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The Ivanhoe Gambit (TimeWars 1)

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t have to be," said Hunter.

"Why do you take my part in this? Are you not one of them?"

"I was one of them," said Hunter. "Now, I live life on my own terms. As for why I want to help you, well, there are many reasons and none. You interest me. I like you. I admire your spirit and determination. In a way, we are alike. You could not live by the rules of your society, so you made your own rules. You were born before your time and I was born too late for mine. We're kindred spirits, you and I. Thanks to you, a threat to my existence has been removed and I now have Irving's chronoplate—his apparatus for traveling from one time or place to another. I propose to take you with me."

"As your woman."

"As your own woman. The time from which I come does not hold women to be inferior to men. And you are the superior of most. In exchange for your companionship, on your own terms, I can offer you the world and almost all of time. I can show you these things I've spoken of. I can teach you how to understand them. I can offer you experiences that would defy your wildest dreams."

"I would like to see these things you spoke of," Andre said. "And I would like to see a world in which I did not have to act the part of a man to live life on my terms. You may be a devil tempting me into damnation for all I know, but this world in which I now reside has lost its sweetness. Yet, I cannot go. Not while Bois-Guilbert lives. If it costs me my life, I will bring him to justice before God for the murder of my brother."

"That's easily enough accomplished," Hunter said. "Take my gun and shoot the bastard.''

"No. With such an awesome weapon, his death would be too swift and I could take no pleasure in it. He dies by my sword, gazing at my face."

"Well, I won't try to talk you out of it," said Hunter. "Revenge is something I can understand. However, do you see that your being abroad now constitutes a risk, and that if you remain here after you have avenged your brother, they will surely find you? I assure you, you would be defenseless against them."

"Once I have avenged Marcel, if you are still willling, I will seek you out and gratefully accept your offer of escape, since I wish to survive and I am most curious to learn of these strange and wonderful things you speak of. Perhaps it will prove the end of me, but I have never been one to turn back from a challenge. I will go with you, but we go as comrades in arms and nothing more, else I do not go."


"Then I must leave you now to seek out Bois-Guilbert."

"If you will allow me—"

"This is a thing which I must do myself," she said.

"And so you shall. But there is no reason not to take precautions. There is still time in which we can be safe here. Let me seek out Bois-Guilbert. I have greater mobility than you and can do so quickly. Then, once I've found him, I'll take you to him. Past that, I promise not to interfere. Is it agreed?"


Chapter 15

"I've found him," Hunter said.

"What, so quickly?" Andre shook her head in wonder. "And this is not sorcery, you say. You vanish before my very eyes and then appear again as if by magic, and yet it is not magic. I wish that I could accept this."

"You will," said Hunter. "It won't take a bargain with the devil, either. There's a way to gain a lot of knowledge very quickly. There are others like me, in other times and other places. We speak in many different languages, yet we understand each other. We are a strong society." He grinned. "There's such a thing as an implant that can't be traced. You don't know what that is yet, but it will enable you to learn and understand. Meanwhile, there still remains the matter of your revenge."

"Where is Bois-Guilbert? Take me to him!"

"It's not as simple as that," said Hunter. "I found him for you. But he won't be easy to get at. He's very well protected. He fled to Templestowe with Rebecca of York as a hostage."

"The Jewess?"

Hunter nodded. "No doubt, he wanted to set up light housekeeping at the Templars' residence. The only problem is, there's a shake up in the works."

"A ... shake up?"

"I beg your pardon. A series of radical reforms. Albert Beaumanoir, Grand Master of the Order of the Knights Templars, has arrived at Templestowe with the intent of showing his warrior priests the error of their ways. Consequently, it would look bad for Bois-Guilbert to co-habit with a woman at this time, and a Jew no less."

"So he is in disfavor with his superiors," said Andre. "How can this work against me?"

"Well, he would have been in trouble with the Grand Master if it wasn't for the fact that friends interceded for him. They convinced Beaumanoir that Sir Brian's been ensorcelled by Rebecca and the poor woman was made to stand trial for witchcraft. Naturally, they convicted her."

"The countryside teems with sorcerers these days," said Andre wryly.

"That poor girl has been made a victim, by Bois-Guilbert and now by Beaumanoir. She's to be burned at the stake. But she has appealed for trial by combat. Bois-Guilbert's advice, no doubt. She'd never have thought of it on her own."

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