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Rock Star Billionaire

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"Gotcha," Riley said as she took the money and went to retrieve our dinner.

I read the flyer again. I thought about how Molly would know what to do with Mama. Molly would have handled this with her usual flair and forthrightness, and she would have made it look easy. Maybe that was the problem: we all thought everything Molly did looked so easy. Maybe things had been a lot harder for her than we thought, and now we were getting a peek into what drove her away.

By the time Riley brought the pizza back into the kitchen, I'd set the table and had made a decision to call Patrick after we ate.


After dinner was over and the dishes were done, I took my phone out of my purse and went into the living room to call my brother. It had been almost two years since we'd last spoken. As the phone rang, I thought about what I would say to him and how he might respond.

"Queen of Peace Parish," a voice answered the phone. "How may I direct your call?"

"Father Patrick Walsh, please," I said. There was a click and the phone began ringing again.

"Father Patrick Walsh," my brother said into the receiver. "How may I be of assistance?"

"Patrick?" I said quietly. "It's Leah. Please don't hang up."

"Leah," he said, and I could hear the suspicion hanging in the air between us. "What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you, Patrick," I pleaded before I rushed headlong into what I wanted to say. "It's Mama, she's not doing well, and I need help figuring out what to do with her. I know you don't want to have anything to do with us, but we need you, Patrick. I need you. I need your help. Please don't hang up on me."

I began crying as the weight of everything that had happened came crashing down on me. I needed my brother more now than ever before, but I wasn't sure he'd be willing to help. So much time had passed since Molly disappeared, and none of us had listened to him while we'd still had the chance.

"Don't cry, Leah," he said softly. There was a long pause before he spoke again, "Let's meet at the parish and talk about what's going on. When are you free?"

"I have to work, but I could come by when I'm done," I said. "I'm usually back in the neighborhood by six so I can pick Riley up, and she's usually in bed by nine. Can I come see you in the evening?"

"How is she doing?" he asked. I could hear the softening of his voice as he asked about his niece. "Is she well?"

"She's good," I said. "Growing like a weed and getting to be more like Molly every ... I need help, Patrick."

"I know," he said, and my fears began to abate. "Come to me this week, and we'll talk."

"Okay," I said as I sniffled and choked back everything else I wanted to say. "I'll call you when I'm on my way over."

"I'll be glad to see you, Leah," he said before the line went dead.

I sat staring at the phone for a long time, hoping that I hadn't hallucinated the call, and hoping that Patrick would, indeed, help me make choices that would be best for Mama, Riley, and for me. Given our history, I wasn't counting on anything.

Not just yet.



When I came down for breakfast the next morning, Lincoln and my mother were sitting at the table with my father's attorney, Gordon Brasher.

"Jackson, it's good to see you, son," he said in deep booming voice as he flashed a smile as fake as the Rolex on his wrist.

"It's Jack," I said as I sat down and waited. A plate of eggs, toast, and bacon was soon placed in front of me, and I began eating without saying another word.

"Ah, right. Jack it is, then," the lawyer said with a forced laugh. "We were just discussing the stipulations of your father's will, Jack."

"And this involves me how?" I asked with a mouth full of eggs. I was angry and resentful that I was being included in this ridiculous conversation.

"Haven't you told him?" Brasher asked, looking back and forth between my mother and my brother. "I thought he knew."

"No, we didn't say a word," Lincoln said coldly. "We thought this matter was better left to the professional."

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