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Firefighter's Virgin

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“If you were in here with me,” Phil said.

I smiled, but I felt a sudden surge of self-consciousness engulf me. I wanted him badly, but I wasn’t as confident in my skin as I would have liked to be. The first and only time we had had sex had been sudden and unexpected. It had happened before my mind had had time to process anything, so there was no time to psyche myself out.

“What’s wrong?” Phil asked, sensing my hesitation.

“Nothing,” I said quickly.

“Come on, Megan,” he said gently. “You can tell me.”

I smiled self-consciously. “It’s just that… I guess I’m feeling a little shy.”

“Shy?” he said in surprise.



“Yes.” I nodded. “Why is that surprising?”

“Because you’re perfect,” he said simply. “And that should give you all the confidence you need.”

“I’m hardly perfect,” I sai

d, blushing slightly.

“I’m willing to argue you on that.”

“Please don’t,” I said quickly.

“Come on,” he urged, taking my hand. “Join me.”

Taking a deep, internal breath, I stood up as Phil leaned back in the bathtub and watched me closely. I pulled off my jeans and the t-shirt I was wearing. I felt slightly nervous, but he was looking at me like I was the most beautiful thing in the world and it gave me the boost of confidence I needed. That was the only reason I was able to pull off my bra and panties.

“See?” Phil said the moment I was completely naked. “Perfect.”

Smiling, I stepped into the tub and sunk down to meet him. He placed his hands on my hips and guiding me to him so that I was straddling him. The moment I reached his lap, I realized he was hard as a rock. That knowledge sent a thrill of desire shooting through my body, and I reached down and wrapped my hand around his erection.

Gently, I teased my hand up and down his cock, taking pleasure in the way his eyes rolled back, and his mouth opened just a little. I leaned in and kissed him hard until we were locked in a passionate embrace that had us sloshing water out of the bathtub and onto the tiled floor underneath.

With the utmost ease, Phil lifted me slightly and then pushed me down on top of him so that his cock slipped inside me. I gasped a little, but I was thrilled to discover that there was no pain this time. There was just the intoxicating feeling of being complete.

He kept his hands on my hips, and with his help, I found my rhythm. I rode him back and forth and then up and down, slamming into his cock so hard that a huge amount of water was being displaced.

Phil didn’t seem to care, and neither did I. I was just intent on enjoying this unbelievably intense experience. He pulled me towards him and with his face pressed up against my breasts, we came together, moaning and gasping and writhing around the compact space with pleasure.

Eventually, Phil leaned back against the tub and smiled. His face was glistening with little drops of water, and I reached out and wiped them away with my hands.

“Do you feel better now?” I asked, only half teasing.

“I feel worlds better,” he replied. “Apparently, that’s what I’ve been missing all these years—you.”

I cupped his face with my hand tenderly. Then I leaned in and kissed him slowly. His tongue traced my bottom lip and made me shudder.

“Let’s get dry,” I said, pulling away.

Reluctantly, Phil followed me out of the bathtub. We had to be careful not to slip on the drenched bathroom floor. We dried each other off and then got dressed. Instead of putting on my own clothes, Phil gave me one of his sweatshirts. It was only slightly too big for me, but it was warm and cozy, and it smelled like him.

Phil put on his boxers, and then we walked into the living room again. I glanced towards the clock. “Maybe you should get some sleep,” I said. “It’s late, and you have work tomorrow.”

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