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Firefighter's Virgin

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“I’m sorry, but I’m not quite following. And why am I supposed to forgive him?”

“Because he didn’t mean it.”

“He didn’t mean it. And he told you this?”

“No, of course not. But it’s almost June twenty-fourth, and that’s the day anniversary of your mother’s death, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I said slowly, still not following.

“And I’m sure Pete feels immense guilt because of it. The cause of the fire was a cigarette, wasn’t it?”

“Yes,” I said.

“So you should forgive him. If you can find it in yourself to do so. It would give him some closure. Can you imagine having all this guilt within you, but not having an outlet for it? A way to express it? You could really help him come to terms with this.”

I nodded, feeling my shoulders relax a bit. Wendy had no clue about my childhood, that wasn’t what she was talking about at all. What she was talking about was the fact that after his first stroke, Pete was still able to smoke cigarettes, which he did, in his recliner, where he fell asleep with one still lit. The ashtray had tipped over or something, and the stack of newspapers, then the blinds, had caught on fire. The first stroke had been a minor one, so Pete had been able to get himself out, though just barely. My mother, who had fallen asleep upstairs, had not been so lucky. The living room had been right by the front door; had the layout of the house not been so, it was highly probable that Pete would not have made it out either.

Wendy must have taken my nod as a sign that I would do as she suggested; when we reached Pete’s door, she gave my arm a squeeze and said she hoped she’d see me on the way out.

“Sure thing,” I said.

Pete’s door was ajar. I knocked lightly, waited a moment, and then went in. He’d never given me the courtesy of a door knock when I’d been younger, but I wasn’t doing it out of courtesy now. Rather, I liked to think that he knew exactly who it was when I knocked—two medium, followed by two short, sort of like the start of “The Imperial March” (aka Darth Vader’s theme song)—and then pause for a few seconds, thereby allowing a beat or two of dread to form as a precursor of my entrance.

I stepped into the room. It was medium-sized, with a twin bed, hospital style, with side rails and the ability to adjust. It was made, the tan cotton blanket tucked in tight at the corners, the pillow fluffed. There was a side table, and then two chairs for visitors to sit in. There was also a dresser with a small flat-screen TV, a few paperback books that I don’t think anyone had ever read, and a couple folded newspapers. I caught sight of myself in the full-length mirror that hung next to the dresser, and what I saw, of course, pleased me. It was a mild day out, and I was wearing a black T-shirt, fitted just enough that you could tell I was in really good fucking shape. The sleeves hugged my biceps. My jeans sat low on my hips, and were I to lift my arms high enough above my head, the bottom of my shirt would ride up just enough to give a glimpse of a very enviable V cut. My hair, which I’d kept buzzed short when I’d been in the service, had grown out maybe an inch and a half, and was slightly wavy, thus giving me a tousled bedroom look without any effort exerted on my part. I report all this not because I’m full of myself or because I even give a shit about how I look, but because my physical experienced screamed vitality and good health, and that was exactly what I wanted Pete to see.

His back was to me, because he was positioned facing the window.

“Hey there, Pete,” I said. I turned the wheelchair slightly. I could see the car out in the parking lot. “Hi, Pete,” I said again, looking straight into his face.

His mouth hung open on one side, drool periodically dribbling its way down his chin. He needed a shave. If I asked, I’m sure the nurses would have set me up with a razor and some shaving cream, but I wasn’t going to ask because I didn’t want to do Pete that kindness. I didn’t want to do him any kindness, actually, and me coming here only made him miserable. The nurses saw what they wanted; they were always exclaiming how Pete’s spirits seemed lifted for days after we had a visit, and that it was doing him a world of good that I hadn’t just forgotten about him there, the way so many other people would have.

The truth was, Pete fucking hated me, all the more now because I was healthy, able-bodied, and I was driving his car. He just had no way to express this, other than a wild shifting of his eyes that always happened whenever I first appeared in the doorway.

“I’ve had quite the day,” I said. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. If Wendy were to stick her head in the room right now, she’d smile because on the surface, this was the sort of picture you could put on the landing page of Eagle Hollow’s website. But really, I felt repulsed. I left my hand there for as long as I could stomach. Pete’s muscles had atrophied; he was little more than bones and soft flesh. Hard to believe that this was the same person that had kicked the shit out of me so many times. Hard to believe that it wouldn’t require much more effort than what I’d exert to wipe my ass to break Pete in half now. Just be done with it. But this was more fun, actually. Why end his suffering when I could prolong it, and make it even worse? I looked out the window, down at the car. “She’s lookin good, isn’t she? Still driving like a dream. There’s really nothing better than stepping on that accelerator and feeling the way the engine just comes to life.”

He made a gurgling sound.

“We hired a new girl at work,” I continued. I pulled over one of the chairs and sat so we were facing each other, our knees almost touching. “Annie left. Remember Annie? I told you all about her. I tried to be very specific with the details because I wanted you to know that everything you used to tell me was wrong. You remember all that shit you used to tell me? How I was a pussy, a fag, how no girl would ever look twice at me? You remember that?”

I kept my tone light as I spoke. Pete’s eyes swiveled in their sockets. “Anyway,” I said. “Wendy mentioned that you seemed kind of agitated lately. You’re probably agitated because you knew it was Wednesday and that I’d be paying you a visit, right? You probably get this feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach on Tuesday night. Maybe even earlier. Maybe it starts when you wake up Tuesday morning, and you know that the next day is Wednesday and there isn’t shit you can do about the fact that I’m going to be dropping in on you. You probably just assumed that after Mom died, you’d never have to see me again. Well, guess what, Pete? You were wrong. If you had left

me the fuck alone when I was a kid, then maybe we could’ve parted ways after Mom died, or, maybe I’d come visit you like I am now, except it’d actually be because I wanted to see you, not because I hated your fucking guts. And nothing makes me happier than getting to drive up in that car of yours and knowing that you’re right here at the window, having to see the whole damn thing.”

He made a coughing sound, like something was stuck in his throat. I sat back and let the words sink in, let my very presence be an irritant that he couldn’t get rid of. What Pete had failed to realize, all those years ago when I was just a kid, was that the balance of power could shift. He had just assumed he’d always have the upper hand; he’d always be bigger, stronger. But the balance of power had indeed shifted, and I had no intention of ever letting it tilt back the other way.

Chapter Six


Every couple of months, my mother and I would get together for coffee. We used to try to go out to a restaurant and get a meal, but we were seldom able to spend that much time together without getting into some sort of argument. Getting coffee could take as long—or as short—as you wanted, and that seemed to work out far better for the two of us.

It was a little sad, though. We both lived here in the same city—shouldn’t we be able to get together more than every few months? There were girls I’d gone to college with who were best friends with their moms. They hung out all the time, they confided in their mothers, they went shopping together or out to the movies. I wanted something similar but wasn’t sure how to go about getting it. Also, I wasn’t sure if my mother would be on board with that.

She was a formidable woman, my mother. She had a way of walking into a room that people would notice, though she wasn’t doing it for attention. She was tall, which might have had something to do with it, but it was mostly because she was incredibly self-assured. And people like that exude that sort of confidence, and it’s something that those who lack it will notice. Ian was the same way.

When I showed up to the café, my mother waved me over to the corner table she was sitting at. I ordered a mocha and then made my way over and sat down.

“Hi, Mom,” I said. “Sorry I’m late. I got held up at work.”

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