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Firefighter's Virgin

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Max had got me the job. I used to work construction when I was in high school and he had a client with a construction firm starting a new project in the city. It was perfect for me, and I took it as another sign that I was making the right move.

Ryan had only rolled his eyes at me when he heard I’d gone through with leaving the church. I think he was just worried about me, but now, two years later, even he has to admit that I did the right thing.

“When are you gonna have some, Jace?”

“I think we’re going to wait for a bit. We just got married a month ago, you know.”

“Yeah, we were there,” Craig said. “That little wife of yours is…”

“Don’t say it,” I told him with a warning look.

“What?” he said, trying to look innocent. “I was just going to say she’s a nice gal.”

“Yeah, right.” He laughed his lecherous laugh. I wasn’t really offended. Craig talked about his wife all the time. He was crazy about her. He just liked to give me a hard time.

After lunch, we went back to work for another four hours. I was operating the crane today. The building was an old church, and we were refurbishing it.

None of the guys here know about my past as a priest, but the first day we were on the job, Craig caught me staring up at the cross at the top of the old brick building. There must have been reverence in my eyes because after that he called me Father Jace. I had to laugh at that.

When the day was over, I gathered my things, climbed in my pick-up and went home…to the woman and the life I loved.

Chapter Forty-Nine


“I think I like this one the best,” Carla said, holding up one of my and Jace’s wedding photos. I took it from her hand and looked at it. It was one with her in the background, makin

g a face. I laughed and tossed it back at her.

“I’m looking for one to have framed and hung over my new mantle.”

“I know, I think that one is perfect,” she said with a wink.

“I think we’ll keep looking,” I told her with a smile.

I looked around my and Jace’s new house and sighed contentedly. I love him so much. I love our house. I love our life.

We got married down at Columbus Park under the lit arbor just as the sun was going down. The photos all have the harbor and the glorious sunset in the background. It’s like the day was designed just for us. I knew that’s an entirely narcissistic view, but on this point, I didn’t care.

I was brought back to the present by my oh-so-direct friend. “So, when are you going to start popping out kids?”

I laughed. “We’ve only been married for a month. Slow down there, skippy.”

“Yeah, but you’ve been doing the nasty for two years. Come on, you’re behind. I’ll be a fabulous auntie.”

“I’m sure you will be, as long as you don’t say things like ‘doing the nasty’ in front of my child.”

She was crazy, but I loved her. She went on to say, “Maybe you two aren’t doing it right. Is Jace ramming that hard…”

“Carla!” I stopped her there. I love her, but I didn’t want to discuss my husband’s hard anything with her. My face was bright red, I could feel it.

She laughed. “You still blush like a school girl every time I mention sex. You need to read some trashy novels, get some ideas. You two are probably still doing it missionary, aren’t you?”

With a giggle, I said, “Trust me, we have plenty of our own ideas.”

“Oh, really? Tell me more. Have you done it all over the new house yet? Does Jace like doing it doggy style?”

“Carla! Stop,” I was laughing. Jace and I had no problems in the bedroom. As a matter of fact, it was quite the opposite. Some days we did it like rabbits all over the house and, yes, in different positions.

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