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The Ivanhoe Gambit (TimeWars 1)

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"Only because the interrogators were inept. You're already in a great deal of pain, aren't you? You're afraid. I can see it in your face. So far, this has all been relatively simple, even pleasant. Don't force me to have to hurt you."

"Go to hell, Goldblum."

Irving sighed. "Very well, then. You leave me no choice. I'm really very sorry about this."

He walked over to the racks and picked up a thumbscrew. It would do for a beginning.

Chapter 11

"How are you feeling?" Hunter said.

Lucas sat up in bed. "I've been better, but I guess I'm okay."

"Glad to hear that," Hunter said. "Feel up to some traveling?"

Lucas took a deep breath. "Where am I going?"


"I don't understand."

"We're going, you and I. Or have you given up on Irving?"

"You mean you're going to help me?"

"Well, now what the hell did you expect me to do, pilgrim?" Hunter said.

Lucas made a wry face and started to get u

p. "Frankly, I felt sure that you were going to take advantage of my somewhat weakened condition to clock me out somewhere. I haven't got an implant anymore and you could've sent me just about anywhere with no hope of my ever being found."

Hunter stared at him. "Now why would I want to do a thing like that?"

"I may be digging my own grave," said Lucas, "but I didn't think that you could afford to let me go. What's to prevent me from reporting you?"

"Nothing," Hunter said. "So?"


"Come on, now, they didn't hit you all that hard," said Hunter, chuckling. "So what if you reported me? What good would that do? They can't trace me and I've got my own plate. At worst, I'd have to give up this cozy little cabin, but that's no big deal. I could find another place. Hell, I can go anywhere I want to and there ain't an awful lot anyone can do about it, is there?"

Lucas smiled. "You've got a point. I suppose I simply wasn't thinking. But why should you want to get involved?"

"All sorts of reasons," Hunter said. "Things have been pretty quiet around here lately. I wouldn't mind a chance to raise some Cain and take on a rogue referee. Sounds interesting. There's also the fact that, without me, you just don't stand a chance unless you get damned lucky. And not the least of my reasons is the fact that I've got to protect my own interests. This guy Irving is vandalizing my playground. He's fooling around with the timestream and that could put me in a sticky situation if I decided to clock out ahead of where he's been mucking about. I'd have no idea of what I'd be getting into. See, I don't want any changes. I like things just the way they are. That way, I've got my edge."

"So what do you propose?"

"We may as well write off your nysteel gear," said Hunter. "It's not really a major loss now that you've got me and I am not without some equipment of my own. The way it stands right now, we're in pretty good shape, since the opposition is completely in the dark about yours truly. He's got no idea you now have access to a chronoplate and he won't know that I can supply you with special gear. I'm not as conservative as your mission commander in that respect. What's more, he can't trace you anymore without your implant."

Lucas glanced at him sharply. "What are you talking about?"

Hunter sighed. "Oh, boy. They really sent out a bunch of suckers on this one, didn't they?"

"I thought only S&R had tracer gear."

"Yeah, well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you weren't briefed," said Hunter. "You've never been cleared for duty that would have you assigned to a plate, that much is obvious. S&R does have some specialized equipment, but the fact is that any chronoplate can read an implant signal."

"Jesus Christ," said Lucas, sitting back and exhaling heavily. "That means Irving knew about us all along! He knows where we are at any given time!"

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