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Cowboy Baby Daddy

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Eric gave me a considering look and then bent down to kiss me. The kiss wasn't as passionate as the one we'd shared just inside the door; instead, it was as though he was trying to prove to me how sweet he could be. His hands were like branding irons along my sides, and I arched against his sturdy chest.

He pulled back, staring heatedly down at me. “You have no idea, the things I'd like to do to you,” he said, emphasizing the point with a thrust of his hips.

“Please,” I whimpered.

Eric looked surprised. “Are you sure?” he asked.

I nodded frantically, looping my arms around his neck and pulling him into another heated kiss. Normally, I didn't have sex so soon into knowing someone. This was technically our first date. But there was something about the way we clicked with one another. I wanted him, more than words could describe. And I could tell that he wanted me too.

Slowly, his hands slipped around my back, and he unclasped my bra. He threw it off to the side and then got his hands on my breasts, kneading the skin there, making me moan lustfully. I could feel my panties dampening with each new pulse of lust that went through me, and I started fumbling at his belt. When I'd removed that and unbuttoned the front of his slacks, I slid my hands below the waistband, cupping his behind. He ground his hips down toward me again, and even through all the layers of fabric, I could feel him pressing at my folds.

I whimpered, head falling back, and Eric grinned dangerously. He leaned down to kiss and suck at my neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin and further stoking the fire inside of me. I tremb

led as Eric's kisses trailed lower until he was hovering just at the edge of my panties. He planted a soft kiss to my navel and then pulled away from me so that he could shuck off his pants.

Then, clad only in his boxers, he loomed over me again. “How far do you want to go with this?” he murmured.

“How far do you want to go with this?” I retorted. “You're the one who hasn't slept with anyone since his wife. I'd be perfectly happy to just lay here and make out for a while if that's what you want. But if you want to take things further, I'm not opposed to it.”

I bit my lower lip as he scrutinized me. I was anxious to hear what his response would be, surprisingly. But I couldn't remember the last time I had been this turned on, and by such simple touches as well! I didn't want to press things, but on the other hand, if he didn't get me off, I didn't know what I would do. It felt like my whole body was already ready to go up in flames, lust coursing through me. I was desperate to feel him between my legs, to get him naked and inside of me.

Something of that must have shown on my face because Eric nodded a little. He reached up to brush back a lock of my hair and then kissed my forehead sweetly. But then, he caught my hands in both of his, pinning them up above my head so that I was stretched out beneath him, arching desperately as he returned his attention to my neck, nipping at the skin there. He released my hands, and I buried them in his hair as his mouth moved lower, until he was lavishing his attention across my breasts.

We were progressing with glacial speed, and it was starting to undo me. I squirmed beneath him on the sheets, trying desperately to find some relief from the explosion that was building up inside of me.

“God, you're sexy,” Eric suddenly groaned, repositioning himself over me and just staring at me for another beat. Then, very deliberately, he reached into the pocket of his slacks and came out with a condom. “What do you think?” he asked.

“Yes, please,” I said breathlessly, legs falling open as though on cue.

Eric grinned and slipped his fingers into the waistband of my panties, peeling them down off my legs, leaving me there naked. Then, he slowly removed his boxers as well. Our naked bodies pressed eagerly against one another's, and I shivered at the feeling of his thick, throbbing member pressed up against me.

“So much for taking things slow,” Eric groaned.

I froze. “If you don't want to do this, we don't have to,” I whispered.

“I want this,” Eric insisted. He nipped at my earlobe and then left a trail of filthy kisses along my jawbone. “I want you open for me, heat pulsing around me. I want to watch you fall apart, overcome with desire. I want to hear you beg me for more.” His hands slid down my sides, resting on my hips and pulling me toward him, as though we could get any closer.

He dipped his fingers into my entrance, his eyes darkening when he found how wet I already was, ready and waiting for him. He plied his fingers against my walls, eliciting soft noises of pleasure streaming from my lips. The rhythm started out slow and sensual, but he quickly picked up the pace. I met him on each thrust, pushing my hips down, needing more from him.

Suddenly, I gasped and cried out, my feelings of lust crescendoing, overtaking me. Eric continued to work on my body, guiding me through wave after wave of pleasure until I was sobbing with release.

When I came down from my bliss, I realized it wasn't over yet. In fact, we were just beginning. Eric slowly rolled a condom down his length and then positioned himself at my opening. He gave me another searching look, clearly asking if this was okay, and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him up toward me.

He breached my folds, plunging deep inside of me, pressing at those secret spots that he hadn't been able to stimulate with his fingers. Again, he started me on slow thrusts, pulling nearly all the way out and then slowly sliding back in, his tip dragging at my sensitive skin and making me writhe, desperate for more. I tried to urge him on, tugging at him with my hands, looping my ankles around behind his back. But he was having none of it.

He held my hips in place, making sure I knew that he was in charge, that he would use my body as he saw fit. He was teasing me on purpose, I was sure of it. But after a period of these agonizingly slow thrusts, I could see that he was losing patience as well.

He started to lose the steady rhythm that he had set, some of his thrusts coming too quickly or else faltering midway through. He reached up and tweaked my nipples, giving me another point of contact that made me cry out shamelessly. He began to ram into me; I could feel the strength of his thrusts resonating through my whole body, starting from my core and working their way out.

Lust shot through me, following the tremors from his thrusts, sparking all the way out to my fingertips, making my toes curl. I bit my lower lip to quiet my desperate cries, but Eric was having none of that: he reached up with his thumb and pried my lip free. My cries filled the room, punctured by the staccato sound of his hips meeting mine, as we moved together in bliss.

Suddenly, I arched against him, my body stilling as I was overcome for the second time that night. Eric's thrusts moved from feeling incredibly good to incredibly overstimulating, but fortunately, he came not long after I did, spurred on by my walls clenching around his length.

He collapsed down on top of me, but I didn't mind the weight. In fact, I snuggled into his shoulder, appreciating his warmth.

Eric sighed and rolled away from me, staring up at the ceiling. Then, he glanced over at me. “That was...” He trailed off, looking as though he didn't quite know what to say.

“It was,” I agreed solemnly, causing him to laugh.

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