a damn man cave."

"What does Louisa think about that?" she asks as we walk down the narrow hall to her room. My arm is still around her waist to help her. I'm not letting go.

"I don't think she knows any other way. She's used to Hot Pockets and boxes of mac and cheese. And I do make sure she eats something green every day," I say, running a hand over my jaw. "I know I could do better, but it's hard being a single dad. Sometimes LuLu will start whining about one thing or another and I'll be on the Internet all night trying to read mommy-blogs about how to get your kid to brush their teeth or pick up their toys."

"So, her mom, she's never lived with you?"

"Nope. Not for a single day."

"The must be so hard for LuLu," she says softly as she pushes open her bedroom door.

It's the first time she I've heard her call Louisa LuLu, and my heart skips a beat as she does. Feels good to hear her say it like that. It feels right.

"Yeah, but I guess you don’t miss what you don’t know."

"Maybe, but still..." she starts.

"I know, maybe one day there will be someone who can take that place in her life. I hope so." I swallow hard, suddenly feeling emotional as I stand here in this woman's bedroom, knowing that when I look at her, I do see the future.

And it kills me to think she doesn't see the same thing. How is it possible? To see something so clearly, that someone else hasn't noticed yet?

"You are doing a wonderful job with her. She's excelling in school, is well liked, and loves you so much."

"Thanks," I say. "You know how in the car you said you don't get too many compliments? Well, neither do I. Flying solo is hard. I'm just trying to get my wings in the air."

Clementine runs her hands over my arms. "Well, you have tonight off, don't you?"

I nod, my cock liking the sound of her words, her voice, her everything. "All night."

"Do you want to take me to bed?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper.

I want that more than anything. "Clementine, I need you to know, I'm--" Before I can finish, she cuts me off.

"I know, Mike. I know."

I was gonna tell her that I'm falling for her because it's the damn truth. I'm falling for her so fucking hard.

But she isn't ready to hear it.

When I lay her down on her white comforter, fluffy pillows all around her, I see a woman so pure, so tender, so damn soft, I want to cradle her in my arms forever.

"This is a little different than lying on the hood of your car," she says with a smile. "Isn't it?"

I growl, taking her hand and pressing it to the growing bulge in my jeans. "Yeah, but it's just as hard."

That causes her to erupt in a fit of sexy giggles, and I'm glad, I don't think I could handle any more emotional gazes or intense words right now. I want to get lost in her body; lost in her touch.

As I lean over her, she lets out a long breath. The kind of breath you don't realize you've been holding in.

The kind of breath that tells you everything you need to know. I kiss her, and I swear, when I hold her, it's like a weight has been lifted.

She is the wind beneath my wings.

Chapter 10


When Mike kisses me, I feel a breeze from my open window rustle through the room, the wind as soft and gentle as his kisses.

"Oh," I whimper in his mouth, his tongue on mine as he kisses me like I am the only thing in the world. Like I am his.

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