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Rock Star Billionaire

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“Not at all. I’m just blabbing on nonsensically.” He shook his head sarcastically. “Seriously Aria, yes or no? Will you marry me?”

“You know I once took an advanced level college economics test while I was still a sophomore in high-school. I have never in my life encountered anything as difficult as that test had been that afternoon. One particular question got me so stumped; I threw up and ran out of the exam hall.”

“What does that have to do with anything we are discussing?” Zayden asked impatiently.

“I thought that would be the hardest question I had ever been expected to answer in my whole life,” I said. I added softly, “Until now.”

Zayden’s face changed colors so fast, I felt that I must have been imagining it for a little bit. I had never seen him so red and wasn’t sure it particularly worked towards adding charms to his handsome features. If someone had told me Zayden Sinclair was capable of blushing to begin with, I would have laughed in their faces. But watching his perfect olive skin get patched with deep red, while his eyes focused firmly on the bathroom floor, made me feel thoroughly uncomfortable.

Was he nervous?


What had I said or done wrong?

Zayden was demonstrating a sign of weakness like he never had before and I knew right that moment that I never wanted to see him that way again. Weakness did not suit this incredible man. He was better than that.

When he spoke next, his voice was shaky, to my surprise. “I get it. It’s okay.” He wasn’t looking at me still, but I finally understood. He thought I didn’t want to marry him. Ever.

“I haven’t said no,” I offered sweetly. “It’s just…it all seems so ridiculously sudden. You’ve never even told me you love me.”

“Well isn’t it obvious that I do?” He finally looked at me, straight in the eyes, and the bright blue in them were so piercing, I could just about starting crying any moment.

“I d

on’t know, Zayden. How can I assume you love me without you saying it? I guessed that you must, don’t get me wrong. The things you do for me. You really do go out of your way and I have always appreciated that. I’ve kind of known that this relationship means more to you than you outwardly attempt. But you have to under—”

“I love you, god damnit!” he exclaimed with a slight frustration. “There. I have said the words. I am guessing it makes a whole lot of difference. So now will you marry me?”

“No,” I said carefully, as his eyes widened to the size of walnuts. “Not yet, I mean. I want to…eventually. Oh god, I want to. Because I love you too.”

I walked towards him subtly and started ruffling his hair. He looked confused, as I had expected he would.

“What are you trying to say, Aria?” He sighed.

“You are still married,” I said, pulling him into a hug. “Don’t forget that.”

“Are we really on that again?” he snapped. “You know that I ended things with Gina and all the crap I pulled to that end.”

“No, I know she is out of your life. But she’s still your wife in theory. I can’t say yes until your divorce is finalized. I hope you understand that.”

“Well we can’t get legally married until my divorce is finalized anyway. But I don’t see how that stops you from saying yes now.”

He pulled me off of him and frowned.

“It’s a matter of principle.” I shrugged. “I am not getting engaged to a married man.”

“Of course,” he said, shaking his head. “You and your great big principles. It should not be that much longer for the divorce to finalize. If I nudged my lawyer it should only be a couple more days. I’ll show you the papers as evidence if you need, which wouldn’t surprise me,”

Offended, I opened my mouth to say something in return, but noticed the glint of humor in his eyes and started laughing. “Just let me know when it’s taken care of.”

“As long as you will say yes when it’s taken care of.”

“Depends.” I shrugged again.

“Seriously, Aria?” He looked up as though expecting some answer. “Depends on what?”

“On whether you propose half naked on a dirty bathroom floor or you do it properly with a ring and some romance.”

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