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The Daddy Box Set

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I remembered how he invited me to his fight last weekend—that was before any of this fake boyfriend stuff. He didn’t have to invite me, but he did.

I tried not to over analyze things. I didn’t want to be that girl. The one who reads into everything. I just wanted to relax and have a fun time with him. I wanted to enjoy the ride we were on together.

I sent him a quick text when I got home.

Hey. I’m home safe.

It took less than a minute to receive his response.

Hey, you. Thanks for letting me know. Sleep good, okay?

I smiled at his text message.

You too. XX.

I put my phone down and got ready for bed. I hoped the kisses weren’t too forward. I checked my phone, and there was no response. I figured he was probably just asleep. And it didn’t take long before I was able to fall asleep too.

Chapter Eleven


It was Friday night, my first high-pressure fight. To say I was nervous was an understatement. My whole life was riding on this fight and the next three. It was no longer just about my reputation as a fighter. This was about whether I was going to lose everything I ever loved or not. Just thinking about Markie gave me chills, and I tried to ignore them. He was a scary guy, and I wished I wouldn’t have gotten involved with him. The stress was starting to get to me.

On the other hand, I knew I had no other choice. I had been drowning in the debt for four years. I needed that money to pay off the bills. I lost it all, but I wasn’t going to lose anymore. Not with how much was on the line this time. I just had to win four fights. I could do it.

“You need to calm down and get your head in the game, Justin,” Artie said from beside me. He was looking at me, and I knew he wasn’t happy. Not after my last fight. It would take a win for him to have faith in my fighting ability again.

Shit. I was hoping that it wasn’t that noticeable. “I know. You’re right. Because if I don’t, I’m going to be screwed.”

Artie gave me a weird look. “What do you mean?”

I knew I needed to come clean with Artie. He had been there for me a lot, and I was doing a disservice to him by hiding it. I looked at him and hesitated. Telling Artie wouldn’t be easy.

“I made a new bet with Markie,” I said, avoiding Artie’s gaze. I didn’t want to deal with the judgment I knew I would find there.

“Dammit, Justin,” Artie said.

I was taken aback for a second as Artie never cussed. He was a straight-laced kind of guy that thought foul language just made people sound dumb. So, the fact that he was cussing now told me I was in some deep shit with him.

“I know, I messed up. I know. You don’t need to remind me like I’m a child,” I said. It was too late for him to be scolding me now. The deal was done, and the only thing left to do was to make sure I won my next four fights.

“What’s the bet this time?” he asked.

I was hesitant. “If I win my next four fights, then I walk away without owing him anything.”

“And if you don’t?” he sounded impatient.

“Then I owe him double,” I gave a small shrug like it was no big deal, but we both knew how huge this was.

“For fuck’s sake, Justin.” He cussed again, and I tried my hardest to ignore it. I needed to get my head in the game and stay focused. I couldn’t let him get to me. If I did, then I would lose for sure. He was saying some more things under his breath, but I ignored him. I knew he was pissed. He hated Markie, and for a good reason.

We were standing in the back as t

he first fight came to an end. I watched the crowd get rowdy for the winner. They weren’t nearly as loud as they got for me, but it could be different this time. I had let my fans down during that last fight, and it made me question whether or not I would still have any fans. My mind wandered to Anna. I couldn’t see much of the crowd from where I was, so I had no idea if she was there or not. I hoped she was.

I heard my name called by the announcer and made my way down the little hallway. People were screaming just as hard, if not harder than before. I was glad to know I still had fans after my beatdown last time. They were some true, die-hard fans. It made me feel good. It was an ego boost, one I really needed. But I just hoped that one fan was in the crowd tonight. One very important fan.

I stepped into the cage and went to my side with Artie where we talked strategy. Artie was saying something about jiu-jitsu. I knew I should be listening, but I wasn’t paying too much attention to what he was saying. I was distracted; I wanted to see if she was there. I searched the crowd closely, scanning each face.

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