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The Daddy Box Set

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“I have the best family in the world.” His words startled me, but his voice was so sweetly happy.

A smile spread across my face as his words echoed in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around Kylie and Vince, hugging them too.

The best family in the world.

Sounded pretty good to me.

Chapter Twenty-Six


The next day, we packed up after Hunter’s errands and headed over to Bailey’s for Cat’s party. We arrived at Bailey’s a little late, but late was better than never. Vince was carrying the present as we got out of the car. Hunter and I walked behind him, watching the little boy run to the other kids playing together.

“You’re late!” Bailey came to meet us, a tray of colorful cupcakes in her hands. I kissed her cheek, greeting her warmly. I went to give her the present I bought for Cat, but she refused it.

“No, you’ve got to give that to Cat. She’ll love getting something from you.” She directed us to the tables and showed us our seats. We watched as the kids got along together even though some of them were just meeting for the first time. Kids were great like that. So open and accepting.

Bailey offered her tray to us, giving us some cupcakes.

“You’ve got to try these. Pick two or three,” she persisted, and Hunter and I couldn’t deny her. Both of us took two each, taking a bite as Bailey sat down at the table with us.

“Thanks, Bailey, these cupcakes taste awesome. You’ve got talent, girl.” Hunter finished his first cupcake and was going for his second one.

Bailey smiled at him, her eyes silently scrutinizing Hunter. It was their first time meeting, and Hunter was making a good impression on my best friend from what I could tell.

“I’m happy you liked the cupcakes. You should have come earlier so Vince could have played longer with the kids in the neighborhood.” She looked pleased about Hunter. He smiled modestly at her, staring back at me as if he were apologizing.

“It’s my fault. I asked for them to wait for me so we could all come together. I had to attend to some personal matters and got delayed on the way here. Sorry for that.”

Bailey nodded. “Oh, I see. Come on, let’s eat. The buffet table’s waiting for you!”

She stood up and went to the table. I looked at Hunter and smiled before we followed Bailey’s lead. The table was filled with delicious food courses for both adults and kids. There were plenty of pasta dishes and chicken on the menu, as well as hotdogs and sweets. I took a little bit of everything, even the kiddie treats. Every dish laid out on the table looked sumptuous.

As I returned to my seat, Hunter was already eating, looking like he was at home. I sat back down beside him, joining in the fun of trying everything with small, tentative bites. Hunter watched Vince out of the corner of his eye, watching his son and making sure he was doing okay.

“He said he’s not hungry.” Hunter looked at me, seeking my opinion on what to do. I smiled at him to somehow ease his worries, telling him that I’ve got his back.

“After I finish my plate, I’ll call Vince and have him eat just a little.” He seemed relieved and returned to his meal. I continued eating as well, grateful for Bailey’s party. We needed some fun together as a family.

Bailey returned to our table with Cat. She was holding her little daughter’s hand as she approached us. The cute and cuddly girl wore a Snow White costume, resembling her favorite Disney princess. She kissed my cheek and laughed with a joyful glee.

“Happy birthday, little Sn

ow White.” I gave her the present I bought yesterday. She kissed my cheek as a sign of her gratitude.

“Thank you.” Her sweet little voice was too adorable to neglect. I squeaked in response, staring at Bailey to express my amusement at her little daughter. She raised her brow before smiling.

“I told you, Kylie. This kid’s going to be a superstar someday.” Cat stared at her mother and pulled the hem of her skirt. Bailey leaned down, and Cat cupped her little hands around her ear, whispering something. My best friend’s face lit up, and she laughed.

Vince came running toward us, trickles of sweat on his forehead about the time I started to ask what Cat said.

“I’m going back outside. Just wanted to check in,” Vince said, breathlessly.

“Hey, you’ve got to eat first.” I took out a towel from his bag and wiped his forehead and back. His big grin was clear evidence that he was having a blast at the party. He nodded and followed me as I took a plate for him and asked which of the dishes on the buffet table he wanted to eat.

When we returned to our table, Bailey was on the low platform speaking into the microphone. She was thanking everyone that came today, especially the kids who played along with little Cat.

“Now, I present to you Cat’s special guest, Mr. Dave, the Magician!” She left the platform, and it was taken over by a jovial man in a glittery magenta tuxedo and a golden cane. He entertained the kids as he showed them some magic tricks.

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