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Billionaires Runaway Bride

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“Here, in case you want it. You hungry?” I asked her holding out the robe.

She looked up at me, a dreamy, content look on her gorgeous face. "A little bit, yeah. I think I might have worked up a bit of an appetite.” She stretched out, taking the robe from my hand. I watched her with a smile as she wriggled into it. God, she was beautiful, and she was one hell of a lover. The thought of her moans made me shiver, even moments after I had just heard them.

She stood up next to me, wrapping the robe around her, her hair falling in messy waves over her shoulders. I had to fight the urge to grab her, kiss her again, and pull her back down to the couch with me. Instead, I picked up my jeans and slid them on before I motioned for her to follow me into the kitchen. We padded down the hallway on bare feet. I was looking forward to a bite to eat, but part of me just wanted to turn around, pick her up, and take her back to the bedroom for round two. Of course, round two was going to require energy, and that meant food for fuel.

Once in the kitchen, I pulled open the refrigerator doors.

“How about ice cream?” I asked, looking at the cartons in the freezer. “I’ve got rocky road and chocolate fudge brownie,” I told her, looking back at her as she settled herself on a stool at the island.

“Mmmm. Chocolate fudge brownie,” she answered with that content, dreamy look still on her face. I pulled the carton out, as well as a couple of bowls and scooped out two scoops for each of us, then slid one bowl across to her with a spoon.

“So when you aren’t working and doing an amazing job, or playing the piano, what else do you like doing?” I asked her, curious to find out more about the wonderful enigma that was Nalia. I took a bite of my ice cream, savoring its cold sweetness spreading across my tongue as I waited for her response.

She scrunched her brow thoughtfully as she took a small spoonful of ice cream, licking it off the spoon in a way that made my mind go to naughty places all over again, then she shrugged.

“I like going to the beach. Going surfing with Grace,” she offered. “I really do feel a sense of relaxation and peace when I'm by the water. I always have, ever since I the first time I visited the ocean.”

No wonder she had such a beautiful tan. She must spend all her free time at the beach, I thought, looking down at her tanned cleavage. The thought of her in a bikini, tanning in the sun did something to me.

“I like going dancing and running, too,” she added. “Grace and I had a great time dancing a few weeks ago at this club in San Diego, actually.”

“Oh yeah? I go up to San Diego to see an old friend every now and then. We sometimes hit the clubs, even though I'm not much into it these days. Which one was it?”

“Oh, I dunno if you've heard of it. Le Venin?”

I chuckled. “Yeah, I know that place. It's the one that’s decorated like what I imagine a vampire bar would look like.”

She laughed. “No way, that's what you think about it? Seriously?”

I shrugged. “I don't know what it is about the place. Maybe it’s all the red and black velvet. It just always gave me that kind of Dracula vibe.”

“You know, I thought exactly the same thing the first time Grace took me there. Grace said I was crazy. I never thought I'd hear anyone else say that about Le Venin!”

We both laughed. It was cool to talk to someone who seemed to see things in a similar way. And between the surfing, running, and dancing, I wasn’t surprised she had the amazing and sensual body she did. She took great care of herself; that had been obvious even before I managed to get her clothes off.

I took another bite of ice cream, pondering over what else I wanted to ask her. For the first time in longer than I could remember, I wanted to know everything about a woman. I wanted to know what made Nalia tick. It wasn’t just because she was sexy as hell; it was because she was interesting, beautiful, and funny.

One thing was for sure: she had my attention. And I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be on anyone else for as long as she was around. As much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself, the only woman in my head was the one in front of me.

“So what was your childhood like growing up? Were your parents very encouraging about your music?” I asked.

She froze, an odd, unreadable expression grew over her face, then she shrugged.

“I have an older brother, Jackson. He was always very supportive of my playing. Between him and Grace, I’ve got a lot of support,” she smiled, a bit hesitantly.

I smiled. “Is he super protective of you like I am with Talon?”

“Oh no. He’s wayyyyyy worse,” Nalia laughed, then pointed her spoon at me. “And he hates Bleeding Heart. Not the music, but the band itself. When I told him about the job, he told me I couldn’t take it. To put it bluntly, he pretty much said you guys were a bunch of douchebags.”

I laughed. “Wow, well, I’m glad you didn’t listen to him. Maybe I’ll send him front row tickets to all our shows. Ya know, bribery. Maybe that will get him to like us, see that we're down to earth guys, that we don't have shitty attitudes and rock star egos.”

Nalia narrowed her eyes, grinning. “That’s not the reason he hates you guys. It’s more regarding your reputation with women. He was worried about... Well, you know, with your reputation, about me getting hurt.”

I raised an eyebrow. It was true, I’d had some flings here and there over the years, but if anyone was known for getting around, it was my younger brother. He had a tremendous talent for sleeping with girls then pissing them off. Although, I guessed that with the internet and gossip mags and tabloids, there were probably all sorts of false stories about me floating around. The paparazzi would say anything to sell their stupid magazines.

“My reputation? Me, personally? I didn’t know I had one,” I laughed.

“Oh, according to Jackson, all of you definitely do,” Nalia nodded, taking another spoonful of ice cream. “And, as far as my brother is concerned, you’re nothing but a womanizer who might break my heart. He’s just worried I’m going to end up falling for you and then getting hurt,” she added, her eyes meeting mine.

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