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Rock Star Billionaire

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“Right, well, I’m sure we’ll do plenty of that, too,” she giggled, clearly a little buzzed from the pre-game cocktails she had already polished off. I, on the other hand, had barely taken a few sips of one. Grace was definitely the party girl out of the pair of us.

“You ready?” I asked. She nodded and stood up, twirling to show me her own skimpy, sleeveless dress. I quickly gave her an approving thumbs up and a grin. Grace did the same for me as I posed in a joking manner before I grabbed my purse.

“Which club are we going to?” I asked as we headed down the hallway toward the elevator.

“Le Venin Lounge,” she replied with a smile. I wanted to sigh, but instead, I simply returned the facial expression back at her. I really should have known that would be her choice. It was her favorite club to go to whenever we came down to San Diego, and like the other aspects of her so-called spontaneity I've mentioned, it was also becoming a little predictable. Really, I hadn't even needed to ask.

Le Venin was French for “The Venom” and the interior of the club — from the entry to the bathrooms — was done up in plush red and black. In a way, it kind of reminded me of what I imagined an upscale vampire club would look like, if such things actually existed. I was pretty sure that that must have been the vibe the designers were going for when they planned the place.

Truth be told, despite all the complaining I did about it in my head, I was actually fairly fond of the club, as well. We always ended up getting our drinks covered by the guys there without too much effort on our part, so there was always that to look forward to.

Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the club, and I followed Grace straight to the bar when we walked in. Sure enough, a couple of guys nodded in our direction, and a few minutes later, free drinks were placed in front of us. It had to be a record on our part. I leaned over close to Grace’s ear and said, “I told you this dress always works.”

We smiled as we took our drinks and offered an appreciative nod to the guys, with Grace throwing in a playful wink just for the fun of it.

“The one on the left is pretty cute,” she all but shouted to me over the music as she took a sip of her cocktail. I nodded in response.

I had to admit that neither of the guys were bad looking, but I was really just interested in dancing and having some fun tonight. Not that I couldn’t do that while dancing with a guy who didn’t mind buying me a drink or two. Of course, I didn't want to lead anyone on or get their hopes up for something that just wasn't going to happen. Still, I'd have to at least have a chat with them, even if that's all they got out of me. Not that I had a choice since Grace was already motioning for them to join us.

Both guys came over at Grace’s encouraging smile, and the one she’d been eyeballing started chatting her up immediately. The other guy seemed a bit shy, so I motioned to the dance floor and held my hand out for him. He took it and followed me out to an empty spot among the crowd. The club was thumping with a heavy beat, and I let him dance up on me, grinding and gyrating my backside against him as I took a drink.

“You’re beautiful. You live around here?” he shouted.

Ugh, he was actually trying to make conversation. Well, I couldn’t be mean, even if I wasn’t interested; he had paid for my drink, after all, and was being nice enough so far.

“Thank you. And no, I’m from L.A. We're just down here for the night,” I responded.

He slipped his hands onto my waist and brushed his face against my shoulder, so he could speak closer to my ear and not have to shout so much, I suspected. “Oh? Just for the night? That’s too bad.”

“Yep, just needed some time away and a girls’ night out.” I took another sip, not really wanting to continue chatting. He seemed to take the hint and turned me around, rolling his hips against me and smiling. I had to admit, he was quite handsome with his light eyes and perfectly styled head of dark, wavy hair.

“That’s cool. My name’s Devin,” he said with a wink.

“Nalia. Nice to meet you, Devin,” I smiled at him and took another sip. “Thanks again for the drink.”

“It’s no problem, no problem at all! There's plenty where that came from. Let me know if you want another.”

Oh yeah, he was hoping to get laid all right, and it certainly already looked like his friend would with Grace. For a brief moment I did actually consider it, but one-night stands had never been my thing and besides, I had too many other things on my mind. Plus, this guy seemed more sweet than smooth, unlike his friend who was already making out with Grace in a booth. I’d hate to mess around with him and give him hope when I had no interest in relationships at the moment. That would have been cruel and selfish on my part.

“I think your friend seems to be getting along pretty well with mine,” he laughed, nodding toward the booth where the two were sucking face.

I grinned. “Yeah, I think that’s a safe assumption to make.”

“Need a refill?” He motioned to my empty glass, and I nodded, thanking him and following him back to the bar. Grace eyed me over the guy’s shoulder and gave me a thumbs up as the guy she was making out with nibbled at her neck. I couldn’t help but laugh at my wild friend.

Devin and I both got another drink and sat at the bar for a bit making idle chit chat. I think he was picking up on the fact that he probably wasn’t going to score tonight with me, but he didn’t seem to mind and was still interested in hanging out. I found it a little refreshing that he didn’t assume buying me drinks meant I owed him something. So, after a bit more chit chat, I ended up playing his wing man when I spotted another girl eyeing him from across the bar.

“I think she’s checking you out.”

“Huh?” On instinct, he looked around, then looked embarrassed as he had been talking to me. I motioned toward the girl subtly, however, and he looked. “But I’m talking to you.”

“Yes, and you’re a really sweet guy, but I don’t live here and I'll probably never see you again. She might, though. And trust me on this, I’m fairly certain that chick is digging on you and that you should ask her to dance. In fact, if you don't, you might be wasting a really great opportunity.”

A confused expression came over his face, like he was unsure of what to think of my help. “You think I should go talk to her?”

I nodded, giving him an encouraging smile.


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